Valorant Agent Guide: Breach

What makes Viper’s poison? What tricks can Omen use? And what is the most effective way to play the new Reyna? Our reveals it. We give an overview of the individual agent abilities and how to best use them. All in easy-to-digest guides, one character at a time. Today we introduce you to the man who knows no secrecy: Breach

Valorant’s closed beta ran for a few months, and Breach has been out just as long. He’s not a newcomer to the game like Reyna, so many players are already quite familiar with his abilities. Whether you want to main him or just get a better understanding of his playstyle, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start by going over his abilities.

Breach’s Skills : Aftershock

Aftershock (Standard C) is the first ability of Breach. You can fire it at a wall and everyone on the other side will take a lot of damage or possibly even die. It can easily be combined with a teammate like Cypher or Sova. This way you can gain information for you and your team on one hand, or take out one or more enemies on the other.

Breach’s Skills Guide: Flashpoint

Flashpoint (standard Q) is a blinding charge that also passes through walls. It is Breach’s only ability where you can fire two charges in a row. This makes it easy to enter one of the spots or clear a path for a teammate.

Breach’s Ability Guide: Fault Line

Fault Line (Standard E) is his signature ability. It has a cooldown of 35 seconds, so you can basically use it at least a couple of times per game. What we’re saying is – don’t pick it up, just use it every turn.

Breach’s Ability Guide: Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder (Standard X) is Breach’s ultimate. It has a huge range and can easily be used to take a spot. The range and width of the ability make it possible to stun and overwhelm anyone camping behind a crate.

Breach Guide

The breach is an initiator, but not a lone wolf. Communication with your team is crucial. Essentially, you’ll have three stun grenades, as using Aftershock will often cause enemies to move away from their position. Add to that your signature abilities and ultimate ability, and you have an insane amount of crowd control. With Breach, just make sure you always have a teammate with you. With Breach, it’s still possible to go into the cue alone, but your chances of finding the right teammate are lower. Therefore, we recommend you to go to the cue with some friends.

Learn the different maps and where exactly you can use your abilities. Each of your abilities can go through walls, so it’s beneficial if you know some of the camper locations you can shoot at. This will often catch enemies off guard and limit their ability to react. Breach is usually more useful on the attacker side, but it can be played just as well on the defender side. It’s crucial to prevent enemies from advancing to one of the spike spots, and Breach has all the tools to achieve this.

for Breach

  • You don’t have to be right up against the wall to use Aftershock, the ability can travel quite a distance.
  • Aftershock is a rather slow ability and usually takes about 2 seconds to work. Keep that in mind and don’t move forward too quickly right after using it.
  • Aftershock can hit an enemy at close range, which can be a nice surprise from time to time.
  • Flashpoint is probably the strongest flash in the game. It has the same range as Aftershock but activates much faster.
  • Fault Line has a long range, but sometimes it can be difficult to tell exactly how far it goes. To make it easier, just look at the minimap.
  • The same goes for Rolling Thunder: whenever you want to use the Ultimate, take another close look at the minimap beforehand so you can position it correctly.
  • Movement speed is significantly reduced while charging Fault Line, so make sure you don’t position yourself too openly while doing so.
  • Fault Line won’t affect you, but it will affect your teammates, so use it with caution.

We hope that our short guide will be useful for those who are new to Valorant.


Agents are the playable characters in Valorant. Each agent belongs to one of four possible classes and has four abilities. In addition, almost every agent represents a country.

There are nineteen agents in total, although in the earliest versions of the game there were only eight. The rest were added gradually.

There are four different classes: Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel.

Agents have one Signature Ability which they get free of charge each round.

The riot was meaning to send off the game with 12 agents, however, just 8 were accessible in the early press constructs. On March 29, 2020, a confidential occasion presented Breach. Since the Closed Beta send-off on April 7, 2020, Raze was added alongside the guide Split, bringing the Agent complete to 10. Five agents are accessible at the first send-off, with two more that can be effortlessly opened by stepping up in the game. More agents can be opened by taking Contracts and assembling XP on them.

Agents have base well-being of 100; Light Shields the most extreme well-being to 125 and Heavy Shields to 150.

It is the goal of the designers that another specialist be delivered around once per act. New agents require 12-15 months to create, and their plan is engaged around focuses, for example, what’s absent from the game’s current playstyles, are there any imminent thematics that present large open doors, and what’s required for better game wellbeing.


Every specialist satisfies one of four jobs, characterized by their capacities and playstyle:

  • Controller agents are specialists in cutting up perilous domains to get their group in a good position.
  • Duelist agents are independent fraggers who their group anticipates, through capacities and abilities, to get high frags and search out commitment first.
  • Initiator agents challenge points by setting up their group to enter the challenging ground and push safeguards away.
  • Sentinel agents are protective specialists who can secure regions and watch flanks, both on assailant and protector adjusts.

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