VALORANT – Addressing Extremely Unbalanced Matches and Seasonal Rewards

In the competitive world of , matchmaking is a crucial component to ensure fair and balanced gameplay. However, recent reports from the community suggest that the matchmaking algorithm in VALORANT can sometimes create extremely unbalanced matches, leaving players frustrated and disheartened. Let’s dive deeper into this issue and explore the potential reasons behind it.

VALORANT, ’ popular first-person shooter, has gained a massive following since its release. With its competitive mode, players strive to climb the ladder and prove their skills. However, some players have encountered a significant hurdle in the form of unbalanced matches, disrupting their gameplay experience.

Unbalanced Matches: A Frustrating Reality

In a recent Reddit thread, a VALORANT player shared their unfortunate experience of being matched with Ascendant and Immortal players despite being in the Diamond rank. This is not an isolated incident, as many players have reported similar scenarios. Such unbalanced matches can be demoralizing and lead to a lack of enjoyment in the game.

Hidden MMR vs. Visible Rank Rating

VALORANT utilizes a hidden matchmaking rating (MMR) alongside the visible rank rating system. These two ratings may not always align, resulting in discrepancies in matchmaking. The hidden MMR can fluctuate and increase at a faster pace than the visible rank rating, leading to players being placed in matches with higher-tier opponents.

The Impact on Diamond Players

Diamond players, in particular, have found themselves in this predicament. Despite their current rank, the matchmaking system may perceive them as deserving of a higher rating. As a result, they are consistently matched against Ascendant and Immortal players, without ever reaching those ranks themselves.

The Missed Opportunity for Rewards

One unfortunate consequence of these unbalanced matches is the missed opportunity for seasonal rewards. Diamond players who consistently face tougher opponents are unable to showcase their skills at a level where they can earn the rewards they deserve. This can be disheartening for players who have put in the effort to climb the ladder.

Addressing the Issue

Recognizing the impact of unbalanced matchmaking on player experience, it is crucial for Riot Games to address this issue promptly. A potential solution could involve refining the matchmaking algorithm to prioritize more balanced matches, even if it means slightly longer queue times. Ensuring a fair and enjoyable competitive environment should be a top priority for the developers.


While VALORANT’s matchmaking system aims to create balanced matches, the reality is that some players are facing severe imbalances, particularly in Diamond rank. This issue can lead to frustration, underperformance, and missed opportunities for seasonal rewards. It is imperative that Riot Games takes steps to address and rectify this problem to ensure a more enjoyable ranked experience for all players.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is unbalanced matchmaking a widespread issue in VALORANT?

Yes, many players have reported experiencing unbalanced matchmaking, particularly in Diamond rank, where they are matched against significantly higher-ranked opponents.

Why does the hidden MMR increase faster than the visible rank rating?

The hidden MMR may increase rapidly due to impressive individual performance or consistent against higher-ranked opponents. This can lead to disparities between the visible rank and the actual skill level of a player.

Can unbalanced matchmaking affect player performance?

Yes, unbalanced matchmaking can have a negative impact on player performance. Facing opponents of a significantly higher skill level can cause nervousness and underperformance, leading to frustration and a decline in gameplay experience.

What can players do if they encounter unbalanced matchmaking?

Players who consistently face unbalanced matches can provide feedback to Riot Games through official channels, such as forums or support tickets. Raising awareness about the issue may encourage the developers to prioritize improvements to the matchmaking system.

Are there any potential workarounds for players dealing with unbalanced matches?

While there are no guaranteed solutions, players can focus on improving their own gameplay, seeking guidance from experienced players or content creators, and maintaining a positive mindset to overcome the challenges posed by unbalanced matchmaking.