Every Role Ranked โ€“ League of Legends

Looking for the strongest champions to climb with before the season start? In this video weโ€™ll give you our list of the best champions, and more importantly, weโ€™ll tell you WHY theyโ€™re good. Make sure to watch the whole video!
Thank you to Challenger #LeagueofLegends Guides for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE-RgW2NdJI

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0:00 Intro
0:38 Top Lane โ€“ Tier List
3:03 Jungle โ€“ Tier List
6:55 Mid Lane โ€“ Tier List
8:00 Bot Lane โ€“ Tier List
9:01 Support โ€“ Tier List
9:35 Outro

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#LeagueofLegends Champion โ€“ Assassin Lee-Sin.


A master of Ioniaโ€™s ancient martial arts, Lee Sin is a principled fighter who channels the essence of the dragon spirit to face any challenge. Though he lost his sight many years ago, the warrior-monk has devoted his life to protecting his homeland against any who would dare upset its sacred balance. Enemies who underestimate his meditative demeanor will endure his fabled burning fists and blazing roundhouse kicks.


#LeagueofLegends Teams โ€“ Pain .


Another newcomer to the Dota universe. The franchise is known from other titles, for example: LoL, Vainglory, Clash Royale and #Overwatch. So now paiN Gaming wants to gain a foothold in #Valveโ€™s MOBA masterpiece. The team made a playful rocket launch and left analysts in awe. The team took third place de novo at #ESL One Birmingham 2018 and second place at WESG 2017.


#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Firelight Ekko & Ancestral Wood.


#Arcane is not over yet, baby! There were four free skins thanks to the best Netflix series in the world. But Riot says: thatโ€™s not enough for us! Weโ€™ll keep riding the hype train towards the sunset. Thatโ€™s because the next #Arcane-themed skin is coming soon.


#LeagueofLegends Guides- Kindred.


Itโ€™s Kindredโ€™s turn in the Champion Guide. In our Champion Guide series, we will introduce you to the most important mechanics of all League Of Legends Champions. Weโ€™ll show you gameplay, runes, items and generally everything there is to know about these champions.


LoL #LeagueofLegends โ€“ Patch 11.21 Notes Highlights.


Weโ€™re nearing the end of Season 11 of #LeagueofLegends Ranked Play, which makes these patch notes pretty important. The season is pretty much on its last legs and if youโ€™re stuck in Silver I right now, this is your last chance to climb into Gold. After all, you donโ€™t want to miss out on that sexy Victorious Blitzcrank skin, do you?




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