Trymacs community demands ban in Valorant

The Twitch-Streamer and known YouTuber Trymacs currently made with his project “Road to Immortal” attracted attention. This is a common YouTube format in which entertainers often try to achieve a specific goal while adhering to certain time constraints. So, basically, it’s an exciting format that brings the inner fighting spirit can awaken. The players – for example in the Valorant-Ranked – grow beyond themselves and if everything goes well, the goal can even be achieved in the end.

Does Trymacs have a boosted rank in Valorant?

Radiant is the highest rank in Valorant and at Immortal it is after all the second highest rankwhich only 0.5 percent of Valorant players achieve.

The community now accuses Trymacs of getting boosted. His “Boosted Rank” does not correspond to his actual ranking, or in other words, the rank does not correspond to his abilities in the game. He was booted, according to some voices from the community. But is that true? And what is boosting, anyway? How is it even possible?

What is boosting in a competitive shooter? We are boosted when the other players* are many times better than us in a ranked game. And that works how? For example, if we find four teammates and they simply play better, we are automatically boosted as well. It’s kind of like the Bundeswehr, when the weakest link from a squad is dragged along by the whole platoon if it falls behind.

Community calls for valorant ban for trymacs

While Trymacs has been Celebrates success on Twitter, other Twitter users point out to him that he has been boosted – which should dampen the celebratory mood a bit. Trymacs says:

“I finally, finally hooked Immortal. The grind has paid off. Played a lot, now I’m there. Top 16,000 Europe.”

But the Twitter user SkipaVLR sure that Trymacs basically has no map knowledge at all, he doesn’t hit anything and that’s why the success is undeserved. Trymacs himself emphasized many times in the past that he would actually an Iron player was – which corresponds to the worst rank.

What is the problem with boosting?

If Trymacs gets boosted, it wouldn’t just be a problem for him or for his community, which he then hoodwinked. It would be a problem that the entire Valorant community concerns, which is why a ban is now also called for.

What are smurfers? Many of you may have experienced it from the other side. Smurfer or Smurfing are a known problem, only here stronger players on lower ranks fight their way through – which is why they almost always win.

How exactly does smurfing work? Experts with very good knowledge of the game make a new account, to be ranked again at lower ranks. They are then usually automatically much better than those who remain at such a low rank. Ergo, the better ones also achieve better statistics.

While they rise relatively quickly, they break the game for many, as constantly losing can lead to frustration. The underlying Ranked featurewhich is well thought out here on the part of Riot Games, is thus overridden or even cancelled out, if you will. We are then no longer playing against equals, but against people who gain an unfair – and mostly deliberately.

How bad is boosting in the end then? So in Trymacs case, it’s the other way around. When he then plays alone in a solo match on an Immortal ranking, as he did most recently in his video, his poor game skills become apparent. And that can become a burden for all the other players on the team. With his new YouTube format, in which he plays alone with and against Immortals, Trymacs therefore probably does himself no favors. However, the streamer shows insight and says:

“It’s assi, yes I know. There will be some Immortal players on my team now and they can only lose. It’s assi. Yes. I’m sorry. I apologize. So.”

So finally he does it only “for the entertainment. But what is your opinion on boosting and smurfing? Are such formats really funny or is Trymacs going a step too far by leaving out the consequences for the more serious Immortal players?

Feel free to post in the comments and discuss with us! Have you had similar experiences, for example with Smurfs?

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