22: Mid & Prime Icon Player Pick SBC – Most Expensive & Cheapest Solution

When will the first Icon Moments Player Pick SBCs be released? This is not only a question for us, but also for the community. It’s already almost the middle of March and EA Sports is still releasing Mid or Prime Icon SBCs. Today we got a Player Pick, so the chances for a good pull should be a bit better. But can the Challenge keep up with the events lately? And what is the cheapest way to finish the SBC? Let’s check it out!

FIFA 23: All info about the leagues – , Leaks & Fan Votes

In FIFA 22 there were a total of 38 different leagues with over 700 licensed clubs. Additionally there were many national teams of men and women available in the game. Up to now it is not known how many leagues will be available in FIFA 23. But this is quite important, because nobody wants to play in the Lemier Preague with Cristoph Rolando and Manchester Seperated. Ah yes, licenses…

FIFA 22: FUT Birthday Ricardo Quaresma SBC – Cheapest solution

If you only look at his technical skills, then Ricardo Quaresma belongs – for me! – to the hottest kickers of all time! The tricks the Portuguese has unpacked on the ball is simply amazing. All the better that EA Sports has now dedicated its own SBC to him as part of the FUT Birthday Event . Is the challenge worth completing? And how do you save the most coins? That’s what we’re here for, let’s check it out!


Founded in 2017, MKers is one of the largest brands in Italy. The motto of the Rome-based team is “ is in our DNA”. The FIFA team consists of the Italians Daniele “Prinsipe” Paolucci and Cosimo Guarnieri as well as the two Swedes Oliver “Oliboli” Uttgren and Mattias “Xoptolle” Tolinsson.

FIFA 20 TOTSSF – The Mega Event at a glance

The FIFA Team of the – Season is the FUT20 event that all players are looking forward to every year. In FIFA 20 EA Sports goes a little bit different way this time – thanks to Corona. The first FIFA 20 TOTSSF (Team of the – Season So Far) has finally been revealed. We have summarized all info, players, SBCs and tasks.

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