Starcraft Factions - Tiamat

Starcraft Factions – Tiamat

Tiamat Cerebrate: Daggoth Estimated Size: 6,500,000 / all tribes Primary Role: Command Fleet Brood Color: red Tiamat is the largest and most powerful Brood race within the extended swarm. It is believed that the Overmind resides here, protected deep within this living fleet. The most evolved overlords and queens run Tiamat's rigid... read more
Starcraft Factions - Kel-Morian Combine

Starcraft Factions – Kel-Morian Combine

Kel-Morian Combine Commander : General Mah Sakai Description : Mining Coalition / Renegade Pirate Group Base of Operations : Moria Militia Color : Green The Kel-Morian Combine is made up of two powerful organizations: the Kelanis Guild and the Morian Mining Coalition. These two factions, both of which have shady ties to the Confederacy, have... read more
Starcraft Factions - Protectorate of Umoja

Starcraft Factions – Protectorate of Umoja

Protectorate of Umoja Commander : Minister Jorgensen Description : Neutral Protectorate Base of Operations : Umoja Militia Color : Light Blue The people of Umoja want to remain self-sufficient and independent from the Confederate worlds. The Umojans consider themselves “enlightened” people and have only open contempt for their sister colonies, which bow to the almost... read more
Starcraft Factions - Sons of Korhal

Starcraft Factions – Sons of Korhal

Sons of Korhal Commander : Arcturus Mengsk Description : Renegade Activist Coalition Base of Operations : Mobile Militia Color : Blue Korhal was one of the founding worlds of the Confederacy and from the beginning a crisis area in which waves of anti-Confederate sentiment ran high. With civil disobedience against the Confederate forces on Korhal... read more
Starcraft Factions - Pirate Militias

Starcraft Factions – Pirate Militias

Pirate Militias The operations of the pirate militias are not under the control of the Confederacy. As outlaws, they raid and devastate neighboring worlds and distant colonies. Many of the pirate groups have large, self-sustaining armies that support their finances by exploiting the vast resource fields found within the sector on numerous... read more
Starcraft Factions - Alpha Squadron

Starcraft Factions – Alpha Squadron

Alpha Squadron Commander : General Edmund Duke Description : Tactical Assault Squadron Base of Operations : Chau Sara Squadron Color : Orange Alpha Squadron proudly claims to be “the first group to arrive and the last to leave” in any crisis area. Their lightning-fast attacks on unsuspecting enemy camps have earned the Bloodhawks a reputation... read more
Starcraft Factions - Nova Squadron

Starcraft Factions – Nova Squadron

Nova Squadron Commander : Colonel Jackson Hauler Description : Clandestine Operations/Intelligence Squadron Base of Operations : Mobile Squadron Color : Red The mysterious Nova Squadron is always involved in mysterious processes and intrigues. Its task consists in the technical police surveillance of the Confederate forces and the collection of intelligence information about the numerous pirate... read more
Starcraft Factions Omega Squadron

Starcraft Factions – Omega Squadron

Omega Squadron Commander : Lt. Commander Gregory Reikson Description : Heavy Assault Squadron Base of Operations : Dylar IV Squadron Color : Black The Death's Head Legion is known throughout the Confederacy for their unwavering commitment to combat. The Legion's fearless fighters are only ordered to the most dangerous crisis areas, where they will face the... read more
Starcraft Factions The Confederacy of Terran

Starcraft Factions – The Confederacy of Terra

The Confederacy of Terran The Confederacy of Terran consists of about a dozen planets in the Koprulu Sector. The main worlds of the Confederacy are Tarsonis, Tyrador IX, Brontes, Chau Sara, and Dylar IV. The military squadrons tasked with protecting the Confederate worlds are made up of conscripts and ex-criminals... read more
Starcraft Fractions - Furinax

Starcraft Fractions – Furinax

Furinax Caste : Khalai Position : Weaponsmiths and technology experts Tribal Color : Orange Although the Furinax tribe abhor war in all its forms, they can be counted on to defend their homeworld with all their might. For generations, the Furinax have served as weapon smiths and builders. Obsessed with the idea of ​​fusing... read more
Starcraft Factions - Auriga

Starcraft Factions – Auriga

Auriga Caste : Templar Position : Protector of the Grand Fleet Tribal Color : Gray Tasked with the maintenance and piloting of the massive carrier and arbiter ships that protect the Aiur space lanes, the Auriga tribe have never failed in their duty to the Conclave. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Auriga... read more
Starcraft Factions - Sargas

Starcraft Factions – Sargas

Sargas Caste : Templar Position : Assassin Tribal Color : Black The notorious Sargas have made a rather unstable agreement with the Judicator Conclave. Much like the Venatir before them, the Sargas constantly struggle to shake off the limitations the Khala places on their tribe. Obsessed with the need to maintain their own "free will"... read more
Starcraft Factions - Akilae

Starcraft Factions – Akilae

Akilae Caste : Templar Position : High Templar Command Center Tribal Color : Red The Akilae represent the strongest military force within Protoss society. They dominated the other tribes for centuries during the Era of Strife, but quickly realized that with Khas' vision of a unified race, a very brave new age could... read more
Starcraft Factions - Shelak

Starcraft Factions – Shelak

Shelak Caste : Judicator Position : Librarian, Keeper of the Khaydarin Crystals Tribal Color : Crimson The Shelak tribe is closest to the ancient Xel'Naga race. As such, he was commissioned by the Judicators to study and protect the powerful Khaydarin Crystals that power the Protoss' formidable technologies. The Shelak, fascinated by the heritage of... read more
Starcraft Fractions - Ahra

Starcraft Fractions – Ahra

Ahra Caste : Judicators Position : Conclave Praetorian Guard Tribal Color : Blue The Ahra are a relatively young tribe, at least by Protoss standards. They were the first group to adopt Khas' vision of a unified race after the Era of Strife. The youthful enthusiasm of the Ahra gave wings to the teachings of... read more