WoW Guide Naxxramas - The Plague District

WoW Guide: Naxxramas – The Plague District

Naxxramas - The Plague District The flying instance of Naxxramas can be found in the Dragonblossom. There it hovers next to the keep of the Alliance Winterguard and the base of the Horde Gallgrimm. You can access the instance only after you reach level 80, and you need a flying... read more
WoW Guide Naxxramas - The Construct District

WoW Guide: Naxxramas – The Construct District

The Construct Quarter is a bit more difficult to master than the Arachnid and Plague Quarters, and there are four bosses waiting for you here. If your healers are very well equipped, two healing heroes will be enough. If you want to play it safe, you should go to the... read more