Ralphie Ralphie 's Revenge is a weapon in the Fortnite Save the World campaign . It is one of the game's sniper rifles and requires heavy ammo. Manufacturing To craft Ralphie's Revenge you need the following resources : 15x explosive powder 30x mechanical parts ( e.g. rusty mechanical parts )... read more
Mercury LMG The Mercury LMG is a weapon in the Fortnite Save the World campaign and is a neon weapon . Available briefly in the event shop during an event, it has an average rate of fire and a large magazine. Manufacturing To craft the Quicksilver LMG, you need the... read more
Easter Egg Launcher The Easter Egg Launcher is a weapon in Fortnite that was added to the game with Content Update V.3.4 and is only available within the Save the World campaign mode . As the name suggests, he shoots Easter eggs that are left on the ground. As soon... read more
Ninja Sword The Ninja Sword (English: Ninjato ) is a sword in the Save the World campaign of Fortnite . It belongs to the medium swords and thus to the melee weapons of the game. The weapon's schematic can be acquired with the purchase of the game's Deluxe Founder's Pack.... read more
Neon Weapons Neon Weapons are an event exclusive weapon set granted to those who participated in the 2018 Into the Storm event.you kan get all of the neon weapons in birthdays lamas Acquisition Schematics for Neon Weapons can be obtained by cashing in 1000Storm tickets green icon.png Storm tickets for... read more
Crusader The Crusader is a shotgun in the Save the World campaign of Fortnite . The weapon's schematic can be acquired with the purchase of the game's Deluxe Founder's Pack. Manufacturing To craft the Crusader you need the following resources : 12x planks 18x mineral powder (e.g. fine-grained mineral powder... read more
HackSAW The HackSAW is a variant of the Light Machine Gun from Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode , available as a weekly item in the Save the World campaign. The weapon has a medium rate of fire with a weak retreat. It takes a long time to reload, but has... read more
Spyglass Sniper Rifle The Spyglass sniper rifle is a weapon in the Fortnite Save the World campaign and is a flintlock weapon . It was briefly available during an event in the event shop for 1680 gold from Thursday August 2nd, 2018 to Thursday August 9th, 2018. Manufacturing In order... read more
Noble Launcher The Noble Launcher is a weapon in the Fortnite Save the World campaign and is a neon weapon . It is a heavy weapon that unleashes a devastating wave of energy. The weapon has three different charge levels; the width of the shaft varies depending on the state... read more
Dragon Weapons Dragon Weapons is a weapon set for Fortnite's Save the World campaign that was exclusive to purchase during a - Season 2 event. Schematics of each Dragon Weapon can be found for 1,000 Firecracker tickets when purchasing a Spring Lama, Event Lama, while the event was active. The... read more
Bundlebuss The Bundlebuss is a weapon in the Fortnite Save the World campaign and is a flintlock weapon . It is one of the game's assault rifles and requires light ammo with multiple barrels at once. It can be purchased from the event store for 1680 gold from August 23,... read more
Scoped Bullseye The Scoped Bullseye is a sighted bolt-action rifle in the Save the World campaign of Fortnite . It is one of the game's sniper rifles and requires heavy cartridges. The weapon's schematic can be acquired with the purchase of the game's Deluxe Founder's Pack. Manufacturing To craft the... read more
45 Cocoa The .45 Cocoa is a weapon in the Fortnite Save the World campaign . He is one of the pistols in the game. This suppressed pistol's projectiles ricochet off walls and pierce through enemies. Trivia The Cocoa .45 is looks like the standard Pistol with a coffee mug... read more
Breacher The Breacher is an assault rifle in the Save the World campaign of Fortnite . The weapon's schematic can be acquired with the purchase of the game's Deluxe Founder's Pack. Manufacturing To craft the crusher you need the following resources : 10x explosive powder 18x mechanical parts (e.g. rusty... read more
Grappler The Grappler was a Rare (Spy Games only), Epic and Mythic (Chapter 2 - Season 2 only) item in Battle Royale. It can be fired at nearby objects to pull the player towards it (fall damage still applies). The shots could be chained to travel greater distances. The Grappler... read more
Sticky grenade The sticky grenade is a grenade in Fortnite that has been available for both the Battle Royale mode and the game's Save the World campaign since patch V.3.6. They can be found as loot on the ground, in Supply Drops, in Supply Llamas , and in Treasure Chests.... read more
Infantry Rifle The Infantry Rifle is a weapon in Battle Royale mode in Fortnite and is one of the Assault Rifles in the game. The weapon is available in all rarities from common to legendary. Depending on its rarity, it can deal between 36 and 44 damage per hit to... read more
Grenade The grenade is the standard grenade in Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode , making it one of the explosive weapons in the game. When thrown, it deals damage to nearby enemy players. The grenade can be found on the ground, in chests, from supply llamas , or purchased from... read more
Infinity Blade Infinity Blade is a mythical weapon in Fortnite that has been available for the game's Battle Royale mode since patch V.7.01 . You can find them in the Polar Peak area . description The primary attack deals a mighty sword slash. You deal a lot of damage to... read more
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle The Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle is a weapon that can be found in Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode . In addition to detecting enemy heat signatures, this assault rifle can also detect chests and supply drops. It deals 36 to 37 damage to enemies depending on its rarity... read more
Compact SMG The Compact SMG is a weapon in Battle Royale mode in Fortnite that was added to the game on July 24, 2018. Depending on its rarity, the weapon can deal between 20 and 21 damage (originally between 21 and 22 damage to enemies per hit. The pistol has... read more
Coal The Coal is a common throwable item in Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode that can be thrown at other players and deals 20 damage. It can also be used to light campfires, saving 30 wood . Chunks of coal can be found in stacks of 5. Fortnite Weapons Fortnite... read more
Light Machine Gun The Light Machine Gun is a weapon that can be found in Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode . It deals 25 to 26 damage per shot depending on rarity and requires medium ammo. You can find the weapon on the ground and in treasure chests; it can... read more
Air Strike The Air Strike is a legendary grenade in Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode . She was added to the game on July 09, 2019 with content update - No. 3 of patch V.9.30. description The Air Strike can be thrown and emits colored smoke where it lands, unleashing... read more
Pump shotgun The Pump shotgun is a shotgun used in Battle Royale mode in Fortnite . It is not fired by pulling the trigger, but by pulling back (therefore pump shotgun ) the trigger attached to the bottom of the barrel. Because of this, it cannot be fired as quickly... read more
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle The bolt-action sniper rifle is a weapon that can be found in Fortnite 's Battle Royale mode . She deals 105 to 116 damage to enemies depending on rarity, which is enough to kill an unprotected person with one shot; a headshot is always fatal, even on... read more