EgoBoys performance statistics: Wins in the last 5 matches: 1 ( 20% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 2 ( 20% ). The number of matches played by EgoBoys in the last 3 months is 9 . The number of games won is 2 , which is a total... read more
Wins in the last 5 matches: 2 ( 40% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 5 ( 50% ). In the last 3 months Chicken Fighters played 10 matches and won 5 games - 50% . Last year Chicken Fighters played 62 matches and won 37 games - 60%... read more
5ManMidas is a Dota 2 Esports team from United States. 5ManMidas is ranked No. 138 in the CQ-Esports Dota 2 Ranking having CQ. Score = 1242. Current 5ManMidas line-up: . Over the last month the team has played 6 matches, won 2 of them and climbed 1322 positions in the... read more
Wins in the last 5 matches: 2 ( 40% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 3 ( 34% ). In the last 3 months 496 Gaming played 19 matches and won 7 games - 37% . Last year 496 gaming played in 75 matches and won 35 games -... read more
The number of wins in the last 5 matches: 2 (40%). The number of wins in the last 10 matches: 3 (30%). The number of matches played by Black N Yellow in the last 3 months is 9. The number of games won is 3, which is a total of... read more
Statistical values of RNG: The last 5 matches: the number of victories 2 (40%. The last 10 matches: the number of wins 6 (60%). The number of matches played by RNG in the last 3 months is 16, with the number of wins being 9, which is 57% in total.... read more
How has Lilgun performed in recent matches: Wins in last 5 matches: 2 ( 40% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 5 ( 50% ). The number of games Lilgun has played in the last 3 months is 54. The number of games won is 38, giving an overall... read more
Wins in last 5 matches: (0%). The wins in the last 10 matches: 4 (40%). In the last 3 months Team Empire has played in 19 matches and won 9 matches - 48%. Last year Team Empire played in 82 matches and won 43 games - 53%. The next match... read more
Sparking Arrow: Last 5 matches: the number of wins (0%. Last 10 matches: the number of wins 3 (34%). The number of matches played by Sparking Arrow Gaming in the last 3 months is 7, with the number of wins being 2, which is 29% overall. The number of matches... read more
Statistical values of LBZS: Wins in last 5 games:( 0% ). Wins in last 10 matches: 2 ( 20% ). In the last 3 months LBZS has played 27 matches and won 12 matches - 45% . Last year LBZS played in 119 games and won 71 games - 60%... read more
Wins in last 5 games: 1 ( 20% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 3 ( 30% ). In the last 3 months, Brame has played in 16 games and won 5 games - 32% . Last year Brame played in 91 games and won 44 games - 49%... read more
Omega Esports The number of wins in the last 5 matches: 2 ( 50% ). The number of wins in the last 10 matches: 4 ( 50% ). The number of matches played by Omega Esports in the last 3 months is 66 . The number of games won is... read more
Main stats of EHOME in recent games: Wins in the last 5 matches: 2 ( 40% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 4 ( 40% ). The number of matches played by EHOME in the last 3 months is 12 . The number of games won is 4 ,... read more
Team MagMa : The number of wins in the last 5 matches: 1 (20%). The number of wins in the last 10 matches: 2 (20%). The number of matches played by Team MagMa in the last 3 months is 12, with the number of matches won being 4, which is... read more
Statistical values of Winstrike Team: Wins in the last 5 matches: 3 (60%). Wins in the last 10 matches: 7 (70%). In the last 3 months Winstrike Team has played in 21 matches and won 15 games - 72%. Last year Winstrike Team played in 69 matches and won 38... read more
The last 5 matches: the number of victories 3 ( 60% . The last 10 matches: the number of victories 7 ( 70% ). The number of matches played by Hellbear Smashers in the last 3 months is 32 . The number of games won is 18 , which is... read more
PENTA Sports is a German esports club, founded in 2013 and officially launched on the 5th January 2014. The club is the result of a cooperation between the organizations Concordia Gaming, diamondZ e.V., KomaCrew e.V., KD-Gaming e.V. and LogiX e.V. Dota 2 Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena... read more
The last 5 matches: the number of wins 4 (80%. The last 10 matches: the number of wins 6 (60%). In the last 3 months, OG has played 18 matches and won 11 games - 62%. Last year OG played 59 matches and won 35 games - 60%. In the... read more
The number of wins in the last 5 matches: 1 ( 20% ). The number of wins in the last 10 matches: 2 ( 20% ). In the last 3 months EXTREMUM has played in 22 matches and won 6 games - 28% . Last year EXTREMUM played 83 matches... read more
Dota 2 Teams - Hokori Dota 2 Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena title from Valve. The successor to the extremely popular Warcraft 3 modification DotA (Defense of the Ancients), Dota 2 was the company's first strategy game and was released on the download platform Steam on July... read more
Statistics of BOOM: Wins in the last 5 matches: 4 ( 80% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 8 ( 80% ). In the last 3 months, BOOM has played 20 matches and won 16 games - 80% . Last year BOOM played 82 matches and won 65 games... read more
Dota 2 Teams - PuckChamp Dota 2 Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena title from Valve. The successor to the extremely popular Warcraft 3 modification DotA (Defense of the Ancients), Dota 2 was the company's first strategy game and was released on the download platform Steam on July... read more
Last 5 matches: number of wins 2 (40%. The last 10 matches: the number of wins 6 (60%). In the last 3 months, Tundra Esports played in 17 matches and won 10 games - 59%. Last year Tundra Esports played in 65 matches and won 44 games - 68%. The... read more
Stats from Information: Wins in the last 5 matches: 4 ( 80% ). Wins in the last 10 matches: 6 ( 60% ). The number of matches played by Infamous in the last 3 months is 24 . The number of games won is 14 , which is a total... read more
Team Unique performance stats: Last 5 matches: the number of wins( 0% . The last 10 matches: the number of wins 1 ( 10% ). In the last 3 months, Team Unique has played in 5 matches andGames won - 0% . Last year Team Unique played 82 matches and... read more
Last 5 matches: the number of wins 2 (40%. Last 10 matches: the number of wins 4 (40%). In the last 3 months NaVi has played in 7 matches and won 3 games - 43%. Last year NaVi played in 28 matches and won 11 games - 40%. In the... read more