Top 5 Fan Concepts for Valorant Agents

In the last year, has added a total of five agents and we are still waiting for Agent 16. In the meantime, fans from the Valorant community have been hard at work coming up with interesting ideas for potential new agents. See the top 5 fan concepts for here!

Today, we’re not going to talk about Agent 16. Instead, we’re going to turn our attention to the community and look at some of the best fan concepts for Valorant agents we’ve seen so far. These are our favorites.

The best fan ideas for Valorant agents


Chenoa was one of the first fan ideas for a new agent.

Before most fan ideas and concepts, there was Chenoa. Originally posted by bayleaf97 on the Valorant subreddit, the post quickly got a lot of . Chenoa stands out especially because of her companion, an owl named Wahu. She uses the bird in some of her abilities. Here’s the full list of her abilities:

  • Base Ability 1 – Ghost Tracks: Displays footprints left by enemies in the last 10 seconds.
  • Base Ability 2 – Screech: Stuns any enemy within earshot for a short duration.
  • Special Ability – Third Eye: Put Wahu on your shoulder for a short duration to watch your back.
  • Ultimate – Rising Owl: Send Wahu to a deceased ally anywhere on the map to transform him into a spirit that can roam the battlefield. Wahu can be hit in mid-air by the enemy team if he is spotted.

It’s interesting to see here that Chenoa’s concept is quite similar to Skye’s. The latter also has a tribal look and uses animal spirits for support. Coincidence? I don’t think so!


Viele Fan-Konzepte sind von japanischer Kultur inspiriert.

Mamuro was one of the first fan concepts for Valorant Agents, which managed to attract the attention of the fanbase. The Japanese samurai combines lightning with swordplay.

  • Base Ability 1- Sky Roarer: Equip a paper version of the map you’re playing on. Select the place where you want to send lightning and click the right mouse button. After 1.5 seconds, the lightning will strike the location, dealing 40 damage and blinding enemies. Works up to a distance of 80 meters. The blinding lasts 1.5 seconds.
  • Basic Ability 2 – Overcharge: Take a discharge of electricity and upgrade different types of weapons (Left mouse button – Upgrade teammate/Right mouse button- Upgrade yourself). Pistols tag the enemy, SMG & AR get increased damage by 10%. Rifles reload faster.
  • Special Ability – Thunder Cutter: equip a Thunder Blade to deal damage or destroy a projectile flying towards you.
  • Ultimate – Rising Thunder: Equip a Thunder Blade and sacrifice 50% of your health to turn into an electric demon. This is armed with a blade and deals 50 damage. Each damage deals periodic damage to the enemy for 3 seconds. Ulti lasts for 35 seconds.

Mamuro is still unique in that there is no agent with melee focus in Valorant to date. Perhaps we should look forward to a thunder-based samurai?


Vice looks like a complete character!

The next fan concept on our list is Vice, a duelist-type anti-hero who relies on mobility to flank enemies. Here is the full list of his abilities:

  • Base Ability1 – Soulfire: Equips a Soulfire Spark. Fire at any corpse, even through walls, to start a soulfire. Press again to IMMEDIATELY cause a fast-acting, blinding explosion to occur over the corpse. Enemies will only be informed that a corpse has been trapped if they are within 5 meters of it. Vice can see all corpses through walls….
  • Basic Skill 2 – Dreaded Path: Equip a Targeter. Fire at any corpse to mark it, even through walls. Then swap places with the corpse. Enemies will only hear the sound of your arrival.
  • Special Ability – Intonjutsu: Vice IMMEDIATELY places a destructible talisman on the ground below. Kill an enemy while the talisman is on the ground to teleport back to the talisman. The talisman can stay on the ground indefinitely, but becomes INACTIVE after you teleport back to it.
  • Ultimate – Double Cross: Vice swaps places with his Intonjutsu Talisman / Vice’s next kill places an invisible Intonjutsu Talisman and a Soulfire Spark on the target’s corpse. Repeat the spell to channel the Intonjutsu Talisman and switch places with it. Enemies will only hear the sound at the source location. The charge, readiness and use of Vice’s Ulti are always hidden from enemies.

Vice certainly offers interesting gameplay, but perhaps he relies too much on the use of corpses?


Merino is another agent that focuses on mobility!

Merino was designed as a tactician and he even has a real backstory:

Merino is an Italian scientist who worked for the kingdom. He stole some developments and with the help of the device he injected radianite into the water. Now he wants to take revenge on the radiants. Thanks to the water, he can move quickly, create passages, protect allies and also improve his abilities.

His abilities allow him to move quickly on the map:

  • Base Ability 1 – Water Slide: Merino shoots water to create a road. All agents increase its speed by 30% and it disappears over time.
  • Base Ability 2 – Mariana Trench: Creates a “hole” in the wall that all agents can go through and it disappears over time.
  • Special Ability – Dense Structure: Merino can give an ally or himself a shield of 50 units that reduces the audibility of footsteps.
  • Ultimate – Last Chance: Merino drinks water with radianite, which resets and restores all of his abilities. Also, the indicators of the abilities are improved: waterslide – movement speed increases to 50%; Mariana Trench – can only be used by allies; Dense Structure – cancels the increased damage to the head.

Merino’s Mariana Trench should be used with caution, as it can be used by enemies in its normal state.


Samat comes from Egypt.

Samat is an agent who is clearly inspired by Egypt and mythology, and this is even visible in her kit. Samat is focused on sound and somewhat resembles Yoru. She was revealed just a day before Yoru’s official release, and it’s interesting how similar both agents are in some ways. Here is a full list of her kit:

  • Basic Ability 1 – Double Fire: Equip a double fire speaker. Click the left mouse button to throw the speaker. Activates the speaker to create false firing sounds that last for 2.5 seconds.
  • Basic Ability 2 – Amplify: Equip an amplifier grenade. Fire to throw the grenade. When it lands, the grenade is covered. When activated, the grenade turns into a molly that amplifies enemy footsteps and allows teammates to hear footsteps.
  • Special Ability – Scarab Scream: Equip a scarab beetle. Fire to throw the beetle to the ground. Upon enemy contact, the beetle activates and clings to an enemy, allowing them to hear the screams of a beetle. The enemy is deaf until he removes the beetle.
  • Ultimate – Hear No Evil: Equip a sound device. Fire to activate the device. Everyone within a radius is rendered deaf for eight seconds. Hear No Evil: Equip a sound device. Fire to activate the device. Everyone within a radius is rendered deaf for eight seconds.

While none of these agents have made it into the game yet, we’ve already seen that some concepts and abilities can be found in Riot’s shooter. Which fan concept for Valorant agents is your favorite? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter!


Agents are the playable characters in Valorant. Each agent belongs to one of four possible classes and has four abilities. In addition, almost every agent represents a country.

There are nineteen agents in total, although in the earliest versions of the game there were only eight. The rest were added gradually.

There are four different classes: Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel.

Agents have one Signature Ability which they get free of charge each round.

The riot was meaning to send off the game with 12 agents, however, just 8 were accessible in the early press constructs. On March 29, 2020, a confidential occasion presented Breach. Since the Closed Beta send-off on April 7, 2020, Raze was added alongside the Split, bringing the Agent complete to 10. Five agents are accessible at the first send-off, with two more that can be effortlessly opened by stepping up in the game. More agents can be opened by taking Contracts and assembling XP on them.

Agents have base well-being of 100; Light Shields carry the most extreme well-being to 125 and Heavy Shields to 150.

It is the goal of the designers that another specialist be delivered around once per act. New agents require 12-15 months to create, and their plan is engaged around focuses, for example, what’s absent from the game’s current playstyles, are there any imminent thematics that present large open doors, and what’s required for better game wellbeing.


Every specialist satisfies one of four jobs, characterized by their capacities and playstyle:

  • Controller agents are specialists in cutting up perilous domains to get their group in a good position.
  • Duelist agents are independent fraggers who their group anticipates, through capacities and abilities, to get high frags and search out commitment first.
  • Initiator agents challenge points by setting up their group to enter the challenging ground and push safeguards away.
  • Sentinel agents are protective specialists who can secure regions and watch flanks, both on assailant and protector adjusts.

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