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Did you know that ……. ???

Heroes – Zeratul

Little is known about Zeratul’s origins, but he spent many years of his life away from his homeworld of Shakuras on various missions. Zeratul first appears when he meets Tassadar alongside Jim Raynor on Char. Since the High Templar have a fundamental aversion to the Dark Templar, this meeting did not necessarily go smoothly, but after some time the three came to an agreement and hid from the Zerg.

Planets Starcraft – Kaldir

A moon of the gas giant Midr IV, Kaldir is among the coldest terrestrial locations in the Koprulu Sector. Its upper atmosphere rejects heat and allows almost no sunlight to reach the surface. For this reason, only two native life forms have been discovered on Kaldir to date. One of these, a species of extremophile bacteria, serves as the power source for the others: a group of brutal Ursadons.

Starcraft Units – Thor

The Thor project was kept secret from the start. Agents of the Umojan Protectorate were the first to unearth clues that the Terran League was feverishly completing a new type of superweapon. Rumors of the hermetic sealing off of the gigantic Simonson Munitions Works on the planet Korhal IV by League forces first piqued the interest of the Umojans.

Starcraft Missions – When Two Quarrel

Description: The Moebius boys think there is another artifact on a planet called Monlyth. It is said to be guarded by Protoss – fanatics who call themselves Tal’darim. Now don’t get sentimental because you think they’re your old Protoss buddies, because they’re not.

Starcraft Buildings – Wings of Liberty

Raynor’s troops have run out of and low morale, but Jim is trying to change that by acquiring artifacts and selling them to an ominous “Moebius Foundation”. This collaboration can be traced back to Tychus Findley meeting Jim Raynor at a bar and giving him new hope.

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Starcraft is a turn-based game. The active player receives the obligatory first player token, so it should always be clear whose turn is being played, and especially interesting: StarCraft does not require any dice at all.
To get started, you first have to agree on your faction, then gather all the necessary figures, cards and tokens of your faction (woe betide the game master who only starts sorting now!) and leave the table in the middle free, as this is where the , i.e. the playing field, is built.

This proceeds similarly to Twilight Imperium.

Each player draws two planet tokens, which they can use to pick their planets from the planet stack. This step is necessary because the planet cards are shaped differently and the tokens are the only way to ensure that the drawing is random.
The starting player then places his first planet in the center of the table and can already build a base – but he doesn’t have to, then he has to do it on his second planet as soon as he lays it out.
Once the first planet is in place, it is the next player’s turn to lay out his first planet and connect it to the previous player’s planet with a navigation route cardboard piece. The last player may lay out both planets at the same time and then it goes in reverse order to the starting player. This way a more or less interconnected galaxy is created.
Finally, Z-axes are laid, which are navigation routes across loose ends, sort of a 3D conversion.
Each player receives the corresponding resource cards for his two planets and then only the event cards are reduced according to the number of players, shuffled and placed on the board. There are three event card phases, which is symbolized by different card backs and should the game to become faster and more powerful towards the end. Now the game can start.

Each round is divided into three phases.

Starcraft is a turn-based game. The active player gets the obligatory first player token, so it should always be clear whose turn is being played, and most interestingly, StarCraft doesn’t require any dice at all.
To get started, you first have to agree on your faction, then gather all the necessary figures, cards and tokens of your faction (woe betide the game master who only starts sorting now!) and leave the table in the middle free, as this is where the galaxy, i.e. the playing field, is built.
This proceeds similarly to Twilight Imperium.
Each player draws two planet tokens, which they can use to pick their planets from the planet stack. This step is necessary because the planet cards are shaped differently and the tokens are the only way to ensure that the drawing is random.
The starting player then places his first planet in the center of the table and can already build a base – but he doesn’t have to, then he has to do it on his second planet as soon as he lays it out.
Once the first planet is in place, it is the next player’s turn to lay out his first planet and connect it to the previous player’s planet with a navigation route cardboard piece. The last player may lay out both planets at the same time and then it goes in reverse order to the starting player. This way a more or less interconnected galaxy is created.
Finally, Z-axes are laid, which are navigation routes across loose ends, sort of a 3D conversion.

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