Through Classic, many players have come to love Retail WoW – have you? – eSportsNews eSports WoW Classic

WoW Classic has brought many players back to Azeroth. But some of them only really fell in love with “Retail-WoW” afterwards. Did you feel the same way?

The release of Classic should have been nothing but a huge success for Blizzard. After all, the release had provided the biggest increase in subscribers in the history of the MMORPG.

But the golden age of World of Warcraft Classic did not last very long. The PvP update was particularly displeasing, since some servers were thrown into complete chaos, and the introduction of the Alterac Valley also put a dent in Classic’s shine.

Players migrate from Classic to Retail: While the pros and cons of WoW Classic and “Retail WoW” (i.e. modern WoW with Battle for Azeroth) are frequently discussed on Reddit and in the official forums, there is probably also an ever-growing group of players who have not made the pilgrimage from Retail to Classic, but the other way around.

Time and time again, you read about players who learned through Classic that Retail is actually a really good game. You often see comments like the one from Reddit user mjeed03:

WoW Battle for Azeroth key art

Other players, like Slaythepuppy, see Classic’s balance as the main problem as to why it didn’t captivate them for long:

My biggest concern with Classic is the balance. While WoW has never been the best when it comes to balance, Classic feels like the worst balanced version of WoW and it only gets more extreme with the release of new phases.

From Classic to Retail – How did you guys fare?

But now we come to you, our readers! Have you had similar experiences with WoW and Retail? Have you returned for Classic, but are now mostly in Retail? Or did Classic finally break you away from Retail? Take part in our survey and let us see how you’ve progressed in WoW recently.

If you’d like to explain your choice in more detail, feel free to post in the comments how your progression has been and how the release of Classic has affected you.

WoW Classic: Players have stopped wanting to have fun – this is now taking revenge.

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