This is how blizzard buffs Molten Core

In the championship โ€“ Season of , everything gets a bit tougher. Probably the most famous raid from World of Warcraft will be really crunchy.

In World of Warcraft Classic, the โ€œ- Season of Masteryโ€ will start soon. This is more or less a โ€œClassic+โ€, as many a player has demanded. Meanwhile, it is also known how wants to strengthen some bosses and what effect this will have on the battles. The Molten Core, in particular, will probably be really crunchy and put Classic players to the test.

What is the โ€“ Season of the championship? This is effectively a remake of โ€œWoW Classicโ€, but with significantly more changes. As players have become more experienced over the years and information has become more readily available, WoW Classic was too easy for many players.

With the โ€“ Season of the championship, the developers want to offer a fresh experience: Faster leveling, faster release of the different content phases, removal of the debuff limit โ€“ and new or improved abilities for bosses.

How Blizzard is changing Molten Core.

Molten Core was World of Warcraftโ€™s first real raid, and itโ€™s also why it has cult status among players. To make it a solid challenge in the championship โ€“ Season and to prevent players from simply โ€œrolling through the contentโ€, Blizzard is making some changes to each fight. These are:


  • Lucifron now has 4 fire shed protectors supporting him in battle instead of 2.


  • Just under 20-30 seconds after the pull, Magmadar summons 2 core dogs that must also be fought. They must die almost simultaneously, otherwise they will revive each other.
  • About every minute 2 more core dogs appear.
  • Lava Bomb is cast much more often, so more areas on the ground are covered in fire.


  • Gehennas is now accompanied by 4 fire sheds, instead of 2.
  • Fire rain is used much more often, so you have to move more.


  • During the battle, Magmakin keep appearing, charging at a random player in the raid and then exploding.

Baron Geddon

  • Baron Geddonโ€™s Living Bomb now targets 3 players at a time instead of just one.
  • After the expiration of the Living Bomb and the Inferno, an area of fire remains on the ground that deals damage when players stand in it.


  • After Shazzrah uses Blink, an image of Shazzrah remains in place, repeatedly using Arcane Explosion throughout the rest of the battle.

Golemagg the Combustor

  • Golemaggโ€™s core guardians are now permanently reinforced by Golemaggโ€™s trust.
  • Golemagg now casts Earthquake more often in combat, not just when his health has dropped below 10%.

Sulfuron Herald

  • The Sulfuron Herald and his 4 Firescale Priests now share a common pool of health.
  • Inspire is now stronger.
  • The priests can make Inspirieren affect each other.

Majordomus Executus

  • The Fire Scale Elite now has a spell called โ€œFireball Volleyโ€ that damages all players in the immediate vicinity.
  • Priests of the Flame Scourers become immune to control effects after only 2 deaths.


  • Ragnaros will now always submerge when his health reaches 50%.
  • After Ragnaros reappears from the lava, Sons of Flame can appear at random positions in the lava for the remainder of the battle.
  • Ragnaros has a timer of 60 minutes after he is first summoned. If he is not killed in that time, he retreats and despawns.

Some โ€œnewโ€ things are ancient: Especially interesting is that some of these abilities already existed in the game data at the time of Vanilla. The additional mob on Garr, for example, has existed in the databases since 2006, but was never used. That was probably an ability that was maybe thought of, but never made it into the live game.

What do you guys think of these changes? A cool thing to keep WoW Classic โ€œfreshโ€ with the championship โ€“ Season ? Or should there be no further changes to the original WoW?

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