The weak points of Nordend:WotLK Classic could fail because of this
Looking back, we can certainly state that WoW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic were great successes for Blizzard. The player numbers turned out to be significantly higher than the developers had expected throughout the years, and even many a quarterly report could be noticeably boosted by the player and revenue figures of Classic. In the meantime, the Blizzard managers are even thinking about it, how the successful path can be continued with Catalclysm Classic..
Before stands with Wrath of the Lich King Classic but first of all the re-release of the most successful (when it comes to active subscribers) and at the same time most popular (when it comes to according to surveys) WoW expansion on the program. The Launch is firmly scheduled for September 27, 2022. The pre-patch phase already proves how eager many players are for the Northrend adventure. Various servers bursting at the seams.
At the same time, there are various classic streamers/youtubers who warn: beware, you can’t expect the WotLK you have fond memories of (for example Toyhouze and Ebonhardt TV!). Blizzard changes too much for that. Others point out that even back then, not everything was great in Northrend. Some of the weaknesses of the original WotLK might drive some WotLK Classic players to cancel their subscriptions early. In this special, we’ll take a look at the potential weaknesses of the Northrend expansion.
The heroic dungeons of WotLK Classic
At first glance, the dungeons of the northern continent are quite important for the endgame of WotLK Classic. There, thanks to the tabards, you can easily raise the reputation of various factions to the maximum. There are new daily quests for some of the dungeons. And the emblems that pop off during the visits can be exchanged for epics at NPCs. Great!
However, Youtuber/streamer Costin of Costin Gaming had already elaborated on why the Heroic dungeons could be a problem for WotLK Classic in a video from August:
- A big problem with the heroic Northrend dungeons: they turn out to be far too easy, significantly easier than the crunchiest dungeons of Outland. After the second or third visit, you’re already driving through the instances on autopilot.
- At the same time, some of the mechanics within the Northrend dungeons ensure that groups that will quickly get bored are also slowed down because you have to keep waiting for certain things to happen before you can finally move on.
- Away from reputation and emblems, there will quickly be no reason for many players to visit heroic dungeons. The loot from the dungeons is quite meager. Moreover, in Northrend there are several ways to quickly equip your characters comparably well or better – via reputation factions, professions, emblem traders and so on.
Blizzard had already announced its intention to make adjustments to the dungeons over time so that they remain relevant in the endgame. Here, the developers also have to deliver urgently. Otherwise, the dungeons from Northrend will no longer play any role at all much sooner than was the case in TBC Classic.
WoW WotLK Classic: Who has played through WoW Classic and now wants to play Naxxramas again?
Source: Blizzard
Naxxramas 2.0 and the raids from phase 1
When the original WotLK came out, many players were looking forward to the return of Naxxramas. No wonder. Very few vanilla players had even set foot in the iconic raid instance. Just 0.5 percent of the entire community was said to have laid Kel’Thuzad at the time. For most Northrend adventurers, the floating necropolis was an almost unused raid instance.
The situation is completely different now in WotLK Classic. Here’s just my personal Naxxramas experience: about six boss kills in Vanilla, 10/25 clear in WotLK, clear in WoW. (buy now ) Classic. Many other players probably feel the same way, and we’ve already heard several times from WoW Classic veterans that they don’t really want to spend several weeks in Naxxramas again.
The good news: With the Eye of Eternity, the Obsidian Sanctum and the first boss from Archavon’s Chamber, there are three more raid challenges in phase 1. The bad news: The three quickies are quickly mastered. So there is a risk that many players will get bored quite quickly in phase 1 of WotLK Classic.
The test of the crusader
While Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel are among the most popular raid instances in WoW history, the Crusader’s Trial often lands quite far down in rankings. In the instanced arena, a kind of boss rush mode awaits us, which you also had to go through up to four times per ID with every important character back then. This quickly became very tedious and boring at the same time. I still remember how difficult it was for the raid leader to maintain motivation after the heroic first kills. I wonder if this will get better with Blizzard’s new restrictions on raid lockouts.
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