The top 5 best blueprints in COD Warzone

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Armies of Duty โ€“ SEAL Team

Careful Corporal, this paragraph or article is a stub, do your fellow Call of Duty wiki members a favor and complete this article as best you can before I have to collect their dog tags. The SEAL team is a unit from Call of 3. In the mission Hunter and Hunted, they help the Metal team take out the submarine and escape. The two members are randomly generated.

Heroes Call of Duty โ€“ Aziz (Black Ops)

Sgt. Aziz is one of the Marines who, along with Jason Hudson and Alex Mason, runs the underwater base in the mission Redemption. His colleagues Sergeant Drew and Sergeant Maestas also help out in the process. Aziz does not survive the attack on the underwater base, however, because he is already shot in the first room he enters. His weapon is a FAMAS with M203.

Weapons Call of Duty-AUG

The AUG is an assault rifle from Call of Duty: Black Ops. The AUG is the standard weapon of Jason Hudson and the other members of the CIA in the Mass Destruction mission, where it is equipped with a silencer, an ACOG sight and a unique Yukon camouflage. After breaking through the first window, there is a similar AUG on the ground, but without the silencer. It is the standard weapon of Grigori Weaver.

Games Call of Duty โ€“ Zombies

Call of Duty: Zombies is a first-person shooter video game developed by Ideaworks Game Studio, and published by Activision for iOS. It is a spin-off of the Call of Duty series, and based on the Zombies mode of Call of Duty.

Call of Duty โ€“ Afghan

Afghan is a large map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, with combat options ranging from the farthest distance to up close. Afghan is set at an accessible AC-130 crash site in the desert of Afghanistan. To the east and west are cliffs and bunkers that are often used by snipers. There is a cave where dramatic close-quarters fighting often takes place, plus the giant entrance is good for keeping an eye on the crash site. On the other side, there is a path that leads from the bunkers along behind the mountain up to a cliff. Itโ€™s good if you want to flank, but for that you can also go through the bunker and then past the fields.

Camouflage Call of Duty โ€“ Red camouflage

Unlike other camouflages, red makes the weapon look extremely worn and scratched as there are multiple spots in the paintwork that have come off. This then contrasts with the attachments for the weapon, which are a dark red and donโ€™t even reflect the light as the weapon does. This also happens with the other mono-color camouflages, but itโ€™s not as obvious there. As with the red tiger stripes, red doesnโ€™t really go with any map and is, therefore, more for decoration than actual camouflage.

Fraction Call of Duty Tropas

The Tropas is an army in Call of Duty: Black Ops. They are soldiers from Cuba under Fidel Castro to serve. In the campaign, they only appear in the first mission, Operation 40. Nevertheless, they appear in multiplayer as a playable faction. In Call of Duty: Black Ops II , they appear in the Pyrrhic Victory mission. Thousands of Cuban soldiers and airmen were shipped to Angola in the 1980s to help the MPLA fight UNITA and South Africa. Alex Mason and Jason Hudson infiltrate a cabin full of tropes to call Jonas Savimbi for help when newly found Frank Woods needs to be evacuated. They are by Raul Menendezdiscovered working with the troops, prompting Mason to take him hostage. Menendez fights back and is able to knock Mason down, but Mason is quicker, shoots him in the face, and flees. The Tropas rush after the three, but the trio escape thanks to a UNITA helicopter.

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