The M60 CLASS HITS like a TRUCK!

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Armies โ€“ Sentinel Task Force

Careful Corporal, this paragraph or article is a stub, do your fellow Call of Duty wiki members a favor and complete this article as best you can before I have to collect their dog tags. The Sentinel Task Force is a special unit of the United States Marine Corps from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, which fights against the KVA and later ATLAS cooperation.

Heroes Call of Duty โ€“ Charlie 1-1

Charlie 1-1 is the code name of a character from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. He appears in the bonus mission Mile High Club, where together with Echo 1-1, Romeo 1-1 and Soap he secures a hostage held by Russian troops. When the hostage was secured, enemy troops detonate a bomb and the plane flies into the air. Charlie 1-1 makes it, but Echo 1-1 is killed in the explosion. He is part of the One-One of Task Force 141.

Weapons Call of Duty-AK-74u

The AK-74u is a weapon from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and in Call of Duty: Black Ops II survival mode. The AK-74u is the folding stock version of the AK-74. Due to its compact size, Russian special forces still use it today.

Games Call of Duty โ€“ Finest Hour

Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a first-person shooter video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Activision for GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. It is the first console installment of Call of Duty.

Maps Call of Duty โ€“ Broadcast

Broadcast is a map from the Variety map pack for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. It is based on the campaign mission Charlie Surfs Not, except for some minor changes to make it easier for multiplayer.

Camouflage Call of Duty โ€“ Desert Camouflage

In Call of Duty 4, desert camouflage is available for all primary weapons from the start. It only appears in multiplayer. It is useful on the Strike, Bog, Backlot, Crash, Crossfire, Ambush, and Showdown maps. Like its predecessor, Modern Warfare 2 has desert camouflage unlocked from the start. It is available for all primary weapons along with arctic camouflage. On desert maps like Rust, Afghan, Strike, and Crash, camouflage has some advantages. However, the camouflage usually does not help much when it comes to hiding the user and actually only serves as a sign of rank.

Fraction Call of Duty Group 935

Group 935 was an international scientific investigation group involved in the creation of wonder weapons. Their main factory was located near Breslau in Poland and was called โ€ Der Riese โ€œ, but there were also many more factories around the world.

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