The hottest phases are yet to come!

You may have noticed: My guild from broke up some time ago and I’m hardly online at the moment. But the latter has other reasons as well. Little Fabian was born recently and has kept us busy ever since. With New World and Diablo 2 Resurrected, two time-consuming games have been released recently, which wanted to be played extensively. At the moment I’m trying for the first time Lost Ark, which will soon enter the closed beta phase.. And with Deadlands for The Elder Scrolls Online and Endwalker for Final Fantasy 14, two of my favorite WoW alternatives are getting new content soon.

So recently a good buddy asked me, “Why don’t you use the guild crash to draw a line in TBC Classic? You’ve already mastered TBC back then. Then you’ll have more time for all the other stuff, and you’ll be all the more excited when Blizzard announces WotLK Classic.”

And indeed, in terms of nostalgia, I was able to recall many important points from my List of nostalgic memories of TBC already work off:

  • the opening of the Dark Portal
  • the change from tier 3 set to simple quest rewards (though my rogue still wore parts of the set at 70)
  • the crisp difficulty levelwhich can also pose problems for guilds from 2021 already in phase 2
  • the wonderful attunement quest series, which can be equally annoying from Twink No. X onwards (the threshold is certainly different for each player) then as now
  • flying in Outland
  • the visit of Karazhan

However, I must also say: this was just the beginning! The most awesome challenges of WoW (buy now ): Burning Crusade Classic is yet to come – so going limp is not an option for me yet.

The highlights of the upcoming phases of TBC Classic

There are some contents of the next TBC Classic phases that I’m really looking forward to:

Simply epic: the Black Temple

For me, the Black Temple plays on a comparably high level to Naxxramas in terms of the epic scale of the raid instance, the design, and the atmosphere. Nine bosses await us, including highlights like the Reliquary of Souls, the Council of Illidari, and Illidan Stormrage. We fight our way through the sewers, across the temple’s forecourt and through a colorful harem. Rewards include pieces of some of the most beautiful animal armor sets Blizzard has ever designed and the legendary War Gleven. Only too gladly would my rogue earn these, that had unfortunately not worked out then …

WoW: Illidan

WoW: Illidan is one of the most iconic villains of the universe.

Source: Blizzard

Unique fan trip: Battle for the Hyjal Peak

For me, as an old Warcraft 3 fan, the Battle for Hyjal Peak has always been something of a fan service: We get to be up close and personal when the races of Humans, Orcs and co. beat back the waves of undead. Cool! The only thing I found annoying in the raid instance was the fight against Archimonde, because a single dead person can quickly cause a wipe due to the subsequent chain reaction (and there are several unexpected ways to die here). But the atmosphere and the rewards are good, and such a raid was never designed again later.

Better than Zul’Gurub: Zul’Aman

The troll raid Zul’Gurub from the Vanilla era was already a fine thing. Zul’Aman did even more right in TBC from my point of view. The bosses were wonderfully varied, some of the loot was really good, and thanks to the timed run option and the war bear reward, the long-term motivation factor was also right. It’s a shame that Blizzard has done without such raid snacks in the recent past.

WoW: Zul'Aman came into play back then with patch 2.3.

WoW: Zul’Aman came into play with patch 2.3 back in the day.

Source: Blizzard

The island of Quel’Danas

While the last quest hubs around the Ogri’la and Skyguard of Sha’tari already left me pretty cold back then, I’m really looking forward to the Isle of Quel’Danas, which we get to explore in the last phase. To quote my memory from back then:

“As good as I thought the opening event of Ahn’Qiraj was, it was a shame that large parts of the quest series passed many players by. I liked the gradual conquest of the island of Quel’danas in TBC all the better. From the landing site of the Sunspaces, we gradually recaptured the city of Morgenstern to make new areas accessible within the Sunwell.

This was motivating even if you hadn’t raided the Sunwell yet, thanks to the different reward levels, and also provided a nice “us vs. Kil’Jaeden” feeling. And since there were constant PvP brawls with the other faction, at least to me the daily grind in the zone didn’t feel like work.”

Speaking of rewards …

New Epics for Badge of Justice

Are you also one of those players who still have some unused Badges of Justice? Very good! After all, numerous new items are coming into play in the next phases, some of which cost up to 150 badges and are great alternatives to the then-current raid loot. This will certainly lure some players (myself included) back into the dungeons and older raid instances more often. You can find out in detail which items are coming here:

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