The Best Skin for EVERY Champion in League of Legends! – Chosen by YOU!

Thank you to #LeagueofLegends – Topic for uploading this video

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Edited By CaptainBrave!
Broll from SkinSpotlights

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#shorts #outsidejoke #leagueoflegends

0:00 Intro info stuff
0:33 Aatrox
1:01 Sponsor
1:51 Ahri
2:21 Akali
2:54 Akshan
3:26 Alistar
3:56 Amumu
4:25 Anivia
4:52 Annie
5:19 Aphelios
5:35 Ashe
6:18 Aurelion Sol
6:41 Azir
7:08 Bard
7:29 Bel’Veth
7:50 Blitzcrank
8:23 Brand
8:48 Braum
9:08 Caitlyn
9:33 Camille
9:51 Cassiopeia
10:19 Cho’Gath
10:48 Corki
11:05 Darius
11:23 Diana
11:41 Dr. Mundo
12:06 Draven
12:25 Ekko
12:43 Elise
13:05 Evelynn
13:26 Ezreal
14:03 Fiddlesticks
14:42 Fiora
15:25 Fizz
16:02 Galio
16:26 Gangplank
16:52 Garen
17:32 Gnar
17:56 Gragas
18:32 Graves
18:59 Gwen
19:30 Hecarim
19:53 Heimerdinger
20:22 Illaoi
20:43 Irelia
21:17 Ivern
21:58 Janna
22:29 Jarvan IV
22:59 Jax
23:39 Jayce
24:04 Jhin
24:56 Jinx
25:21 Kai’Sa
25:51 Kalista
26:14 Karma
26:44 Karthus
26:58 Kassadin
27:16 Katarina
27:41 Kayle
28:10 Kayn
28:39 Kennen
28:59 Kha’Zix
29:31 Kindred
30:00 Kled
30:27 Kog’Maw
30:51 Ksante
31:16 Leblanc
31:49 Lee Sin
32:25 Leona
32:52 Lillia
33:17 Lissandra
33:46 Lucian
34:08 Lulu
34:29 Lux
35:20 Malphite
35:38 Malzahar
36:21 Maoki
36:49 Master Yi
37:28 Milio
37:51 Miss Fortune
38:24 Mordekaiser
38:48 Morgana
39:10 Nami
39:32 Nasus
39:49 Nautilus
40:00 Neeko
40:17 Nidalee
40:31 Nilah
40:44 Nocturne
41:03 Nunu
41:26 Olaf
41:45 Orianna
42:03 Ornn
42:18 Pantheon
42:38 Poppy
42:53 Remaining time stamps in comments, YT limits me 🙁

Music: Epidemic Sounds

#LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Evelynn.

Within the dark seams of #Runeterra, the demon Evelynn searches for her next victim. She lures in prey with the voluptuous façade of a human female, but once a person succumbs to her charms, Evelynn’s true form is unleashed. She then subjects her victim to unspeakable torment, gratifying herself with their pain. To the demon, these liaisons are innocent flings. To the rest of #Runeterra, they are ghoulish tales of lust gone awry and horrific reminders of the cost of wanton desire.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – Evil Geniuses.

One of the veterans; Evil Geniuses was founded in October 2011. This makes the team one of the most traditional teams in North America… Nevertheless, the current does not quite reflect the team’s old strengths. After all, Arteezy, Suma1L and Cr1t have been committed to EG since 2016, but replacements for the offlane and hard support positions had to be found at the last minute.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Prestige.

#LeagueofLegends has a variety of skin lines and skins, but some of them stand out. There are Legacy #Skins, Epic #Skins, Ultimate #Skins and Legendary #Skins, but there are also the Prestige #Skins in LoL.

#LeagueofLegends Guides- Ezreal.

This guide will show you how to play Ezreal most efficiently and get your spikes as quickly as possible. If you’re looking for a new pick that can poke enemy champions from a safe range, then Ezreal is the one for you.

LoL #LeagueofLegends – Deficio joins Misfits Gaming.

Misfits Gaming has announced that they have recruited Martin “Deficio” Lynge as Director of Misfits Gaming Europe. The former gamer and caster confirmed this in a tweet of his own, stating that he will be joining the Misfits organization and hopes that his experience will help the team.

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