The 5 best attackers for the Superliga in October 2021 – eSportsNews eSports PokemonGo

Today, October 11, 2021, the next round of the Super in PvP battles starts in Pokémon GO. We at MeinMMO have taken a look at what this league is and which monsters are best suited for use.

What kind of league is this?

If you want to compete against other trainers in Pokémon GO, you can do so in the PvP battles of the GO Battle League. This runs through different leagues during a – Season , in which different requirements apply. These include the Super, Hyper, and Master leagues.

In addition, other event-based leagues also take place, such as the Mini Jungle Cup. As of today, you have the opportunity to compete against each other again in the Super League.

When does the Super League run?

The Superliga starts today, October 11, 2021 at 22:00 local time. It will then run for two weeks, ending again on October 25, 2021 at 22:00.

The 5 best attackers of the Superliga

As with all other PvP battles, in the Super League you are once again allowed to set 3 Pokémon per battle. However, the choice of monsters is limited. They may not exceed a WP number of 1,500.

For this reason, you should think about your team formation in advance:

  • Which of your Pokémon up to 1,500 WP are suitable for the Super League?
  • Do you have enough candies to level them up accordingly?
  • What attacks do your monsters have and do they need to be changed?
  • Which Pokémon are often used by other players in the Super League?

We took a look at which monsters are best for use in Super League using PvPoke’s overview (via


The battle and psycho Pokémon Meditalis is the evolution of Meditie. Due to its strong stats in defense and endurance, it is best suited for use in the Super League, according to PvPoke. It also does a lot of damage with its attacks. Use the following attacks:

  • Counter
  • Ice chop
  • Psychokinesis

Due to its type, Meditalis has a weakness against attacks of the types Flight, Spirit, and Fairy. So if you are facing a Meditalis in battle, you should rely on counters of these types.

Galar Flunschlik

Galar-Flunschlik belongs to the Pokémon of the types Soil and Steel. According to PvPoke, this monster can also convince with its stats. Above all, Galar-Flunschlik can benefit from a long stamina. However, it also has a solid defense. In the Super League, you should focus on the following attacks:

  • Clay shot
  • Stone hail
  • Earthquake

If your opponent uses a Galar Flunschlik instead, then you should mainly rely on attacks of the types Combat, Fire, Water or Ground. It has a particular weakness against these.


Azumarill also ranks among the top 5 Pokémon in the Super League, according to PvPoke. It also has a particularly long stamina. The Water and Fairy type Pokémon can be evolved from Marill. Due to its type, it is weak against Plant, Electric and Poison type attacks. If you want to use it in the PvP League, then use the following attacks

  • Blubber
  • Ice beam
  • Hydro pump


Apoquallyp is the evolution of Quabbel and belongs to the Water and Spirit Pokémon. In addition to a solid defense, it can also shine with a long stamina. In addition, its attacks are fast. According to PvPoke, it is therefore ideally suited for the Super League. Use the following attacks in battle:

  • Burden
  • Bubble jet
  • Haunted ball

Since Apoquallyp is of the water and spirit types, it is especially weak against plant, unlight, electric, and spirit attacks.


At the 5th position, the Dragon and Flight Pokémon joins the list of the best Pokémon for the Super League. This monster can convince especially in its defense. It has a double weakness against ice attackers, but also against attacks of the types rock, dragon or fairy. In battle, it is best to use the following counters:

  • Fire Ember
  • Sky Sweeper
  • Moon violence*

The charge attack Moon Violence is an event attack. To teach it to your Altaria, you need a Top Charge TM.

More monsters for the Super League

You prefer to rely on other monsters in the Super League? That’s no problem, because there are other strong Pokémon available. The following monsters offer you good alternatives:

  • Bollterus with Catapult & Stone Edge + Flame Throw
  • Registeel with target shot & focus shot + light cannon
  • Crypto-Machomei with counter & cross blow + hail of stones
  • Zobiris with dark claw & parasite + return
  • Sumpex with Clay Shot & Aqua Howitzer* + Mud Wave

What monsters do other trainers use?

Even though the aforementioned monsters rank among the top Pokémon for the Super League on PvPoke, they are not always used. Often, experienced trainers use completely different monsters in their teams, or use the listed Pokémon only sporadically.

This is also the approach of YouTuber JonkusPKMN, who presents his 10 best teams for the Super League in his video:

In the video, you can see the individual fights with these teams in a fast-forward. As he himself writes in the comments under his post, he has tried these monsters in battle all by himself and therefore knows that they work well.

Zobiris and Galar Flunschlik in particular are used relatively often in his fights. He pays attention to a balanced selection in order to cover as many types as possible. This is what his teams look like:

Super LeaguePokémon
Team 1Nidoqueen
Team 2Meditalis
Team 3Tentantel
Team 4Galar flunschlik
Deoxys (defense form)
Team 5Sumpex
Team 6Rexblisar
Team 7Impoleon
Team 8Galar flunschlik
Team 9Meditalis
Team 10Meganie
Galar Flunschlik

The results of The Silph Road to the Super League

The Silph Road is a global community made up of trainers, dataminers, and Pokémon enthusiasts. They try to learn more about the game through statistics and analysis and share their information with other trainers through their homepage.

Pokémon in the Super League are also regularly tracked. In doing so, participating trainers list which teams they encounter in their opponents. As of today (October 11, 2021), a total of 52 teams have been recorded.

Looking at the overview, it becomes clear that Azumarill was encountered by far the most. It was found in 22 teams. In addition, Galara Flunschlik was also discovered a full 16 times in the opponents. It is followed by Irokex and Panzaeron, each with 7 appearances.

What do you think of the Super League? Do you participate in it? And if so, which team is your absolute favorite? Or are you not interested in the PvP league at all? Feel free to write us your opinion about it here on MeinMMO in the comments and share it with other trainers.


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