The 10 best champions for beginners

has ruled the charts for years and is a force to be reckoned with in the eSports sector. At major events, most recently the 2020 World Championship in Shanghai, several million viewers watch. So it’s no wonder that every gamer wants to at least “somehow” get a taste of it – after all, there could be a little eSports star slumbering in you, too!

With the mobile version, the hurdles for the start in the “League of Legends” are significantly lower. Since December 2020, ” WildRift ” has been in open beta, and the app is available for iOS and Android. To make it easier for you to get started, this article is dedicated to the ten best champions that you should take a closer look at at the beginning of your LoL career. All of them don’t require too many miraculous motor , but have found their place in the gaming fabric and will (presumably) not become unplayable from one day to the next.

“League of Legends” is, from the ground up, a game that is in constant flux. Through ever new patches on the part of the developers, the title is not only increased in terms of content, but also some game-critical adjusting screws are turned again and again. The champions are among the latter: What is still considered “OP” (i.e. “overpowered”) in April 2021 can already be old hat in April 2022. The reasons for this are manifold: Everything is possible, from the shifting of the entire game mechanics to individual “nerfs” (weakenings).

Nevertheless, we hope to have the right nose with this selection. All ten champions introduce you perfectly to the game, teach you game-changing tactics, and are simply perfect for learning League of Legends from the start.

Three important in advance:

  • If you have just started playing the game, you had better not choose a jungler as champion. To do this, you need to know how the game works on the lanes and when you need to be where to put pressure on the opposing team.
  • We advise you to try with the “comfortable” top lane and to choose a champion that doesn’t flip out within a few seconds.
  • At the beginner level in the normal game, you may still experiment: Because of your champion selection, don’t let teammates insult you or force you into a role you’ve never played before. Especially among beginners, there are no conventions that aren’t broken several hundred times a day. At the latest in the “” mode, however, you should then stick to the role distribution.

Cooking – Spin to Win!

Photo: Riot Games

It doesn’t get much easier than this: with Garen, you rotate your way (mostly!) to victory on the top lane quite easily. His biggest advantage is his natural steadfastness And his complete exemption from mana as a resource of your skills. With his passive he regenerates a percentage of his maximum life every secondas long as he has not taken any damage for a short time. So you simply take a short break in the bush or under your tower and can sprint back into the battle afterwards, freshly strengthened.

Even better, with his skills you’ll learn the first glimpse of the immense importance of the Cooldowns. The speed boost from Decisive Strike increases your mobility so much that Garen likes to be called a “pisser champ” in the community. It’s best to use this for more than just escape: In team combat, use Decisive Strike to silence particularly powerful damage dealers and keep them away from your Carrys.

As a League of Legends beginner, we advise you to use Garen as “tanky” as possible When selecting defensive items, pay attention to which damage form the opposing team primarily uses.

Malphite – Bite Stone

Photo: Riot Games

Malphite is the perfect choice for all beginners who want to have a say in the game even if they lose the initial phase in the game. The “Ulti” of Malphite belongs to the strongest opening skills in the game and, well-aimed and with the proper support on the ground, can sweep an entire opposing team off the floor.

His laning phase at the beginning is mostly relaxed, only against nimble ranged fighters beginners might have their problems. Then it’s a matter of staying under your own tower and minions. Similar to Garen, Malphite also uses a passive skill that prolongs his survival significantly: His “Granite Shield” appears regularly after a short time when he is no longer in combat.

Mechanically remains Malphite quite simple set up, all skills are based on simple “Push the button and be amazed”. With his first skill he slows down opponents and causes magic damage, his second skill strengthens his attack and numero three makes the stone monster hit the ground – the aftermath slows down enemy attacks.

Gragas – Rolling a Quiet Barrel

Photo: Riot Games

In terms of mechanical finesse, Gragas is not exactly a prime example of a “beginner champion”. Still, the fat troublemaker scores with another passive skill that predestines him for your first games: “Free Beer” thanks to it, you will be healed after using a skill. This way, the charming drunk can stay on a lane for a long time without any problems and farm minions in peace. If necessary, just throw your barrel and activate it at the right time to get the important “Last Hits” to land.

Once let off the lane, several paths open up for Gragas into the game: If you want to stack magic items, you can quickly turn the champion into a nasty damage dealer. In doing so, he annoys the enemy team with his barrels and nibbles away at their life bars. Alternatively you become the TankA tank that can disrupt the movements of the opposing team with its skills.

Gragas is the perfect champion to practice your first combos in the world of League of Legends. A “Drunken Rage” combined with a “Belly Rammer” already does a lot of damage. With his ultimate skill, the explosive barrel, more combos can be developed that usually sweep thinly armored champions completely off the screen. Where the “explosive barrel” hits, all champions are flung away from the point of impact.

Unfortunately for beginners, the “explosive barrel” is also the biggest weak point of the otherwise quite simple champion. With one wrong throw, the enemy tank will land right next to your carry – or you’ll help the enemy escape. But don’t worry: practice makes perfect! By the way: As “Gragas” there are only a few players who will insult you wildly. The relaxed connoisseur of a good drop goes down well in any team.

Lux – Correctly estimate distances

Photo: Riot Games

She is one of the most played support champions in , but is also a lot of fun soloing in the middle. With Lux you learn (mostly in a deadly way) how important the right distance to the opponent is. Her kit contains everything that makes “League of Legends” so fascinating: With her “light tether”, she locks up to two opponents in place at the same time. Her “prismatic barrier” is one of the best shield spells in the game. Its “dazzling singularity” provides clarification in the fog of war.

Lux became legendary through her “final sparkle“: The ultimate skill burns across the entire map in a straight beam. At the latest here you will get to know the view of the minimap ,along with all its advantages: There’s nothing like burning the socks off a champion at the other end of the Nexus with a final sparkle!

Don’t let the numerous skillshots scare you away and accompany an experienced shooter as support on the bot lane for now: With every Lux game you will also become a better LoL player. We guarantee that!

Miss Fortune – Mobile to the Last Hit

Photo: Riot Games

”, of all things, is considered by Riot Games as the “go to” champion for all players who want to get acquainted with the role of the shooter (aka “AD-Carry”) in the “League of Legends”. We think: Jinx is significantly more difficult to play than good old “Miss Fortune” in almost every aspect.

The advantage for Miss Fortune is obvious: in contrast to Jinx, she always benefits from increased Mobility. This way you can easily port back to base and be back on the lane within seconds. With her “shoot through” she critically hits the target behind the one she is aiming at, which is a good way to fleece the enemy’s life bar, especially during minion fire. With her circular hail of bullets, you can control the enemy’s paths of travel, Decide entire team fights with a well-placed “Fire at will!”..

In short: Miss Fortune is wonderfully easy to play, hits the enemies like a truck in the later game and at the same time shows you the weaknesses of a shooter. Only those who position themselves well in team fights and don’t immediately run at it may even get a pentakill in the end. Forget the Last Hits not, because only a rich shooter is a good shooter!

Blitzcrank – Lend a hand

Photo: Riot Games

In higher Elo grades than “One Trick Pony” The good old “Blitz” is known as the “one trick pony” in the beginner’s bracket, but it decides the fate of a game again and again. Most of the time, the focus is on just one of his skills, the Grip”: Blitzcrank flings his right hand forward, grabs an opponent and pulls them back to him. Cheeky opponents are simply “grabbed” under the home tower, nasty assassins are “removed” from the team fight as quickly as possible and additionally silenced with his ultimate skill, the “static field” – so they can’t use any other skills for a short time.

For “League of Legends” beginners is to internalize this “Skillshots” one of the first practice tasks to master even mechanically more complex champions: study the enemy’s running paths as closely as possible and then find the right time for the perfect “grab”. If you’ve completely abandoned a killing machine, maybe this wasn’t the right time after all.

Annie – Burning down the middle

Photo: Riot Games

The little girl with the big bear has been part of the League of Legends lineup practically since the beginning. For beginners Annie is suitable, because her skillshots are very easy to learn and her “Molten Shield” reliably protects them from damage. In addition, her passive skill “Pyromania” spends Lots of practical stuns: After every four spells cast, Annie’s next offensive spell stuns the target. Once saved, she can subdue several enemies on the spot with her Summon Tibbers Ulti.

As an Annie player, you not only learn first steps in mana management, but also the conscious withholding of skills. This is the only way to get the “stun” out at the right time. If you don’t dare to go into the middle alone at the beginning, you can use Annie great as support play. With her shield and her stuns she is a welcome help on the bot lane.

Seraphine – With music in her ears

Rated by Riot Games in advance as a champion for the midrange, Seraphine quickly found a grateful place as a support in the bot lane. With her long-range Ulti “Encore”, she makes opponents come at you as if under a spell. Her “Space Sound” provides a powerful shield and run speed to all team members around her.

With three skillshots at once Seraphine may seem a bit daunting at first. Once in the Nexus, however, it turns out to be quite the opposite: Seraphine plays extremely fast, deals a lot of damage, slows down enemies, distributes shields, and is generally easier to play than her complex kit would suggest. At the latest when you have the entire enemy team dance to you with her, beginners will experience how valuable and rewarding playing together in League of Legends can be.

Amumu – Tears in the Jungle

Photo: Riot Games

As Amumu you will learn, over the first ten to 20 turns a good overview of the Nexus. At the end of the you will have the first jungle routes intus and know exactly when the first dragon jumps into the pool at the river – or when it’s time for a chat with the Herald of the Divide and Baron Nashor becomes.

Although novices have yet to lose anything in the Jungle, Amumu really pushes himself as an introduction to the world between the Lanes. Starts with his tears of “despair” at the blue guardto get his buff. After that, you won’t have any problems with mana and life regeneration for the time being. Your most important companion as a Jungler is the Summoner Spell “Shatter. This will not only do a lot of damage to the monsters in the Jungle, but also give you back some of your life.

The “Ganken” (the surprising appearance on a lane) can be done via Bandage throw: This is how Amumu pulls himself out of a bush in a flash towards an opponent and holds him. Unfortunately, the bandage throw is also the mummy’s trickiest skill – once you miss, you’ll have to wait a long time. With his ultimate skill, the “Curse of the Sad Mummy”In the “Curse of the Sad Mummy” game, things get a lot easier: all enemies in a large radius are stunned, so that the rest of your team can have a go as well. The “Curse of the Sad Mummy” is still considered to be the one of the most powerful skills in the entire game.

When things don’t go your way, as a Jungler you’ll be gladly held accountable by the whole team. Again, Amumu has a big advantage: unlike veteran like Master Yi, Wukong and Lee Sin, no one is ever really mad at this cuddly mummy.

Tip: Since Amumu does not have an Escape, you should use the Bandage Throw to escape across the Jungle as quickly as possible. Here you can pull yourself over the walls to monsters like the wolf pack or the birds of prey to escape at the last second.

Nasus – Q is for tormentors

Photo: Riot Games

No champion celebrates the “Last Hit” as much as the “Keeper of the Sands”. In “Wild Rift” it is called Skill 1, on PC Nasus has always been known as the walking “Q”. His “Draining Blow” increases the power of his subsequent “Draining Blows” when he kills his target (whether minion, monster, or enemy) with it. This gain in damage can become very powerful in the later game.

Unfortunately, Nasus doesn’t have too good of a reputation. The maverick on the top lane is quickly labeled as useless and arrogant, as he rarely leaves his lane. Don’t let that bother you, because there’s one thing every Nasus player should internalize from the start: You are the Top Lane! You own the Top Lane! Only when the last tower falls, you may and should swing your staff in team fights. If you have farmed minions diligently until then, you will destroy almost all enemies with two to three strikes.

Nasus is a good choice for beginners due to its extremely low mechanical difficulty. He also teaches you the fine art of “last hitting”. Remember, every minion you kill and every tower you destroy will bring you closer to victory!

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