Talent in WoW Beta makes you faster

In the World of Warcraft , shamans are just darting through the game world. A small bug gives them more than 5,000% movement speed.

The beta of WoW: Dragonflight has been active for a few weeks now, and on the whole everything seems to be developing splendidly. The quests have been cleaned from the last bugs, the talent trees have been adjusted and more and more bugs have been fixed. But sometimes a new bug creeps in – and leads to absurd results. Shamans are the fastest class in World of Warcraft right now.

What happened? When Shamans change into their Ghost Wolf form, they can benefit from a new talent called Thunderous Paws. The talent is actually supposed to make the Spirit Wolf increase movement speed by 25% for the first 3 seconds.

However, a developer seems to have made a bit of a mistake when entering the values internally, because instead of 25%, the Ghost Wolf briefly increases speed by a whopping 5,000%! This leads to the fact that the shaman can cover gigantic distances within these 3 seconds, for example through half of the wasteland.

Here’s how the community reacts: As you might expect, the takes this quite amused. Some of the comments in the subreddit are like:

  • “Imagine you’re doing PvP, about to win, and then the Shaman fires up the Looney Toons Roadrunner turbo.”
  • “I hope they leave that in. That’s going to be really useful when I want to run away from the Gathering Stone because they’ve determined that I’m an amp and they’re not in the M+ .”
  • “Another 10% and he’d be as fast as a demon hunter. :)”

Is that how it goes live? No, of course not. Such speed is not only absolutely overpowering, but also leads to various errors in the game. For example, it can happen that textures or objects are not loaded at all, as fast as the character storms through the map.

It is quite normal that bugs and errors occur during a beta – but that they turn out so strange is not so common. Especially because the beta tests at Blizzard are usually already quite polished.

If you want to get into the beta yourself, we’ll tell you here how you can still sign up for the test. With a little luck, you’ll be there!

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