Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►Is the flatline really that bad? Is it actually underrated? in today's video I give it a fair shot... Come watch me live and I'll say hi - ►DISCORD: ► ►MUSIC: mostly epidemicsounds Follow us and check out our... read more
Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►Mirage got a bit of a buff - now his ult and passive give near 100% invisibility. Did the buff make him meta? Can you use the ultimate as a stealth flanking ability? Come watch me live and I'll say hi... read more
Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►the Elite Apex queue has brought on an interesting side effect. Everyone plays way more cautiously. I personally don't mind this change too much, especially since it leads to more intense games. Come watch me live and I'll say hi -... read more