Heroes Evolved: New Hero - Phobos Gameplay Android/iOS

Heroes Evolved: New Hero – Phobos Gameplay Android/iOS

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Scandals in the esports industry – sex(ism), drugs and rock’n’rollSimilar to other competitive environments, esports has to deal with controversy. Although it is still a young industry, there have been several major scandals in recent years.The concept of cheating in... read more
CrossFire: Legends - Battle Royale 120 Players (Solo Mode) Gameplay Android/iOS

CrossFire: Legends – Battle Royale 120 Players (Solo Mode) Gameplay Android/iOS – Dota eSports

Cosmetics Dota 2-Aspects of Beast and ManThe set comes with a weapon, head, back, and arms. In addition, the weapon has new visual effects for “Blade Fury”. Heroes Dota 2 – PuckPuck, the Faerie Dragon, is an intelligence heroine from DotA and Dota 2. She is a ranged fighter and... read more
CrossFire: Legends - PVP (TDM Mode) Gameplay Android/iOS

CrossFire: Legends – PVP (TDM Mode) Gameplay Android/iOS – Dota eSports

Cosmetics Dota 2-Armor of the Radiant CrusaderArmor of the Radiant Crusader is a cosmetic item from Dota 2 that the Omniknight can wear on the ‘Shoulder’ position. It belongs to the set “The Splendor of the Crusade”.The item was added to the game with an update on May 31, 2012.... read more
Arena of Valor: New Hero - Baldum Gameplay Android/iOS

Arena of Valor: New Hero – Baldum Gameplay Android/iOS – WOWTBC eSports

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