How is this even possible | Valorant

How is this even possible | Valorant – Valorant eSports

Top 5 Valorant Agent Picks for BreezeValorant Patch 2.08 didn’t add a new agent to the game, but it did introduce the brand new map Breeze. Breeze is sunny, open and quite different from any other map in Riot’s shooter. It has wide areas that make you an easy target,... read more
Operator vs new #ZEDD X valorant. skin #Skye vs #Sage #Operator vs #phantom #Valorant #Shorts

Operator vs new – Zedd X valorant. skin – Skye vs – Sage – Operator vs – Phantom Valorant – Shorts – Valorant Game

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Valorant Agent Guide – JettWhat makes Viper’s poison? What tricks can Omen use? And what is the most effective way to play Jett? Our Valorant Agent Guide reveals it. We give an overview of each agent skill and how to... read more
It feel's Awesome to play a round with someone Prime Classic.#Valorant #Prime #Sage #Shorts

It feel’s Awesome to play a round with someone Prime Classic.Valorant – Prime- Sage – Shorts – Valorant Initiator Agent

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Valorant: The agent concept of Chenoa is ingeniousbayleaf97 simply thought of everything with the Chenoa agent concept: an ingenious backstory, abilities that seem balanced, and voice lines for every situation in the game and ability – the Valorant reddit community... read more
Pheonix get The good taste of The Guardian by Sage #Valorant #Guardian #Shorts

Pheonix get The good taste of The Guardian by Sage Valorant – Guardian – Shorts – Valorant Initiator Agent

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Valorant Agents- Did you know about them 5 facts?Valorant has many secrets… as well as the agents. The lore gets more exciting with each act, with each episode, and digs deeper and deeper. I wonder how the stories will change... read more
TheShy's procing fiora's ult in 1.5sec

TheShy’s procing fiora’s ult in 1.5sec League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin Lee-SinA master of Ionia’s ancient martial arts, Lee Sin is a principled fighter who channels the essence of the dragon spirit to face any challenge. Though he lost his sight many years ago, the warrior-monk has devoted his life to protecting his homeland against... read more
so this trunoom kid stole my 20 bomb in apex legends...

so this trunoom kid stole my 20 bomb in apex legends…

Thank you to Zylbrad for uploading this video i'll never forgive him Trunoom: Pajamamax: Follow us and check out our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube ► ● on Twitter ► ● Facebook ► ● on Youtube ►
NYC PR 2019 Q3 Ultimate PR Reveal

NYC PR 2019 Q3 Ultimate PR Reveal – PokemonGo eSports

Follow us and check out our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube ► ● on Twitter ► ● Facebook ► ● Youtube ► PokemonGoGameplay, PokemonGoRankings, PokemonGoReleaseDate, PokemonGoCarrier, ‚ PokemonGoCover, PokemonGoSkins, PokemonGoVideos, PokemonGoVideoYouTube, PokemonGoPS4, PokemonGoPlatforms, PokemonGoPlayers, PokemonGoTeam,
Overwatch just click the head 4head (60fps reupload)

Overwatch just click the head 4head (60fps reupload) Overwatch eSports

Professional players of the Overwatch League can breathe a sigh of reliefThings haven’t been looking too good for the Overwatch League and Blizzard Entertainment lately. Some of the best players left the game and moved to Riot’s new shooter Valorant. Others got burnout or injured and ended their careers. But... read more
Funny Overwatch Trolling Moment #1

Funny Overwatch Trolling Moment No. 1 Overwatch eSports

Valorant Closed Beta: What have we learned?Let’s take the time to reflect on what a hurricane the Valorant closed beta has been, both for the Esports scene and for Riot Games as a company. In case you didn’t know, Riot Games was until now only known for their popular MOBA... read more
Overwatch - Best Junkrat Competitive play (Final Season 2 Match)

Overwatch – Best Junkrat Competitive play (Final – Season 2 Match) Overwatch eSports

Scandals in the esports industry – sex(ism), drugs and rock’n’rollSimilar to other competitive environments, esports has to deal with controversy. Although it is still a young industry, there have been several major scandals in recent years.The concept of cheating in competitions is nothing new. In fact, the types of scandals... read more
Overwatch  Sombra's dimension (ft. Junkrat n' Roadhog)

Overwatch Sombra’s dimension (ft. Junkrat n’ Roadhog)

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? The Overwatch League A Sinking ShipIt’s no surprise that some games are just doing better than Overwatch right now. With major sporting events across all spectrums cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, it seems that the Overwatch League in particular... read more
Overwatch Highlight: 5-man Competitive Self-Destruct

Overwatch Highlight: 5-man Competitive Self-Destruct Overwatch eSports

Overwatch Patch 2.93 – Sigma finally gets a footholdOverwatch has been focusing heavily on Quality-of-Life changes lately. The look and overall experience of career profiles has been completely redesigned, and they have been streamlined and made clearer for player navigation. Patch 2.93 includes a new challenge to complete, new sprays... read more
Overwatch - Overpowered Teleporter

Overwatch – Overpowered Teleporter

Thank you to Zylbrad for uploading this video Symmetra makes them teleporters and shields dat ass. Skid's Channel: Twit: Symmetra makes them teleporters and shields dat ass. Skid's Channel: Twit: Will #Valorant be bigger than ##CSGO?#Valorant went into closed beta at the beginning of April... read more
Ashe Fail Ult League of Legends

Ashe Fail Ult League of Legends

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? League of Legends Champion – Assassin KassadinCutting a burning swath through the darkest places of the world, Kassadin knows his days are numbered. A widely traveled Shuriman guide and adventurer, he had chosen to raise a family among the peaceful... read more
BAD KITTY - Hide and Seek - League of Legends

BAD KITTY – Hide and Seek – League of Legends League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Marksman XayahDeadly and precise, Xayah is a vastayan revolutionary waging a personal war to save her people. She uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharp feather blades to cut down anyone who stands in her way. Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan, to protect... read more