Warcraft 3 Classic: High Elf Hunter's Hall

Warcraft 3 Classic: High Elf Hunter’s Hall

  Starcraft Heroes – Abathur   Abathur is an ancient organism that has long served as the “evolution master” — a guiding hand that weaves together strands of Zerg DNA into mutations of existing Zerg and entirely new species. Left to his own devices, the Abathur’s approach to the swarm’s... read more
Warcraft 3: Ujimasa Presents the Gilnean Farm

Warcraft 3: Ujimasa Presents the Gilnean Farm

  Starcraft Heroes – Ariel Hanson   Ariel Hanson has been revered as a genius all her life. At the age of six she was poring over her father’s old chemistry digi tomes. At eleven she published her first paper on the effects of chemical mutagens on the rare Trabillia... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Desolation - Undead Scourge in the Tomb of Sargeras

Warcraft 3 Classic: Desolation – Undead Scourge in the Tomb of Sargeras – WoW Classic eSports

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Warcraft 3 Classic: Draenei Archer and Ranger

Warcraft 3 Classic: Draenei Archer and Ranger – Dota eSports

Cosmetics Dota 2-Braid of Fiery CurlsThe Braid of Fiery Curls is a cosmetic item from Dota 2 that Lina can wear on the ‘Head’ position.The item appeared with the Wraith Night update and can be purchased as part of the Styles of Unending Battle package. Like all the parts of... read more
WC3 Classic 1.26: Conquest of Northrend - Riplash Naga in Vengeance Landing

WC3 Classic 1.26: Conquest of Northrend – Riplash Naga in Vengeance Landing

  Starcraft Heroes – Aldaris   Aldaris is a staunch believer in the Protoss vision of the New Beginning. For him, the virtues of communal striving and selfless honor rank above all else. He has little more than contempt for people who display their emotions and disrespect their superiors.  ... read more
WC3 Classic: Iron Horde Altar of Conquerors

WC3 Classic: Iron Horde Altar of Conquerors

  Starcraft Heroes – Aldaris   Aldaris is a staunch believer in the Protoss vision of the New Beginning. For him, the virtues of communal striving and selfless honor rank above all else. He has little more than contempt for people who display their emotions and disrespect their superiors.  ... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Lost One Draenei Haven

Warcraft 3 Classic: Lost One Draenei Haven

  Starcraft Heroes – Aldaris   Aldaris is a staunch believer in the Protoss vision of the New Beginning. For him, the virtues of communal striving and selfless honor rank above all else. He has little more than contempt for people who display their emotions and disrespect their superiors.  ... read more
WC3 Classic 1.26: Rumble in Outland - Coilfang Naga in Allerian Stronghold

WC3 Classic 1.26: Rumble in Outland – Coilfang Naga in Allerian Stronghold – WOWTBC eSports

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Warcraft 3 Classic: High Elven Archers and Ranger on Gryphon Mounts

Warcraft 3 Classic: High Elven Archers and Ranger on Gryphon Mounts

  Starcraft Heroes – Izsha   The being known as “Izsha” was one of the Queen’s truly unique creations, infusing the swarm’s collective consciousness with traits such as episodic memory. However, since “her” functions were more suited to hive organization than warfare, Izsha remained largely hidden from Zerg enemies.  ... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Fel Orc Beastiary

Warcraft 3 Classic: Fel Orc Beastiary

  Starcraft Heroes – Overmind   Created thousands of years ago by the enigmatic Xel’Naga, the Overmind represents the collective consciousness of the Zerg race. Obsessed with his belief that he exists only to become the perfect life form by assimilating the strongest races in the universe, the Overmind is... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: New Horde vs. Old Horde - Spirit Walkers/Magi (100 vs. 100)

Warcraft 3 Classic: New Horde vs. Old Horde – Spirit Walkers/Magi

  Starcraft Heroes – Izsha   The being known as “Izsha” was one of the Queen’s truly unique creations, infusing the swarm’s collective consciousness with traits such as episodic memory. However, since “her” functions were more suited to hive organization than warfare, Izsha remained largely hidden from Zerg enemies.  ... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Giving the Melee Orc AI 3 Heroes

Warcraft 3 Classic: Giving the Melee Orc AI 3 Heroes – Dota2tipspro

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Cosmetics Dota 2-Announcer: GLaDOSThe Announcer: GLaDOS is an announcer from Dota 2 that can be used by all heroes in the game.The announcer was added to the game with the First Blood update. It is part of the portal package.... read more
WC3 Classic: Naga Siren on a Water Dragon

WC3 Classic: Naga Siren on a Water Dragon – Dota eSports

Cosmetics Dota 2-Armor of the Radiant CrusaderArmor of the Radiant Crusader is a cosmetic item from Dota 2 that the Omniknight can wear on the ‘Shoulder’ position. It belongs to the set “The Splendor of the Crusade”.The item was added to the game with an update on May 31, 2012.... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Stromgarde Civil War - Footman

Warcraft 3 Classic: Stromgarde Civil War – Footman – WoW Classic eSports

Follow us and check out our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube ► ● on Twitter ► esport.directory ● Facebook ► esport.directory ● Youtube ► esport.directory WoW Classictips, WoW Classictricks, WoW Classiccheats, WoW Classichacks, WoW Classichacks2022, WoW Classictipspro, WoW Classicpaidcheats, WoW Classic, WoW Classictipsandtricks, WoW Classictipsandtricks2022, WoW Classictipsandtricksforbeginners,... read more
WC3 Classic: Draenei Vindicator

WC3 Classic: Draenei Vindicator

  Starcraft Heroes – Aldaris   Aldaris is a staunch believer in the Protoss vision of the New Beginning. For him, the virtues of communal striving and selfless honor rank above all else. He has little more than contempt for people who display their emotions and disrespect their superiors.  ... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Royal Guard

Warcraft 3 Classic: Royal Guard – WoW Classic eSports

Follow us and check out our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube ► ● on Twitter ► esport.directory ● Facebook ► esport.directory ● Youtube ► esport.directory WoW Classictips, WoW Classictricks, WoW Classiccheats, WoW Classichacks, WoW Classichacks2022, WoW Classictipspro, WoW Classicpaidcheats, WoW Classic, WoW Classictipsandtricks, WoW Classictipsandtricks2022, WoW Classictipsandtricksforbeginners,... read more
Warcraft 3 Classic: Lost One Draenei Vindicator

Warcraft 3 Classic: Lost One Draenei Vindicator – WOWTBC eSports

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Warcraft III - an Introduction to Tkok Rpg ( the Kingdom of Kaliron )

Warcraft III – an Introduction to Tkok Rpg ( the Kingdom of Kaliron ) – StarCraft eSports

  Starcraft Heroes – Gabriel Tosh   Gabriel Tosh grew up with his grandmother in the slums of Haji. Throughout his childhood he assumed that his considerable psionic powers were actually voodoo magic. It wasn’t until he was drafted into the Confederacy that those specializing in their discovery recognized his... read more