StarCraft 2 - Marauders! 15 - Queen of Banes

StarCraft 2 – Marauders! 15 – Queen of Banes – StarCraft eSports

Starcraft Heroes – NovaNovember Terra, the genius “Nova”, has made a great addition to the Kind of a beautiful family in Tarson. There is no doubt that there is a great deal of potential, there is no such thing as an elite, there is no such thing as sensible or... read more
StarCraft 2 - Marauders! 22 - Hackarena Part 2

StarCraft 2 – Marauders! 22 – Hackarena Part 2

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Starcraft Heroes – FenixFenix Worked his way up the ranks of the Templars alongside his friend Tassadar. This is a list and a list of the most popular battles against the Protoss enemies. Equally capable of strong empathy and immense... read more