Severing Fate | Night & Dawn 2021 Skins Teaser - League of Legends

Severing Fate | Night & Dawn 2021 Skins Teaser – League of Legends

Thank you to #LeagueofLegends for uploading this video With night and dawn, there will always come two. Video created in collaboration with Sun Creature. #LeagueofLegends Sign Up & Download #LeagueofLegends Champion – Mage Brand. Once a tribesman of the icy Freljord named Kegan Rodhe, the creature known... read more
Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends

Kayn: The Path of Shadows | New Champion Teaser – League of Legends

Thank you to #LeagueofLegends for uploading this video Will he deliver death with a whisper or make the world scream? #LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Malzahar. A zealous seer dedicated to the unification of all life, Malzahar truly believes the newly emergent Void to be the path to #Runeterra’s salvation.... read more