StarCraft 2 - LOTV - Serral (Z) v ShoWTimE (P) on Prion Terraces

StarCraft 2 – LOTV – Serral (Z) v ShoWTimE (P) on Prion Terraces

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video #BroodWar music! From Katowice 2016! Store! Find me at Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on both. Music: "Nocturnal" by Cee Beats at ##StarCraft2: #LegacyoftheVoid shoutcasts every day of the week! #Blizzard Entertainment gaming at its best! Real-time strategy... read more
StarCraft 2 - Legacy of the Void - ByuN (T) v Soulkey (Z) on Dusk Towers

StarCraft2 – LegacyoftheVoid – ByuN (T) v #Soulkey (Z) on Dusk Towers

StarCraft Heroes – Zasz. Zasz was one of the Cerebrates created by the Overmind from its own consciousness to command the different Broods of the Zerg. During the Great War, Zasz advised a new Cerebrate produced to safeguard the chrysalis holding Sarah Kerrigan.Planets StarCraft – Korhal. Korhal IV is the... read more
StarCraft 2 -- LOTV -- Polt (T) v Soulkey (Z) G5 on Ruins of Seras

StarCraft2 — LOTV — Polt (T) v #Soulkey (Z) G5 on Ruins of Seras

StarCraft Heroes – Jim Raynor. . Jim Raynor was born on Mar Sara and raised by his grandfather, who taught him much about hunting and shooting. As he grew older he fought in the unit ‘Heaven’s Devils’ against the Kel-Moria Combine, but was withdrawn for insubordination and met Tychus Findlay... read more
SC2 -- Legacy of the Void -- Polt (T) v Soulkey (Z) G3 on Ulrena

SC2 — LegacyoftheVoid — Polt (T) v #Soulkey (Z) G3 on Ulrena

StarCraft Heroes – Graven Hill. Graven Hill’s battle scars and long list of black market contacts belied a little of his good upbringing on Umoja. As a youth he was supposed to be a politician, like his father and mother, but Graven always found politics unfulfilling and useless.Planets StarCraft –... read more
SC2 -- Legacy of the Void -- Polt (T) v Soulkey (Z) G2 on Prion Terraces

SC2 — LegacyoftheVoid — Polt (T) v #Soulkey (Z) G2 on Prion Terraces

StarCraft Heroes – Ariel Hanson. Ariel Hanson has been revered as a genius all her life. At the age of six she was poring over her father’s old chemistry digi tomes. At eleven she published her first paper on the effects of chemical mutagens on the rare Trabillia flower. At... read more
SC2 -- Legacy of the Void -- Polt (T) v Soulkey (Z) G1 on Dusk Towers

SC2 — LegacyoftheVoid — Polt (T) v #Soulkey (Z) G1 on Dusk Towers

StarCraft Heroes – Overmind. Created thousands of years ago by the enigmatic Xel’Naga, the Overmind represents the collective consciousness of the Zerg race. Obsessed with his belief that he exists only to become the perfect life form by assimilating the strongest races in the universe, the Overmind is steadfast in... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Game 3 Jaedong (Z) v  GunGFuBanDa (P) on Vaani Research Station

#StarCraftII — HOTS — Game 3Jaedong (Z) v GunGFuBanDa (P) on Vaani Research Station

StarCraft Heroes – Gabriel Tosh. Gabriel Tosh grew up with his grandmother in the slums of Haji. Throughout his childhood he assumed that his considerable psionic powers were actually voodoo magic. It wasn’t until he was drafted into the Confederacy that those specializing in their discovery recognized his powers.Planets StarCraft... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Game 2 Jaedong (Z) v  GunGFuBanDa (P) on Coda LE

#StarCraftII — HOTS — Game 2Jaedong (Z) v GunGFuBanDa (P) on Coda LE

StarCraft Heroes – Abathur. Abathur is an ancient organism that has long served as the “evolution master” — a guiding hand that weaves together strands of Zerg DNA into mutations of existing Zerg and entirely new species. Left to his own devices, the Abathur’s approach to the swarm’s evolution is... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Game 1 Jaedong (Z) v  GunGFuBanDa (P) on Iron Fortress LE

#StarCraftII — HOTS — Game 1Jaedong (Z) v GunGFuBanDa (P) on Iron Fortress LE

StarCraft Heroes – Izsha. The being known as “Izsha” was one of the Queen’s truly unique creations, infusing the swarm’s collective consciousness with traits such as episodic memory. However, since “her” functions were more suited to hive organization than warfare, Izsha remained largely hidden from Zerg enemies.Planets StarCraft – New... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Game 3 Jaedong (Z) v  elfi (P) on Echo LE

Starcraft II — HOTS — Game 3 Jaedong (Z) v elfi (P) on Echo LE

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video From their Round of 32 series in WCS Season 2! Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Zagara. They are also known as the Knigin of Klingen is also the Brutmutter Zagara... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Game 2 Jaedong (Z) v  elfi (P) on Iron Fortress LE

#StarCraftII — HOTS — Game 2Jaedong (Z) v elfi (P) on Iron Fortress LE

StarCraft Heroes – Rory Swann. An old Morian mining ad said, “The more inhospitable a moon appears, the more likely it is to find riches beneath its surface.” Those closer to Rory Swann see him as a prime example of this notion.Planets StarCraft – Korhal. Korhal IV is the headquarters... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Game 1 Jaedong (Z) v  elfi (P) on Iron Fortress LE

Starcraft II — HOTS — Game 1 Jaedong (Z) v elfi (P) on Iron Fortress LE

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video From their Round of 32 series in WCS Season 2! Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Rory Swann. An old Morian mining ad said, “The more inhospitable a moon appears, the... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- Jaedong (Z) v ShoWTimeE(T) on Vaani Research Station

#StarCraftII — HOTS –Jaedong (Z) v ShoWTimeE(T) on Vaani Research Station

StarCraft Heroes – Edmund Duke. General Edmund Duke was a staunch supporter of the Confederacy for more than forty years. Driven more by a thirst for power than any real inner political conviction, Duke has honestly earned his reputation as a galactic-sized bastard. During his long years of service with... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS --  Patience (P) v Jaedong (Z) G4 on Vaani Research Station

Starcraft II — HOTS — Patience (P) v Jaedong (Z) G4 on Vaani Research Station

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video #Jaedong takes on Patience in the Gfinity Spring Masters II tournament! Game 4 from the series. Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Izsha. The being known as “Izsha” was one of... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G4 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Secret Spring

Starcraft II — HOTS — G4 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Secret Spring

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video Game 3 between two players who have been pro since they were teenagers! Quarterfinal series from IEM Taipei 2015! Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Arcturs Mengsk. Arcturus Mengsk used to... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G3 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Deadwing LE

Starcraft II — HOTS — G3 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Deadwing LE

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video Game 3 between two players who have been pro since they were teenagers! Quarterfinal series from IEM Taipei 2015! Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Graven Hill. Graven Hill’s battle scars... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G2 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Vaani Research Station

Starcraft II — HOTS — G2 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Vaani Research Station

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video Game 2 between two players who have been pro since they were teenagers! Quarterfinal series from IEM Taipei 2015! Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Fenix. Fenix Worked his way up... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G1 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Overgrowth LE

Starcraft II — HOTS — G1 HerO (P) v Maru (T) on Overgrowth LE

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video Game 1 between two players who have been pro since they were teenagers! Quarterfinal series from IEM Taipei 2015! Find me at Twitch, Twitter and Facebook; I'm /FalconPaladin on all three. #Starcraft Heroes – Tassadar. Tassadar is an excellent example... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G5 Rain (P) v Soulkey (Z) on Catallena LE

#StarCraftII — HOTS — G5 Rain (P) v #Soulkey (Z) on Catallena LE

StarCraft Heroes – Daggoth. Daggoth, the Overmind’s right hand and one of its greatest cerebrates, was the master of the Tiamat Brood, the largest and most powerful brood within the Zerg Swarm. Daggoth served the Overmind with ferocity and valor.[1] In order to support his own operations, Daggoth had access... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G4 Rain (P) v Soulkey (Z) on Vaani Research Station

#StarCraftII — HOTS — G4 Rain (P) v #Soulkey (Z) on Vaani Research Station

StarCraft Heroes – Daggoth. Daggoth, the Overmind’s right hand and one of its greatest cerebrates, was the master of the Tiamat Brood, the largest and most powerful brood within the Zerg Swarm. Daggoth served the Overmind with ferocity and valor.[1] In order to support his own operations, Daggoth had access... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G3 Rain (P) v Soulkey (Z) on Overgrowth LE

#StarCraftII — HOTS — G3 Rain (P) v #Soulkey (Z) on Overgrowth LE

StarCraft Heroes – Arcturs Mengsk. Arcturus Mengsk used to be a very successful prospector for the Confederate government. Although his home world, Korhal IV, was a center of civil disobedience and anti-Confederate propaganda, Arcturus Mengsk was honored to put his bravery at the service of the government. As the turmoil... read more
Starcraft II -- HOTS -- G2 Rain (P) v Soulkey (Z) on Deadwing LE

#StarCraftII — HOTS — G2 Rain (P) v #Soulkey (Z) on Deadwing LE

StarCraft Heroes – Horace Warfield. For a man so deeply involved in the darker and mysterious sides of the Terran League, Horace Warfield had a relatively ordinary childhood. He was born in the Tarsonian coastal town of Kithrup, the youngest son of Shae and Henry Warfield. His parents both worked... read more