[caption id="attachment_86397" align="alignleft" width="300"] THOSE: POKEMONGOHUB.NET[/caption] Until November 26, the very effective week takes place in Pokémon Go. Thus, some field researches also return. In our list, we show you which field researches are active and which task you should pay special attention to. With the very effective week, the... read more
[caption id="attachment_86428" align="alignleft" width="300"] THOSE: NIANTIC[/caption] To celebrate the release of Pokémon Shield and Sword, Pokémon Go now features Galar Smogmog, which can appear from time to time in Tier 4 Raids. Can the pocket monster be played solo? And which Pokémon are best suited for battle? We have a... read more
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After the event around Regice, Regirock and Registeel ended in Pokémon Go, the developers at Niantic have changed the requirements for the Regigigas special research "A colossal discovery". So now ticket buyers still have the option to complete the special research without having to hope for a return of the... read more
[caption id="attachment_86444" align="alignleft" width="300"] THOSE: NIANTIC[/caption] It's that time of year again: A new month brings a new box sale to Pokémon GO. We explain to you which offers are worth your money and which purchase you should rather think twice about. These are exciting times for trainers in Pokémon... read more
[caption id="attachment_86459" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: NIANTIC[/caption] Also in 2019, Pokémon Go players can secure the Forbidden Pokémon Kryppuk via a special research - a spooky news 2019. Has anything changed in the special research compared to Halloween 2019? We'll tell you in our guide! Just in time for the Halloween... read more
From our WIKI section --> Did you know that ....... ??? POTM Series A: Giovanni Simeone als SBC Serie A. In the eyes of many so-called experts, it is called a boring pensioners’ league. But as is so often the case, such statements speak only of envy.... read more
[caption id="attachment_86484" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: BUFFED[/caption] By now, the 5th generation has arrived in Pokémon Go. This means even more pocket monsters that go into your Pokémon storage. Keeping track of the appropriate monsters is not easy. In our guide, we'll show you all the known search commands in the... read more
Many fans of Pokémon Go will know this question: Which Pokémon are best to swap with a friend if we're lucky buddies? Which of the pocket monsters from generation 1 to 4 are best suited if you are a PvE fan, and which you should prefer for PvP, we reveal... read more
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[caption id="attachment_86491" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: NIANTIC[/caption] Giratina mixes up the raids in Pokémon Go and lets new pocket monsters appear. We show you which Pokémon are cavorting in the Tier 1 to Tier 5 Raids of Pokémon GO. The legendary ghost/dragon Pokémon Giratina has appeared in its transformation form in... read more
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[caption id="attachment_86499" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: NIANTIC[/caption] Mewtu is hot right now because of its new attack and shiny version. He can be found in tier 5 raids of Pokémon Go, of course. But the other tier levels have also been mixed up. In the short overview, we show you which... read more
[caption id="attachment_86495" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: CONTROVT[/caption] With the 5th generation, we can expect new legendary and non-legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go to rival the mon from previous generations. We take a look at how the list of best attackers will change with Gen 5 and which Pokémon perform best in... read more
Mewtu is a hot raid boss in Pokémon Go this week, as he can learn the Psychic Strike ability, which has just been properly boosted. However, the difficulty level this time is higher than other events. Therefore, you'll have to use the best counter Pokémon, which we'll show you below.... read more
Pokémon GO fans can currently grab item boxes again as part of a special sale. We have looked at the offers and tell you whether the purchase of the boxes in detail is worth it. The box sales have become as much a part of Pokémon GO as the regular... read more
[caption id="attachment_86514" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: NIANTIC[/caption] The special research "A Thousand Year Sleep" for the mysterious Pokémon Jirachi in Pokémon Go is complete and all trainers around the globe can grab the pocket monster. We have updated and completed our guide to "A Thousand Year Sleep" for you. Update from... read more
[caption id="attachment_86518" align="alignleft" width="300"] SOURCE: BOARDS.FIREDEN.NET[/caption] Kingler is the Gengar of water attackers in Pokémon Go: a real glass cannon. To become a similarly good attacker as Gengar, Kingler lacked until now, however, the appropriate attacks. This will change with the Water Festival, when he finally learns his well-known attack... read more
Niantic has given Pokémon GO a new rating system that allows players to have their Pokémon checked by their team leaders. The latter assess the selected Pokémon and distribute a star rating. Trainers have long been able to have their Pokémon rated by their team leaders in Pokémon GO. Until... read more
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[caption id="attachment_86526" align="alignleft" width="300"] THOSE: NIANTIC[/caption] The Pokéon Go Fest in Yokohama will focus on Pokémon of the Ice, Flight and Water types. Therefore, more Pokémon of this type will appear during the event period from August 6 to 12. We'll list all the event spawns and show you which... read more
Trainers can currently defeat the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza in raids again in Pokémon GO - for the first time also in the Shiny variant. But there are also a number of other interesting raid bosses in the game. We have compiled a list for you. Pokémon GO fans with a... read more