BAH HUMBUG - Overwatch Fun Game

BAH HUMBUG – Overwatch Fun Game Overwatch eSports

Overwatch destroying the Overwatch League?Overwatch Hero Pools, Valorant, and COVID-19 are just some of the reasons why fans were dissatisfied and many players turned their backs on Overwatch. Is Overwatch itself the reason for the decline of the Overwatch League?Overwatch Heroes – D.VaD.Va’s mech is as agile as it is... read more

BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN – Overwatch Beta Overwatch eSports

The Hero of Numbani The first Overwatch book will be released on June 2.Starting June 2, we’ll be able to log into Overwatch in a completely different way – more or less. It’s logging in the real oldschool way: reading. Yes, Overwatch is launching its own novel.Overwatch Heroes – ZenyattaZenyatta... read more
PASS INTO THE IRIS - Overwatch Beta

PASS INTO THE IRIS – Overwatch Beta Overwatch eSports

Top 5 Best Overwatch Players of All TimeOverwatch is a dedicated and extremely skill-intensive game. To get better, you’ll have to dedicate a lot of time to the game. Today we pay our respects to some of the most legendary players in the game’s history, counting down the five who... read more
Overwatch Random Montage II 32

Overwatch Random Montage II 32 Overwatch eSports

Overwatch League announces tournament format for MayEsports is currently in a state of flux and restructuring, as the MSI for League of Legends has been cancelled and the Summer Split has been postponed until June. The Overwatch League is now bringing its own changes with a new tournament format being... read more
Overwatch: Why Mercy?

Overwatch: Why Mercy? Overwatch eSports

Esports Games in Comparison – Why LoL Dominates the MarketEsports has been growing for years and is becoming more and more professional. But not all titles have the same chance to succeed. Shooters like Fortnite are struggling, while MOBAs are getting bigger and bigger. What makes League of Legends and... read more
Overwatch: Why McCree?

Overwatch: Why McCree?

From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Esports Games in Comparison – Why LoL Dominates the MarketEsports has been growing for years and is becoming more and more professional. But not all titles have the same chance to succeed. Shooters like Fortnite are struggling, while MOBAs are... read more