TSM Imperialhal vs TSM Albralelie  in International Scrims !!  WHO WIN ? ( apex legends )

TSM Imperialhal vs TSM Albralelie in International Scrims !! WHO WIN ? ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aodWuuCA5Y #Imperialhal #algs ​#albralelie TSM Imperialhal vs TSM Albralelie in International Scrims !! WHO WIN ? ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament... read more
TSM Albralelie Team  played in   INTERNATIONAL SCRIMS  and what happened... !!  ( apex legends )

TSM Albralelie Team played in INTERNATIONAL SCRIMS and what happened… !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7ywi_1z6C4 #Imperialhal #algs ​#albralelie TSM Albralelie Team played in INTERNATIONAL SCRIMS and what happened... !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament... read more
TSM Albralelie tries using the BOCEK BOW in International Scrims !! ( apex legends )

TSM Albralelie tries using the BOCEK BOW in International Scrims !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVKNP-6t2Vo #Imperialhal #algs ​#albralelie TSN Albralelie tries using the BOCEK BOW in International Scrims !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament... read more
TSN Imperialhal tries using the SPITFIRE in International Scrims !! (apex legends )

TSN Imperialhal tries using the SPITFIRE in International Scrims !! (apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM2_jeJUJqY #Imperialhal #algs ​#albralelie TSN Imperialhal tries using the SPITFIRE in International Scrims !! (apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal #arenamodetournament... read more
TSM Imperialhal  shows How to use the Rampage in International Scrims !! ( apex legends )

TSM Imperialhal shows How to use the Rampage in International Scrims !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oqvo3bCOma0 #Imperialhal #algs ​#iitztimmy TSM Imperialhal shows How to use the Rampage in International Scrims !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament... read more
Nickmercs's team dominated ALGS  Finals  !!  ( apex legends )

Nickmercs’s team dominated ALGS Finals !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjKX_cF0PzU #iitztimmy #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs's team dominated ALGS Finals !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal #arenamodetournament #ImperialHaltournnament #daltooshwithhal #twitchrivalsimperialhal... read more
iiTzTimmy Team  played in   LAST ALGS QUALIFIERS  and what happened... !!  ( apex legends )

iiTzTimmy Team played in LAST ALGS QUALIFIERS and what happened… !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIDyUio6IBw #Imperialhal #algs ​#iitztimmy iiTzTimmy Team played in LAST ALGS QUALIFIERS and what happened... !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 1 02:17 GAME 2 07:36 GAME 3 #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament... read more
Nickmercs Team  played in  ALGS SEMI FINALS  and what happened... ALL GAME HIGHLIGHTS (apex legends)

Nickmercs Team played in ALGS SEMI FINALS and what happened… ALL GAME HIGHLIGHTS (apex legends)

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgjGNRRy4tY #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs Team played in ALGS SEMI FINALS and what happened... ALL GAME HIGHLIGHTS (apex legends) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 1 02:13 GAME 2 04:38 GAME 3 11:06 GAME 4 16:02 GAME 5 20:53 GAME 6 29:30... read more
iiTzTimmy's team dominated ALGS  TOURNAMENT with 24 Kills !!  ( apex legends )

iiTzTimmy’s team dominated ALGS TOURNAMENT with 24 Kills !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsreNRm6Sqs #Imperialhal #algs ​#iitztimmy iiTzTimmy's team dominated ALGS TOURNAMENT with 24 Kills !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 3 07:29 GAME 5 #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch... read more
Nickmercs Team  played in LAST ALGS QUALIFIERS and what happened...  3 GAME (apex legends)

Nickmercs Team played in LAST ALGS QUALIFIERS and what happened… 3 GAME (apex legends)

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_MJy-JTB-4 #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Team Nickmercs played in LAST ALGS QUALIFIERS and what happened... 3 GAME (apex legends) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 1 06:23 GAME 2 08:11 GAME 3 #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty... read more
iiTzTimmy's team dominated ALGS  TOURNAMENT with 18 Kills !!  ( apex legends )

iiTzTimmy’s team dominated ALGS TOURNAMENT with 18 Kills !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjAFATbQ1Bc #Imperialhal #algs ​#iitztimmy iiTzTimmy's team dominated ALGS TOURNAMENT with 18 Kills !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal #arenamodetournament... read more
Lewda Impressed Nickmercs With Insane Clutch in algs ( apex legends )

Lewda Impressed Nickmercs With Insane Clutch in algs ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzXOYUGiUss #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Lewda Impressed Nickmercs With Insane Clutch in algs ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal #arenamodetournament #ImperialHaltournnament... read more
Nickmercs shows why the Mastiff is shotgun meta in ALGS tournament ( apex legends )

Nickmercs shows why the Mastiff is shotgun meta in ALGS tournament ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chneskw_unU #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs shows why the Mastiff is shotgun meta in ALGS tournament ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament... read more
iiTzTimmy's team dominated ALGS QUALIFIERS  with 18 Kills !! | PERSPECTIVE ( apex legends )

iiTzTimmy’s team dominated ALGS QUALIFIERS with 18 Kills !! | PERSPECTIVE ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPMVCyRn2ms #Imperialhal #algs ​#iitztimmy iiTzTimmy's team dominated ALGS QUALIFIERS with 18 Kills !! | PERSPECTIVE ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament... read more
Nickmercs's team dominated ALGS QUALIFIERS  with 21 Kills !! | PERSPECTIVE ( apex legends )

Nickmercs’s team dominated ALGS QUALIFIERS with 21 Kills !! | PERSPECTIVE ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VPBHoxSZIY #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs's team dominated ALGS QUALIFIERS with 21 Kills !! | PERSPECTIVE ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament... read more
Nickmercs Reaction to G2 team's ALGS  Win!! - Nickmercs watching algs tournament ( apex legends )

Nickmercs Reaction to G2 team’s ALGS Win!! – Nickmercs watching algs tournament ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a8le4Phg6s #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs Reaction to G2 team's ALGS Win!! - Nickmercs watching algs tournament ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament... read more
NICKMERCS team played ALGS Scrims now algs is coming !! 5 GAME ( apex legends )

NICKMERCS team played ALGS Scrims now algs is coming !! 5 GAME ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx5yTpyE-as #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs NICKMERCS team played ALGS Scrims now algs is coming !! 5 GAME ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 1 03:32 GAME 2 07:01 GAME 3 12:47 GAME 4 15:02 GAME 5 #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends... read more
Nickmercs Team wiped iiTzTimmy team IN ALGS tournament !!  ( apex legends )

Nickmercs Team wiped iiTzTimmy team IN ALGS tournament !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aSJd_7DOI0 #iitztimmy #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs Team wiped iiTzTimmy team IN ALGS tournament !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal #arenamodetournament... read more
iiTzTimmy  tries using the spitfire  in ALGS Tournament ( apex legends )

iiTzTimmy tries using the spitfire in ALGS Tournament ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU8YHfTDnXw #iitztimmy #algs ​#nickmercs iiTzTimmy tries using the spitfire in ALGS Tournament ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal #arenamodetournament #ImperialHaltournnament... read more
Nickmercs Team VS iiTzTimmy team in ALGS QUALIFIERS | FIRST GAME  - (  apex legends )

Nickmercs Team VS iiTzTimmy team in ALGS QUALIFIERS | FIRST GAME – ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uvAE0CL4mY #iitztimmy #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs Team VS iiTzTimmy team in ALGS QUALIFIERS | FIRST GAME - ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament... read more
NICKMERCS tries using the G7 SCOUT in ALGS Scrims  | 5 GAME !!  | ( apex legends

NICKMERCS tries using the G7 SCOUT in ALGS Scrims | 5 GAME !! | ( apex legends

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwbjHJiBHSk #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs NICKMERCS tries using the G7 SCOUT in ALGS Scrims | 5 GAME !! | ( apex legends Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 2 06:26 GAME 3 13:07 GAME 4 18:13 GAME 5 26:20 GAME 6 #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS... read more
Nickmercs's team dominated ALGS challengers League  with 18 Kills !! ( apex legends )

Nickmercs’s team dominated ALGS challengers League with 18 Kills !! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rqZL61Abqc #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs Nickmercs's team dominated ALGS Pro League with 18 Kills !! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament #tsmtournament #daltooshtournament #algstournamentfinal... read more
NICKMERCS team Played the ALGS SEMI FINALS Tournament and what happened !! 8 GAME !!

NICKMERCS team Played the ALGS SEMI FINALS Tournament and what happened !! 8 GAME !!

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkM73IbUuwk #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs NICKMERCS team Played the ALGS SEMI FINALS Tournament and what happened !! 8 GAME !! Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ 00:00 GAME 1 04:20 GAME 2 05:45 GAME 3 08:19 GAME 4 12:28 GAME 5 16:17 GAME 6 19:31... read more
NICKMERCS team played ALGS for the first time and won the FIRST GAME!! ( apex legends )

NICKMERCS team played ALGS for the first time and won the FIRST GAME!! ( apex legends )

Thank you to APEX PERSPECTIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx0n_8YTvQU #Imperialhal #algs ​#nickmercs NICKMERCS team played ALGS for the first time and won the FIRST GAME!! ( apex legends ) Imperialhal​ social: twitch.tv/tsm_imperialhal​ #tsmbfctournament #ALGSCHAMPIONSHIPFINALS #apexlegends #algsfinal #snip3downapex #tsmteam #tsmvstsm #apextsmteam #apexnrgteam #imperialhaltournament #algsdaltooshwatchparty #algstournament #daltooshtournamentlastmatch #ImperialHaltournamentlastmatch #algstournamentfinalmatch #apextournament #apexlegendslulutournament... read more


Thank you to Chicken9man for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCFus7VL8RU The gondola is my favorite part :) Watch me LIVE on Twitch ➔ https://www.twitch.tv/chicken9man Twitter ➔ https://twitter.com/chicken9man Discord ➔ https://discord.gg/NtHGJytTHw Music ➔ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzAbVO80tJPM3j6PoIdaAzw/featured Friends! @JanKz @staycationtg All of Chickens Apex Videos ➔ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL71RB-0XtfprXdO7BvGFaL3HdfS1WAzEs #ApexLegends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed... read more
The Season 10 Sniper! (Apex Legends)

The Season 10 Sniper! (Apex Legends)

Thank you to Chicken9man for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gavi7df3g3U Boom headshot Watch me LIVE on Twitch ➔ https://www.twitch.tv/chicken9man Twitter ➔ https://twitter.com/chicken9man Discord ➔ https://discord.gg/NtHGJytTHw Music ➔ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzAbVO80tJPM3j6PoIdaAzw/featured Friends! @nmoose All of Chickens Apex Videos ➔ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL71RB-0XtfprXdO7BvGFaL3HdfS1WAzEs #ApexLegends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by... read more