League of Legends Champion – Support Lulu

League of Legends Champion – Support Lulu

Lulu The yordle mage Lulu is known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roams Runeterra with her fairy companion Pix. Lulu shapes reality on a whim, warping the fabric of the world, and what she views as the constraints of this mundane, physical realm. While others might... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Lux

League of Legends Champion – Support Lux

Lux Luxanna Crownguard hails from Demacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret in order to preserve her family’s noble status. Nonetheless, Lux’s... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Kayle

League of Legends Champion – Support Kayle

Kayle Born to a Targonian Aspect at the height of the Rune Wars, Kayle honored her mother’s legacy by fighting for justice on wings of divine flame. She and her twin sister Morgana were the protectors of Demacia for many years—until Kayle became disillusioned with the repeated failings of mortals,... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Karma

League of Legends Champion – Support Karma

Karma No mortal exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life, and blessed with power that few can comprehend. She has done her best to guide her people... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Janna

League of Legends Champion – Support Janna

Janna An ancient and mysterious wind spirit, Janna has come to protect the dispossessed of Zaun. While her presence is most often felt as a soothing breeze or a ferocious tempest, she also can manifest in corporeal form as an ethereal figure, comforting the downtrodden. Over the eons, Janna has... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Ivern

League of Legends Champion – Support Ivern

Ivern Ivern, known to many as Bramblefoot or the Old Woodsman, is a peculiar half-man, half-tree who roams the wilds of Runeterra, cultivating life everywhere he goes. He knows all the secrets of the natural world, and holds deep friendships with things that grow, fly, and scuttle. Ivern enriches the... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Heimerdinger

League of Legends Champion – Support Heimerdinger

Heimerdinger A brilliant yet eccentric yordle scientist, Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger is one of the most innovative and esteemed inventors Piltover has ever known. Relentless in his work to the point of neurotic obsession, he thrives on answering the universe’s most impenetrable questions. Though his theories often appear opaque and... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Fiddlesticks

League of Legends Champion – Support Fiddlesticks

Fiddlesticks Something has awoken in Runeterra. Something ancient. Something terrible. The ageless horror known as Fiddlesticks stalks the edges of mortal society, drawn to areas thick with paranoia where it feeds upon terrorized victims. Wielding a jagged scythe, the haggard, makeshift creature reaps fear itself, shattering the minds of those... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Bard

League of Legends Champion – Support Bard

Support Bard A traveler from beyond the stars, Bard is an agent of serendipity who strives to maintain the harmony between creation, and the cold indifference of what lies beyond it. Many Runeterrans sing songs that ponder his extraordinary nature, yet they all agree that the cosmic vagabond is drawn... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Ashe

League of Legends Champion – Support Ashe

Ashe Iceborn warmother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe commands the most populous horde in the north. Stoic, intelligent, and idealistic, yet uncomfortable with her role as leader, she taps into the ancestral magics of her lineage to wield a bow of True Ice. With her people’s belief that she is... read more
League of Legends Champion – Support Anivia

League of Legends Champion – Support Anivia

Anivia Anivia is a benevolent winged spirit who endures endless cycles of life, death, and rebirth to protect the Freljord. A demi-god born of unforgiving ice and bitter winds, she wields those elemental powers to thwart any who dare disturb her homeland. Anivia guides and protects the tribes of the... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Zac

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Zac

Zac Zac is the product of a toxic spill that ran through a chemtech seam and pooled in an isolated cavern deep in Zaun’s Sump. Despite such humble origins, Zac has grown from primordial ooze into a thinking being who dwells in the city’s pipes, occasionally emerging to help those... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Yorick

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Yorick

Yorick The last survivor of a long-forgotten religious order, Yorick is both blessed and cursed with power over the dead. Trapped on the Shadow Isles, his only companions are the rotting corpses and shrieking spirits that he gathers to him. Yorick’s monstrous actions belie his noble purpose: to free his... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Wukong

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Wukong

Wukong Wukong is a vastayan trickster who uses his strength, agility, and intelligence to confuse his opponents and gain the upper hand. After finding a lifelong friend in the warrior known as Master Yi, Wukong became the last student of the ancient martial art known as Wuju. Armed with an... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Warwick

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Warwick

Warwick Warwick is a monster who hunts the gray alleys of Zaun . Transformed by agonizing experiments, his body is fused with an intricate system of chambers and pumps, machinery filling his veins with alchemical rage. Bursting out of the shadows, he preys upon those criminals who terrorize the city's... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Volibear

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Volibear

Volibear To those who still revere him, the Volibear is the storm made manifest. Destructive, wild, and stubbornly resolute, he existed before mortals walked the Freljord’s tundra, and is fiercely protective of the lands that he and his demi-god kin created. Cultivating a deep hatred of civilization and the weakness... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Urgot

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Urgot

Urgot Once a powerful Noxian headsman, Urgot was betrayed by the empire for which he had killed so many. Bound in iron chains, he was forced to learn the true meaning of strength in the Dredge—a prison mine deep beneath Zaun. Emerging in a disaster that spread chaos throughout the... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Udyr

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Udyr

Udyr Udyr is more than a man—he is a vessel for the untamed power of primal Freljordian animal spirits. When tapping into their bestial natures, he can harness different strengths, channeling untold speed, resilience, and brutal ferocity. With their combined might, Udyr will turn back all those who dare to... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Trundle

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Trundle

Trundle Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a particularly vicious streak, and there is nothing he cannot bludgeon into submission—not even the Freljord itself. Fiercely territorial, he chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. Then, his massive club of True Ice at the ready, he chills... read more
League of Legends Champion – TanksTahm-Kench

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Tahm-Kench

Tahm-Kench Known by many names throughout history, the demon Tahm Kench travels the waterways of Runeterra, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of others. Though he may appear singularly charming and proud, he swaggers through the physical realm like a vagabond in search of unsuspecting prey. His lashing tongue... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Skarner

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Skarner

Skarner One of the brackern, Skarner is an immense crystalline scorpion from a hidden valley in Shurima. Known for their great wisdom and deep connection to magic, the brackern’s bodies are fused with powerful life crystals which hold the living thoughts and memories of their ancestors. In an age long... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Sion

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Sion

Sion A brutal warlord from a bygone era, Sion was revered in Noxus for choking the life out of a Demacian king with his bare hands—but, denied the peace of death, he was resurrected to serve his empire once more. His indiscriminate slaughter claims all who stand in his way,... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Singed

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Singed

Singed Singed is a Zaunite alchymist of unmatched intellect, who has devoted his life to pushing the boundaries of knowledge—with no price, even his own sanity, too high to pay. Is there a method to his madness? His concoctions rarely fail, but it appears to many that Singed has lost... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Shyvana

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Shyvana

Shyvana Shyvana is a creature with pure elemental magic blazing in her heart. Though she most often appears humanoid, she can take her true form when necessary—that of a fearsome dragon, incinerating her foes with fiery breath. Having saved the life of the crown prince Jarvan IV, Shyvana now serves... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Shen

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Shen

Shen Among the secretive, Ionian warriors known as the Kinkou, Shen serves as their leader, the Eye of Twilight. He longs to remain free from the confusion of emotion, prejudice, and ego, and walks the unseen path of dispassionate judgment between the spirit realm and the physical world. Tasked with... read more
League of Legends Champion – Tanks Sett

League of Legends Champion – Tanks Sett

Sett A leader of Ionia’s growing criminal underworld, Sett rose to prominence in the wake of the war with Noxus. Though he began as a humble challenger in the fighting pits of Navori, he quickly gained notoriety for his savage strength, and his ability to take seemingly endless amounts of... read more