Starcraft Buildings - Ultralisk Cavern

Starcraft Buildings – Ultralisk Cavern

Ultralisk Cavern The zerg ultralisk cavern is a shelled structure in which there are numerous high-radiation deposits and other dangerous substances. It is in this extremely hostile environment that the ultralisk gains its toughness. In addition, it provides all of the genetic coding for the larva to morph into the... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Spiny Crawler

Starcraft Buildings – Spiny Crawler

Spiny Crawler The Spine Crawler is a Zerg static defense structure that deals 25 damage to ground units with a 5 point damage bonus to armored units. Although similar to the Sunken Colony, the Spine Crawler has the distinct ability to Uproot itself and Root in a new location, making... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Spore Crawler

Starcraft Buildings – Spore Crawler

Spore Crawler The Spore Crawler is a Zerg base anti-air static defense structure, which deals 15 points of damage to air units and has the ability to detect cloaked units. Although similar to the Spore Colony, the Spore Crawler has the distinct ability to Uproot itself and Root in a... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Roach Warren

Starcraft Buildings – Roach Warren

Roach Warren The roach warren is a zerg structure in StarCraft II. It allows roaches and ravagers to be spawned. It is designed to simulate the humid, mountainous depths needed to create roaches and ravagers. Roach warrens enhanced by the Cerberus Program were outfitted with self-replicating blurprints for remote control... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Infestor

Starcraft Buildings – Infestor

Infestor The Infestor is an offensive spellcaster, meaning that its abilities are used to harm enemy units rather than support the player's units. It can be built after the Zerg player has an Infestation Pit. Infestors have three abilities: Neural Parasite, Fungal Growth, and Microbial Shroud. They can move while... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Hydralisk Den

Starcraft Buildings – Hydralisk Den

Hydralisk Den The Hydralisk den bears only a superficial resemblance to the nests of the once-peaceful Slothien from which the Hydralisks evolved. The slime-covered walls of this uncomfortable place contain all the knowledge needed for a swarm cluster to produce Hydralisk warriors. Genetic experiments are also being carried out on the Hydralisks... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Greater Spire

Starcraft Buildings – Greater Spire

Greater Spire The Greater Spire is one of two Zerg Tech Tree buildings that are available after the completion of Hive. After Hive is completed, a Zerg player may choose to upgrade their Spire to a Greater Spire. After the Greater Spire is done, the Zerg player has the ability... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Evolution Chamber

Starcraft Buildings – Evolution Chamber

Evolution Chamber The Evolution Chamber is a structure in the Zerg Tech Tree which requires a Hatchery before it can be morphed. The Evolution Chamber is the research center for Melee Attacks, Missile Attacks, and Ground Carapace. Like all Zerg Tech Structures, when the Evolution Chamber dies it spawns a... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Extractor

Starcraft Buildings – Extractor

Extractor The Extractor is the Zerg building from which Drones collect Vespene Gas. The Extractor is the Zerg equivalent to the Terran Refinery and the Protoss Assimilator. Competitive Usage Besides being the fundamental Zerg building for collecting the Vespene Gas resource, the Extractor is sometimes used early game to bypass... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Nydus Worm

Starcraft Buildings – Nydus Worm

Nydus Worm The Nydus Network is a tier-two Zerg building that is used to move units quickly around the map. It requires a Lair to build and can create Nydus Worms. A Nydus Worm can be built anywhere one has vision, without need for Creep or a Drone. The worm... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Creep Tumor

Starcraft Buildings – Creep Tumor

Creep Tumor The Creep Tumor is a dedicated creep-generating building initially spawned by Queens. After a brief initialisation phase after placement, the structure automatically burrows and begins generating creep. The Creep Tumor must be placed on existing creep, and will generate new creep in a 10 square radius around itself.... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Hatchery

Starcraft Buildings – Hatchery

Hatchery The Hatchery is the heart of any Zerg Cluster. Not only does it serve as a resource gathering point and central processing facility, but it also produces the larvae from which all other Zerg are spawned. Larvae are constantly being produced and will not move away from the hatchery in which... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Spawning Pool

Starcraft Buildings – Spawning Pool

Spawning Pool The Spawning Pool is the first Zerg tech building; it unlocks Zerg's basic fighting units - Zerglings. Building the Spawning pool also unlocks the Lair, Roach Warren, Baneling Nest, Spine Crawler, Spore Crawler and the Queen. The Spawning Pool is a high priority target for the opponent, so... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Baneling Nest

Starcraft Buildings – Baneling Nest

Baneling Nest The Baneling Nest is a Zerg building that enables a Zerg player to build and upgrade Banelings. The only upgrade available at the Baneling Nest is the Centrifugal Hooks; which increases Baneling movement speed. Overview The zerg hive cluster must have a baneling nest to add the baneling... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Wings of Liberty

Starcraft Buildings – Wings of Liberty

WINGS OF LIBERTY This page will be revised soon. First of all, however, we dared to come up with a complete solution. You can get help and further information about the campaign from our mission overview . Raynor's troops have run out of money and low morale, but Jim is... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Armory

Starcraft Buildings – Armory

Armory The Armory is a Terran tech building that requires a Factory to be built. It unlocks the Thor and Hellbat units at the Factory and the Level 2 & 3 Infantry upgrades at the Engineering Bay. It is also where upgrades for Factory and Starport units are researched. The... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Supply Depot

Starcraft Buildings – Supply Depot

Supply Depot The Supply Depot is a building constructed by Terran for the purpose of providing supply. Each Supply Depot raises the Terran's supply cap by eight. Supply Depots are also used for strategic purposes, typically for walling. Another use for them is to be placed near other Terran buildings to create obstructions that enemy... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Sensor Tower

Starcraft Buildings – Sensor Tower

Sensor Tower The top analysts in the Terran military all agree that knowledge is power and that intelligence can often be the key to victory. The Sensor Tower is an important tool for monitoring enemy troop movements at long range and detecting cloaked enemy units. Sensor turrets are the linchpin of any... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Starport

Starcraft Buildings – Starport

Starport The Starport is the Terran production building for air units. It requires a Factory before it can be built. It can be lifted off. Usage Initially, the Starport can only produce Vikings, Medivacs, or Liberators, one at a time -- however, like Barracks and Factories, attaching add-ons increase this... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Missile Turret

Starcraft Buildings – Missile Turret

Missile Turret The Missile Turret (or Turret for short) is a Terran defensive building, which once constructed will attack flying units and buildings. It cannot be lifted off. It is also one of the modes of detection for Terran as it reveals cloaked units (including ground units) within its range... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Refinery

Starcraft Buildings – Refinery

Refinery The Refinery is the gas extraction building for Terran. When constructed on top of a Vespene Gas Geyser, it allows the Terran player to collect Vespene Gas by sending SCVs into it. SCVs collect 4 gas at a time and return it to the nearest Command Center until the geyser is depleted. Refineries can only... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Engineering Bay

Starcraft Buildings – Engineering Bay

Engineering Bay The Engineering Bay (commonly abbreviated as E-Bay) is a building constructed by Terran for the purpose of improving infantry weapons and armor. It also allows the player to construct Missile Turrets, so building an Engineering Bay is common even if infantry upgrades are not researched. Engineering Bays are... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Command Center

Starcraft Buildings – Command Center

Command Center Command Centers are the nerve centers of all Terran outposts. Originally developed by the Confederacy as mobile resource processing centers for their prospectors, today's command centers can still move under their own power to the nearest mineable deposit of minerals or vespin. They also have SCV production facilities and serve... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Barracks

Starcraft Buildings – Barracks

Barracks The Barracks (Rax for short) is the infantry production building for Terran; allowing them to build Marines, Marauders, Reapers and Ghosts. It is commonly used as part of a Terran wall-in and can be lifted off the ground and landed elsewhere after it has been constructed. Usage In mech-based... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Ghost Academy

Starcraft Buildings – Ghost Academy

Ghost Academy The Ghost Academy unlocks the Ghost unit, which can be built from the Barracks. The Ghost Academy can research upgrades for Ghosts and can arm itself with a Nuke that can be deployed under a Ghost's command, however each Ghost Academy may only hold one Nuke at a... read more
Starcraft Buildings - Fusion Core

Starcraft Buildings – Fusion Core

Fusion Core The Fusion Core is a 3.5 tier building that allows the Battlecruiser to be built at the Starport. The Fusion Core requires a Starport to be built and can research Weapon Refit, the upgrade for Battlecruisers to unlock Yamato Cannon, as well as the Advanced Ballistics upgrade for... read more