League of Legends Champion – Assassin Yasuo An Ionian of deep resolve, Yasuo is an agile swordsman who wields the air itself against his enemies. As a proud young man, he was falsely accused of murdering his master—unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to slay his own... read more
From our WIKI section. Did you know that ....... ??? Overwatch destroying the Overwatch League?Overwatch Hero Pools, Valorant, and COVID-19 are just some of the reasons why fans were dissatisfied and many players turned their backs on Overwatch. Is Overwatch itself the reason for the decline of the Overwatch League?Overwatch... read more
League of Legends Champion – Assassin YoneIn life, he was Yone—half-brother of Yasuo, and renowned student of his village’s sword school. But upon his death at the hands of his brother, he found himself hunted by a malevolent entity of the spirit realm, and was forced to slay it with... read more