Infantino has gambled Fifa will soon be called EA Sports FC - Economy

Infantino has gambled: “Fifa” will soon be called “EA Sports FC” – Economy

"FIFA" is now called "EA Sports FC" - but nothing else changes. You have to use the big comparisons, in this case to the unforgotten Raider/Twix commercial from the 90s, to understand what has just happened in the soccer and video game industry: The negotiations between soccer world association Fifa... read more
You give them pride and dignity FIFA boss Infantino mocks workers in Qatar

“You give them pride and dignity”: FIFA boss Infantino mocks workers in Qatar

Thousands of guest workers are dying in connection with the construction of infrastructure and stadiums for the World Cup. The criticism is loud and forceful. But it does not reach FIFA President Gianni Infantino. He is trying to tell his own story and is proud. Gianni Infantino thinks workers on... read more