Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Leaks May Make Season 19 The Best Yet...#ApexLegends’ newest character is just happy to be here. Conduit, the game’s first Filipino Legend, will join the roster with season 19 on Oct. 31, and she’s a big fan of... read more
Thank you to #ApexLegends for uploading this video It’s your Time to Shine in #ApexLegends: Ignite. Light the way with Conduit, the new support Legend whose abilities can spark victory for your squad. Battle through a faster, deadlier Storm Point, overhauled with a reduced map size, devastated locations and... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends Season 19 Gameplay Trailer Is Finally Here...As Season 18 Resurrection comes close to an end, #ApexLegends is all set to announce the release of Season 19 Ignite. While there have been a number of teasers hinting at what's coming,... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends Final Update Today & New Store Rotation as the last week of season 18 is here before season 19 launchs with new bug fixes before the launch of season 19 which adds in the new legend conduit and her... read more
Thank you to #ApexLegends for uploading this video Conduit pitches fellow Legends Mirage and Gibraltar on her ideas for the perfect intro trailer. It's a huge dilemma, but luckily she's got support from her family, her squad, and her fully kitted Triple Take. Time To Shine with Conduit when... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 19 Launch Trailer Releases Early As is the way with these things, Conduit - described by developer Respawn as a "tiny titan of optimism" - gets her introduction by way of a new Stories from the Outlands... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Heirloom & Reactive Update Reworks as there is a brand new leak and datamine of an upcoming artificact dagger that is free for anyone and will be useable by any legend in the game. Along with this a... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 19 Is Changing Everything as The latest season of #ApexLegends is almost upon us, and Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts are just about ready to give it a full reveal, but ahead of the festivities, we got... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 19 Events & Heirlooms Are there is a brand new leak and datamine of an upcoming artifact dagger that is free for anyone and will be useable by any legend in the game. Along with this... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Battlepass Changes For Season 19 as we know the legendary skins, emotes, and cosmetics that will be coming in the battlepass now and the theme of Ragnarok but Respawn is adding new Patents to their anti cheat system... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends Doppelganger Event W/ Viewers as the darkness isn’t departing yet, Legends. In fact, it’s spreading. Take part in Trick N’ Treats Trios — where you become the terror while collecting Candy for a bonus and using the new event... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends Angel city Map Teaser for season 20 of apex legends is finally adding a new map as broken moon is pushed to the back and will no longer be in rotation going into the future. Subscribe for more daily... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video Get The New Revenant Heirloom Free + Cheap In it will be the reward for the season 18 Doppleganger collection event along with the 24 legendary skins that you will be able to acquire all themed around Halloween Characters... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Game Version 2.0 Upgrade Is there is a brand new leak and datamine of an upcoming artificact dagger that is free for anyone and will be useable by any legend in the game. Along with this a... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Secret Behind Legend Reworks...the leaks from Osvaldatore suggest that Lifeline Reborn's rework will make its way to the live build of #ApexLegends by the next year, around Season 22. As we progress through the seasons in the game,... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video 10 New Updates For #ApexLegends Season 19 First there is a brand new leak and datamine of an upcoming artificact dagger that is free for anyone and will be useable by any legend in the game. Along with this... read more
Thank you to #ApexLegends for uploading this video The Legends locate Revenant’s head, teaming up with an unlikely ally to secure it. But no heist goes as planned, and they find themselves in a battle for survival. Will they succeed, or is there more to this plot than they... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Lifeline Abilities Rework & Heirloom Recolor...the leaks from Osvaldatore suggest that Lifeline Reborn's rework will make its way to the live build of #ApexLegends by the next year, around Season 22. As we progress through the seasons in... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Legend Conduit: Abilities & Free Heirloom Confirmed... as we discuss the new legend and her gameplay and abilities falling into the Support category, Conduit’s kit revolves around regenerating allied shields at the expense of their own, and of... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video 10 Biggest Disasters In #ApexLegends History (Blame EA)... as we discuss a ton of topics from Respawn dev's making racist and cringe remarks to heirloom controversys in collection events to EA banning massive streamers for gambling even though apex legends... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 19 Leaks Make A Mistake...Datamining—the practice of dissecting game files to find traces of cut content or hints to upcoming DLC—has always been a contentious topic among developers and ordinary players alike. Respawn Entertainment, however, the developer... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Update & Event Store Today...#ApexLegends’ Halloween celebrations have always been some of the biggest in the Outlands, but community reception has been hit or miss in past years. New data leaks now show that Respawn intends to one-up... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video 10 New Updates That Will Change #ApexLegends Forever as Respawn is planning a number of reworks such as Lifeline Reborn, Reactive Battlepass #Skins returning, Monument and Shield capacitors in the files now, ALGS looks to be testing Olympus and new... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Heirlooms Has A Major Problem... and with the new Prestige skins getting dive trails and that removed from ranked the problem lies in the new entry cost into ranked games. Previously, the RP (or Ranked Points) you'd wager... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends Doppelganger Collection Double Halloween Event...#ApexLegends’ Halloween celebrations have always been some of the biggest in the Outlands, but community reception has been hit or miss in past years. New data leaks now show that Respawn intends to one-up their... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Battle Pass Reactive #Skins & Heirloom Rewards...The #ApexLegends devs have increased their efforts in communicating with the player base, offering a detailed breakdown of the skill-based matchmaking system and explaining the Horizon shadow nerfs. That said, the community... read more