Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video In today's video, I take a look at all the upcoming leaked legends in apex! More specifically, we talk about Ash, Blisk, Valk & MUCH MORE. Hope you enjoy as always! F O L L O W M E ! !... read more
Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►#ApexLegends patched in a crazy new teaser in game where you gotta complete a wave of challenges (called a Wee Experiment) to unlock a pretty cool hint at the next Legend coming to, I'm assuming, Season 7!! Plus, I react to... read more
Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video The next 7 LEAKED LEGENDS have been revealed! In today's video I take a look at all of those legends from Ash all the way down to Blisk and Husaria. As always, hope you enjoy! FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH: F... read more
Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video LIVE NOW ON TWITCH------- LIVE NOW ON TWITCH------- LIVE NOW ON TWITCH------- The next legend in #ApexLegends has already been leaked, and it's Horizon. These are my thoughts on her so far.... JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER: F O L L... read more