Apex Legends New Halloween Event Trailer With Update as we take a look at the brand new Halloween event with the first gameplay of the Olympus at Dark halloween map with changes throughout , the LTM returning along with the Shadow Royal and Control mode and how Gun Run will... read more
Apex Legends New - Season 15 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom for not only Seer but also the Flatline Reactive heat sink recolor will be an heirloom reward for a special ALGS collection event that will take place on the new divided moon map along... read more
Apex Legends New - Season 14 Update Today & Store Rotation as a number of fixes in - Season 14 are being addressed with the new legend vantage along with the bugs with missing reactive battlepass skins and recolors and apex coins. We also have new Legendary - Skins entering... read more
Apex Legends New Updates Finally Making Changes as we have not had a new upgrade or update to the game modes since Arenas was introduced in - Season 9 and with other big titles such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Overwatch2 Apex Legends is finally adding a... read more
Apex Legends New Ability Meta Is Changing The Game as Respawn devs break down the future of the scan meta along with care package rotations and upcoming nemesis AR, moon map changes, , another event collaboration planned in - Season 15 with new epic and legendary skins while also banning... read more
Apex Legends Adding New Types Of - Skins For Legendry's which is going to further dilute the loot pool making it harder to obtain Legendary Legend and Loadout - Skins. This wont impact how to get heirlooms or the chances you will earn them but will have a major impact... read more
Apex Legends New - Season 15 Battlepass Skin Updates as we have a number of new battlepass skins and banners for the upcoming Magic Goth theme along with information about the new legend Catalyst and her abilities that will tie into the new moon map. We have new Epic, Legendary... read more
Apex Legends New Collection Event Update Today & Store Rotation as a number of fixes in - Season 14 are being addressed much more and new Legendary - Skins entering the store today for Lifeline, Mirage and Bloodhound. Of course we have the new Beast of Prey collection event with... read more
Apex Legends New Ability Meta Is Changing The Game as Respawn devs break down the future of the scan meta along with moon map changes, the future legend and character abilities and another event collaboration planned in - Season 14 with new epic and legendary skins while also banning a... read more
Apex Legends New Content Controversy Is Killing The Game as we received the new trailer for the Beast of Prey Event. Even though Respawn Directors promised new content for - Season 14 and 2024 in the way of new Limited Time Modes none were announced and only skins and a... read more
Apex Legends New Heirloom Event Update Controversy's we have two planned events for this - Season one being the beast of prey collection event featuring lobas heirloom which has some major updates including the Iron Sights being changed on the Flatline Heatsink along with control mode getting changes for it... read more
Apex Legends Get The new Loba Heirloom For Cheap as it will be the reward for the - Season 14 Beast of Prey collection event along with the 24 legendary skins that you will be able to acquire. Today i will break down multiple methods so you can avoid paying... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAqq4hkvRQk #ApexLegends New Season 14 Update Today & Store Rotation as a number of fixes in season 14 are being addressed with the new legend vantage along with the level cap increase to add a number of new levels. We also... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbQTrZArGks #ApexLegends New Season 14 Update Breaks Legends as with the new season there are a number of issues ranging from Ranked Rewards missing, legends having the wrong abilities and players not receiving apex packs as they level up with the... read more
First Look At Everything New In #ApexLegends Season 15 called Eclipse as we go in depth into each of the new legend Catalyst and her new ability's and how they will work from her ultimate, tac and passive along with the brand new divided moon map and the unique gravity... read more
Apex legends is adding new changes to Heirloom skins and the way they will function in the game with the upcoming leaked bangalore mythic skin by adding unique skydive emotes along with legendary and heirloom tier select screen animations. We also have the new streetwear summer event next month... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmw27HxAkTA #ApexLegends new update went live and fixed a few of the bugs and glitches in season 14 but still left many on the table as the hacking and cheating has now reached an all time high with pro players like... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PjDlo7-ZY #ApexLegends New Season 15 Map Secret Gameplay Changes For Battle Royal for the new divided moon map which will be taking place on the moon of Boreas. The map has a host of features such as a brand new skybox,... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHCGZLJWM5c #ApexLegends Adding New Game Play Changes And Items as we have new datamined news and leaks about upcoming survival items that have been found that include a Titan Battery, An Ammo Box, and an Arc Tool. These have been found... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5DSpKEWo_c #ApexLegends New Recolor Store & Reactive Flatline from the season 4 battle pass with the pay to win sights is a recolor that everyone has been waiting for. It has been leaked that the Legendary Skin will be returning as... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0MoAwZs2AM #ApexLegends New Event Changes & Store Changes as we have two planned events for this season one being the beast of prey collection event featuring lobas heirloom and the second one being the Halloween flight or fright with a month... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvPfluonijY #ApexLegends New Rivals Compete With Event Game Modes as it is now confirmed for the upcoming season 14 collection event we will get a new LTM on FreeDm but Respawn also leaked an upcoming Shadow Royal variant while at the... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3X2jarEtZc #ApexLegends New Ranked Rewards & #Skins Upgrade as there are files found for new cosmetics in the game for a 2x Hcog skin as a reward for placing high in ranked but along with that there is a new system... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o3wbx90-1U #ApexLegends New Season 14 Battlepass Is A Downgrade with reactive triple take, legendary skins for Caustic and Wraith, along with epics for Horizon, Bangalore, and the new legend Vantage with her new abilities. That being said it looks as though... read more
#ApexLegends New Legend Classes& Update Controversy as right now there are assualt, recon, defensive, and support but Respawn is working on 3 new classes to add more variety and perks and allow for more nerfs and buffs for legends passives like Pathfinder which haven't been able to be improved... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4hXDtB1cJc #ApexLegends New Season 14 Changes Make A Mistake as now even more devs have decided to leave Respawn and #ApexLegends after a new announcment of a new single player apex legends game and while all this is happening even more... read more