Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Revenant Reborn Insider Leak Reworks as we discuss the new legend and his gameplay and abilities with brand new season 17 leaks about the upcoming future legend and how it ties into the lore of revenant along with... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Collection Event & Heirloom Filler as we know we are getting Horizons Heirloom in season 17 and Rev Reborn and his new abilities but first we have the Rivals collection event and along with it new leaks from... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Collection Event & Heirloom Controversy... as we know we are getting Horizons Heirloom in season 17 and Rev Reborn and his new abilities but also we have the Op_Neon collection event and along with it new leaks from... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Dressed To Kill Heirloom Event as we know we are getting Ballistic in season 17 and his new abilities but first we have the Rivals collection event and along with it new leaks from confirmed that a Rev,... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Update Today & Store Rotation as a number of new changes and improvements made to the game including fixed audio issues and cheating bugs Respawn had planned. We also have a brand new store sale with the fallen... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Leaks Change Everything as the new legend Ballistic and his family are mentioned along with a brand new solo mode coming to the game called Royal Rumble which looks to add new gameplay elements and changes... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom and brand new heirloom recolors but also leaks of the new studio which will rpdouce new types of apex content along with titans even being talked... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom for not only Horizon or Fuse but also the next heirloom recolor along with a brand new legend known as Ballistic with brand new gameplay and... read more