we went on a WIN STREAK in RANKED! This is how we did it.. - Apex Legends

we went on a WIN STREAK in RANKED! This is how we did it.. – Apex Legends

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CAoBrCm3tU my friends @nmoose & @SooXfar Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My... read more
1 HOUR OF CRAZY RANKED GAMES (*New Ranked Update) - Apex Legends Season 13

1 HOUR OF CRAZY RANKED GAMES (*New Ranked Update) – Apex Legends Season 13

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubPaR3Oeht4 #ApexLegends Season 13: Saviours features some drastic changes to the ranked mode. In all honesty I can't explain in depth how it all works - to be fair I'm not sure anyone can explain it perfectly. In short, placements hold more... read more
we never should have survived this fight.. - Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked

we never should have survived this fight.. – Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxPQ62-Mo7s my friends @nmoose @brother_enoch Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My Clips... read more
CRAZY end game fights in predator lobbies! - Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked

CRAZY end game fights in predator lobbies! – Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIGVgwrvShc my friends @nmoose @brother_enoch Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My Clips... read more
this is why these weapons make the BEST loadout for ranked..

this is why these weapons make the BEST loadout for ranked..

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTSj9XOFj0Y my friends @nmoose @brother_enoch Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My Clips... read more
I have become an APEX MASTER! - Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked

I have become an APEX MASTER! – Apex Legends Season 12 Ranked

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYa3qAoYcyY my friends @nmoose @brother_enoch Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My Clips... read more
this spot gives GOD TIER LOOT every match in RANKED..

this spot gives GOD TIER LOOT every match in RANKED..

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJPFhx0RSjg my teammates @nmoose @MATCH1N Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My Clips... read more
we went on a 5 WIN STREAK in RANKED!! - Apex Legends Season 12

we went on a 5 WIN STREAK in RANKED!! – Apex Legends Season 12

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1uK7ZwBayQ my friends @CrazyRachet & @iTemp2 Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My... read more
our teammate left us to duo this entire ranked game..

our teammate left us to duo this entire ranked game..

Thank you to BacKoFFmyJanKz for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNe5JNHGsa4 my friend @CrazyRachet Want to improve your Gameplay? Try getting a controller from Scuf! Use code "JANKZ" on checkout to get a discount on a new controller! :) --- http://scuf.co/Jankz --- check out Jankz merch here!! - https://jankz.merchforall.com/ My Clips Channel... read more
How to Rat in Apex Legends Ranked Games and Win Solo in Season 7!

How to Rat in Apex Legends Ranked Games and Win Solo in – Season 7! – Apex Legends eSports

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