Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 18 Leaks Come Early... as we discuss the new legend and his gameplay and abilities with brand new season 18 leaks about the upcoming future legend and how it ties into the lore of revenant along with... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 18 Leaks Come Early as Revenant Reborn is also an exciting addition coming to #ApexLegends in Season 18. Along with that we have new engine upgrades, the map of Stormont being totally reworked and updated along with... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Game Version 2.0 Event Update as there were a number of bugs and glitches that werent updated that caused game crashes, incorrect situations and impacted gameplay. Respawn looks to be fixing that with a new Verison of the... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Heirlooms #Skins Getting Update as the mythic and prestige skins will be getting dive trails added for anyone that gets them along with older ones that have already released as a way to make the heirlooms seem more... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Gameplay Is Here and Ballistic with his abilities have yet to be confirmed, Ballistic's official character bio lists him as an Assault-class legend, meaning his class-based abilities--accessing Weapon Supply Bins and carrying extra ammo--are no mystery.... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom and brand new heirloom recolors but also leaks of the new studio which will produce new types of apex content along with titans even being talked... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 In Game Teaser Event Today as the new legend Ballistic and his family are mentioned along with a brand new solo mode coming to the game called Royal Rumble which looks to add new gameplay elements... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Leaks Change Everything as the new legend Ballistic and his family are mentioned along with a brand new solo mode coming to the game called Royal Rumble which looks to add new gameplay elements and changes... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom and brand new heirloom recolors but also leaks of the new studio which will rpdouce new types of apex content along with titans even being talked... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 17 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom for not only Horizon or Fuse but also the next heirloom recolor along with a brand new legend known as Ballistic with brand new gameplay and... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Event Is Finally Releasing It as there is a collection event planned on March 28th titled Sun Squad event with the code name Party Beach which features the new LTM Heatwave along with a number of... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Future Playlist Maps Leaks as Arenas is being removed from the game for the brand new TDM mode along with the mixtape LTM and they will have 3 unique maps pulled from arenas but there are... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Reworks Show New Leaks as we got confirmation of all the new legend classes and perks along with all the new legend buffs and reworks but in addition to that Respawn showed off a little to... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom with the wraith heirloom recolor but also leaks of the Flatline Reactive heat sink recolor will be an heirloom reward for a special ALGS collection event... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Heirloom Shard Event as the 4 year annviersary is releasing on the day of the new season and with the legendary and epic skins themed around the legends with their new buffs and nerfs the reward... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom with the wraith heirloom recolor but also leaks of the Flatline Reactive heat sink recolor will be an heirloom reward for a special ALGS collection event... read more
Apex Legends New - Season 15 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom for not only Seer but also the Flatline Reactive heat sink recolor will be an heirloom reward for a special ALGS collection event that will take place on the new divided moon map along... read more
Apex Legends New - Season 15 Map Is Here Today as you will be able to board a drop ship and travel to the new map and get your first chance to actually visit it and explore how it will work as long as you got your golden ticket the... read more
First Look At Everything New In Apex Legends Season 15 called Eclipse as we go in depth with brand new gameplay of the map Divided Moon and into each of the new legend Catalyst and her new ability's and how they will work from her ultimate, tac and passive along... read more
Apex Legends New - Season 15 Will Change Everything as we have a brand new heirloom for not only Seer but also the Flatline Reactive heat sink recolor will be an heirloom reward for a special ALGS collection event that will take place on the new divided moon map along... read more
First Look At Everything New In #ApexLegends Season 15 called Eclipse as we go in depth into each of the new legend Catalyst and her new ability's and how they will work from her ultimate, tac and passive along with the brand new divided moon map and the unique gravity... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Rivals Compete With Event Game Modes as it is now confirmed for the upcoming season 14 collection event we will get a new LTM on FreeDm but Respawn also leaked an upcoming Shadow Royal variant while at the... read more
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