Apex Legends New Legend Uplink: Abilities & Gameplay Leak

Apex Legends New Legend Uplink: Abilities & Gameplay Leak

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODuY0C4eHoQ #ApexLegends Uplink Abilities & Lifelines New Rival as we discuss the new legend and his gameplay and abilities as a upcoming support legend that will be added soon. He is most likely coming in Season 15 but he features upgrades... read more
Apex Legends New Legend Scryer: Abilities & Gameplay

Apex Legends New Legend Scryer: Abilities & Gameplay

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2p7KNvwrOw #ApexLegends New Legend Scryer: Abilities & Gameplays we discuss the new legend and his gameplay and abilities as a upcoming recon legend that will be added soon. He has a haunting set of abilities for a new version of wall... read more
Apex Legends New Legend Conduit: Abilities & Lore

Apex Legends New Legend Conduit: Abilities & Lore

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9C9IVi-GBU #ApexLegends New Legend Conduit: Abilities & Gameplaywe discuss the new legend and her gameplay and abilities falling into the Support category, Conduit’s kit revolves around regenerating allied shields at the expense of their own, and of course, damaging the shields... read more
Apex Legends New Update Today For Meta Changes

Apex Legends New Update Today For Meta Changes

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir_FSVu5GCU #ApexLegends New Season 16 Meta Already Set For Nerfs as a number of changes made to the new class system have overall helped and improved the state of the game by increasing the player count to its highest ever some... read more
Apex Legends New Abilities Ruining Buffs & Nerfs

Apex Legends New Abilities Ruining Buffs

Apex Legends New Ability Meta Is Changing The Game as Respawn devs break down the future of the scan meta along with care package rotations and upcoming nemesis AR, moon map changes, , another event collaboration planned in - Season 15 with new epic and legendary skins while also banning... read more
Apex Legends New Ability Meta Makes Huge Changes

Apex New Ability Meta Makes Huge Changes

Apex Legends New Ability Meta Is Changing The Game as Respawn devs break down the future of the scan meta along with moon map changes, the future legend and character abilities and another event collaboration planned in - Season 14 with new epic and legendary skins while also banning a... read more
Apex Legends New Update Ruined By Controversy

Apex Legends New Update Ruined By Controversy

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmw27HxAkTA #ApexLegends new update went live and fixed a few of the bugs and glitches in season 14 but still left many on the table as the hacking and cheating has now reached an all time high with pro players like... read more
Apex Legends New Season 15 Map Secret Gameplay Changes

Season 15 Map Secrets in Apex Legends

Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PjDlo7-ZY #ApexLegends New Season 15 Map Secret Gameplay Changes For Battle Royal for the new divided moon map which will be taking place on the moon of Boreas. The map has a host of features such as a brand new skybox,... read more