Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Legend Ballistic The Arms Dealer is the next legend lined up to come to the game and the first one since Loba to be a support based legend with the abilities to carry 3 different weapons, an auto... read more
Apex Legends New Legend Catalyst Has Anti Scan Abilities as she has gameplay based around defense and making doors and structures stronger to allow her to gain an advantage in the battle royal. She is the - Season 15 Legend as confirmed by Respawn by her early leaked abilities have... read more
Apex Legends New Legend Jester Abilities & Gameplay as we have a new look at the upcoming character who was actually a pilot from Titanfall 2 that was cut before the release of the full game. His abilities and gameplay actually seem to based on a former legend known as... read more
Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video Welcome to my first #ApexLegends Season 7 news video! Today I talk about the #ApexLegends Season 7 Battle Pass and more! F O L L O W M E ! ! ! Twitch - Twitter - Instagram - read more