Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Season 16 Class Rework Got A Huge Buff as it now appears lifeline and other support legends will be able to craft teammates banner and res them remotely along with many more changes for the rest of the... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Gameplay Update Reworks Ranked as Respawn have stated before they are redoing the way skill based matchmaking works it now appears they are cracking down on smurf accounts and testing new reworks in the EU region which has... read more
Apex Legends New Buffs & Nerfs - Season 15 Reworks with main characters such as Seer, Loba and Revenant mentioned as well with a Meta shift for the new legend Catalyst and her abilities a lot of misinformation is being spread about what exactly those changes will be and what... read more
#ApexLegends New Legend Classes& Update Controversy as right now there are assualt, recon, defensive, and support but Respawn is working on 3 new classes to add more variety and perks and allow for more nerfs and buffs for legends passives like Pathfinder which haven't been able to be improved... read more
Thank you to Thordan Smash for uploading this video #ApexLegends New Buffs and Nerfs Replace Old Legends as Vantage and Newcastle this season have come in stronger and more meta than ever replacing Lifeline along with Seer mainting himself as one of the best legends replacing the old Bloodhound.... read more