I actually played with the REAL Crypto... (Ft. Johnny Young - Apex Legends)

I actually played with the REAL Crypto… (Ft. Johnny Young – Apex Legends)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVX6yebjppY ►Hey guys, today in #ApexLegends I'm joined by the ACTUAL voice actor for Crypto - Johnny Young! Johnny - https://www.twitch.tv/johnnyyoung115 cuestar - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuD71YaecVe2A1DVs3IldTA Thumbnail Art - https://www.instagram.com/iamfragment/ ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come out with my own line... read more
All FINAL Leaks & Clues For Apex Legends SEASON 5....(Apex Legends Season 5 Leaks)

All FINAL Leaks & Clues For Apex Legends SEASON 5….(Apex Legends Season 5 Leaks)

Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS1aktEqz3E In this video, I take a look at the most recent Apex Season 5 leaks, clues & hints! With Season 5 just one week away, I thought it was fitting to recap all of the recent information we have! I hope... read more
NEW AREA! Super creepy Season 5 IN GAME Teaser! (Apex Legends)

NEW AREA! Super creepy Season 5 IN GAME Teaser! (Apex Legends)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FimGZDgNq7c ►Yesterday there was a patch that brought in ANOTHER Loba/Season 5 #ApexLegends teaser - and this time it was in game! ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come out with my own line of PCs that I personally specced... read more
New Limited Mode coming to Apex Legends!

New Limited Mode coming to Apex Legends!

Thank you to JMeyels for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuZQfs1EcnQ New LTM Coming To #ApexLegends "Will Fix RNG" In this video we play some #ApexLegends and talk about the new LTM coming soon to #ApexLegends next week on the 28th. This new LTM should help balance the RNG in Apex and... read more
This is what we want in Season 5 of Apex Legends

This is what we want in Season 5 of Apex Legends

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVwvHSP6qgQ ►Season 4 in #ApexLegends is coming to a close, and I think we can reasonably assume Season 5 will be here in roughly 2 weeks. Today, me and the boys go over what we'd want to see in #ApexLegends Season 5.... read more
The Havoc is going to get NERFED soon. Is it that OP? Also, Season 5 teaser in game? (Apex Legends)

The Havoc is going to get NERFED soon. Is it that OP? Also, Season 5 teaser in game? (Apex Legends)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj9IN2Wzoxc ►The havoc got reworked a little bit some patches ago, but it seems like more recently people have been voicing their opinions on how strong it is. Respawn dev Josh Medina has responded by saying the havoc is getting nerfed "soon"... read more
Apex Legends Coaching Series #5 - Late Game Rotations

Apex Legends Coaching Series #5 – Late Game Rotations

Apex Legends Coaching Series #5 - Late Game Rotations In this video we talk about how to Rotate in Apex Legends in the late game situation. Rotation in the late game is super important to practice and improve on as it really can decide the factor of your RP multiplier.... read more
Apex Legends Season 5 Map Update Teaser (Kings Canyon Map Update?)

Apex Legends – Season 5 Map Update Teaser (Kings Canyon Map Update?)

Apex Legends - Season 5 Map Update Teaser (Kings Canyon Map Update?) In this video we talk about a teaser for the New - Season 5 Map Update! This map will most likely be a Kings Canyon Map Update, but Respawn could always surprise us with a new map. What... read more
Apex Legends - Bloodhound Town Takeover Trailer (New Buffs & Nerfs)

Apex Legends – Bloodhound Town Takeover Trailer (New Buffs & Nerfs)

Thank you to JMeyels for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz0Z-ZnD-Rg #ApexLegends - Bloodhound Town Takeover Trailer (New Buffs & Nerfs) In this video we talk about the trailer release for the Bloodhound Town Takeover ! This new event Introduces prowlers, and high tier loot zone and permanent duos and map rotations... read more
Top 5 MOST OVERPOWERED Leaked Characters In Apex Legends!

Top 5 MOST OVERPOWERED Leaked Characters In Apex Legends!

Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh4gZ8ACJGM In this video, I take a look at the top 5 MOST OVERPOWERED leaked legends in apex! These legends have all been found in the game files by a prominent data miner, previously known as That1MiningGuy. In my opinions, these 5... read more
Apex Legends - Permanent Duos & Map Selector (The Old Ways Event)

Apex Legends – Permanent Duos & Map Selector (The Old Ways Event)

In this video we talk about the recent news with bloodhound's town takeover event called "The Old Ways" where we will be getting a map selector and duos permanently!! This is such a long awaited thing for Apex and for sure going to be great for the game! We will... read more


Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnthIrPqQYk ►Respawn put out a surprise patch in #ApexLegends where the Mozambique suddenly becomes the strongest weapon in the game... for April Fools Sponsored by EA http://x.ea.com/62490 ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come out with my own line of... read more
*LEAKED* Apex Legends Prowlers Coming from Titanfall Universe! (Campaign Mode or Battle Royale?)

*LEAKED* Apex Legends Prowlers Coming from Titanfall Universe! (Campaign Mode or Battle Royale?)

*LEAKED* Apex Legends Prowlers Coming from Titanfall Universe! (Campaign Mode or Battle Royale?) In this video we talk about the Leak we have from Shrugtal and iLootGames on the new prowlers coming to Apex Legends! These are confirmed to be "Apex Prowlers" and not the old files from Titanfall. These... read more
Apex Legends - Wall Jump Like a Pro in 2 Minutes (Advanced Tips)

Apex Legends – Wall Jump Like a Pro in 2 Minutes (Advanced Tips)

Apex Legends - Wall Jump Like a Pro in 2 Minutes In this video we talk about the the best way to master the wall jump like pros and the best (Aceu) in Apex Legends. This mechanic can really give you the advantage in your games. I hope this helps... read more
Apex Legends | NEW EASTER EVENT LEAKS REVEALED! - Possible Release Date & More! (Apex New Leaks)

Apex Legends | NEW EASTER EVENT LEAKS REVEALED! – Possible Release Date & More! (Apex New Leaks)

Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7EjrSa8rVI In this video, I talk about recent leaks that suggest an Easter event in currently in the works thanks to the one and only @ilootgames! I also talk about a possible release date as well as other details. I hope you... read more
Apex Legends BRAND NEW Leaks Revealed! - Bloodhound Town Takeover Leak & New Legendary Weapon Skins!

Apex Legends BRAND NEW Leaks Revealed! – Bloodhound Town Takeover Leak & New Legendary Weapon Skins!

Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI_FP0HMJWA In this video, I cover a couple of brand new leaks in Apex! Bloodhound is most likely going to be getting a town takeover VERY soon, with the first teasers starting on March 31st. We also take a look at some... read more
*LEAKED* Apex Legends Bloodhound Town Takeover Teaser Release Date (Apex Legends Leaks)

*LEAKED* Apex Legends Bloodhound Town Takeover Teaser Release Date (Apex Legends Leaks)

In this video we talk about the Leak we have that confirms a date for the teaser of the Bloodhound Town Takeover! This was leaked out by twitter user @shrugtal. What map do you believe it will be on and how do you think it will be designed? Shrugtal: https://twitter.com/shrugtal... read more
WHAT TO EXPECT IN APEX SEASON 4 SPLIT! - King's Canyon, LOBA?, New Weapon & Leaks (Apex Season 4)

WHAT TO EXPECT IN APEX SEASON 4 SPLIT! – King’s Canyon, LOBA?, New Weapon & Leaks (Apex Season 4)

Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxJkrQf3ACI In this video, I talk about what you can possible expect to see in the season 4 split of Apex. I touch on previously confirmed things like the ranked reset and return of King's Canyon, but I also speculate and talk... read more
Apex Legends | ALL NEW MASSIVE LEAKS! - Volt SMG, Loba Animations, Octane Heirloom (Apex Leaks)

Apex Legends | ALL NEW MASSIVE LEAKS! – Volt SMG, Loba Animations, Octane Heirloom (Apex Leaks)

Thank you to FSG kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq22u1-_b7g All New Massive #ApexLegends Leaks! - In this video, I summarized all of the recent #ApexLegends leaks! I touched on the leaked Volt SMG, Loba Animations as well the leaked Octane Heirloom in Apex. I hope you will enjoy :)... read more
Apex Legends | BRAND NEW WEAPON 'SMART PISTOL' LEAKED! (New Leaks Weapon Coming In Season 4!?)

Apex Legends | BRAND NEW WEAPON ‘SMART PISTOL’ LEAKED! (New Leaks Weapon Coming In Season 4!?)

Thank you to FSG kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6rLyoKva6A The leaks are BACK! And today we're taking a look at a very controversial weapon that was just leaked courtesy of @That1MiningGuy. This weapon is none other than the Smart Pistol MK5 from the Titanfall games. The new leaked weapon... read more
Octane Heirloom Leaked Picture + New Gibraltar Skin + Giveaway (Apex Legends Season 4)

Octane Heirloom Leaked + Gibraltar Skin

In this video we show off the new Octane Heirloom file leaked and the new Gibraltar skin leaked! Let me know what you think of these sick skins down below! I will giveaway the Octane Heirloom when it is released so go subscribe to my gameplay channel! JMeyels Plays (2nd... read more
Valentines Day Event Leak + Release Date + Battle Pass Giveaway Winner (Apex Legends Leak)

Valentines Day Event Leak + Release Date + Battle Pass Giveaway Winner (Apex Legends Leak)

In this video we discuss some leaked material for the Apex Legends Valentines Day Event Leak. We have a release date for it and also some leaked out charms and quips for the event! We also have a winner for the - Season 4 battle pass giveaway: "dhemapples". Thank you... read more


Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1P7OY3nbkE ►#ApexLegends season 4 is right around the corner and they dropped the gameplay trailer - showcasing the new map changes, Revenant, and the new weapon the Sentinel!! Read patch overview here: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/season-4-map-update ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come... read more


Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B4jT2feick ►The new trailer for Season 4 of #ApexLegends is out and it's incredibly hype. Revenant looks like a total badass. I go through the video once for my initial reaction and then go back again to see what I can figure... read more
KING'S CANYON IS BACK!! (Grand Soiree Event - Apex Legends)

KING’S CANYON IS BACK!! (Grand Soiree Event – Apex Legends)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bo35ffQJz8Q ►The long awaited return of King's Canyon in #ApexLegends. Sadly it's not permanent but we decide to try out the new game mode. Kobi - https://www.twitch.tv/kohbeh/ Boom - https://www.twitch.tv/boomrazzle Ninjayla - https://www.twitch.tv/ninjayla ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come... read more
Apex Legends | NEW FORGE LEAKED ABILITIES! - Better Than Revenant?? (Apex Legends Season 4 Leaks)

Apex Legends | NEW FORGE LEAKED ABILITIES! – Better Than Revenant?? (Apex Legends Season 4 Leaks)

Thank you to FSG kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxEUy2fWZ8w The new legend, Forge, has some very interesting abilities. In this video, I take a look at all of Forge's leaked abilities in #ApexLegends! I have many more #ApexLegends Season 4 Leaks coming so be sure to be on the... read more