Apex Legends LATEST NEWS: World's Edge Night, Leaked Legend Buffs, Final Season 5 LTM & MORE!

Apex Legends LATEST NEWS: World’s Edge Night, Leaked Legend Buffs, Final Season 5 LTM & MORE!

Thank you to kijannaplays for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q5IKb_ci3A In this video, I talk about some of the latest news in #ApexLegends, more specifically the possibility of a World's Edge Night Map, Leaked Legend Buffs & the FINAL LTM of Season 5. As always, I hope you enjoy! JOIN MY... read more
*LEAKED* Apex Legends Prowlers Coming from Titanfall Universe! (Campaign Mode or Battle Royale?)

*LEAKED* Apex Legends Prowlers Coming from Titanfall Universe! (Campaign Mode or Battle Royale?)

*LEAKED* Apex Legends Prowlers Coming from Titanfall Universe! (Campaign Mode or Battle Royale?) In this video we talk about the Leak we have from Shrugtal and iLootGames on the new prowlers coming to Apex Legends! These are confirmed to be "Apex Prowlers" and not the old files from Titanfall. These... read more