NEW PATCH! Opening My 14 *FREE* Apex Packs! Here's What I got. (Apex Legends)

NEW PATCH! Opening My 14 *FREE* Apex Packs! Here’s What I got. (Apex Legends)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►If you're already level 100, you get 14 Apex Packs for "free" since it's retroactive. Respawn has increased the number of apex packs you get from 0 - 100 on the level up, and if you're already 100, you get all... read more
Apex Legends Coaching Series Ep.3 (From An Apex Predator)

Apex Legends Coaching Series Ep.3 (From An Apex Predator)

Subscribe and turn on that notification bell for more Apex Legends Daily Videos. In this video I coach you all through some decision making for Apex so that you can improve your rotations, positioning, and gun skill. Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to leave some feedback below.... read more
I attempt the "Win with the first two guns I find" CHALLENGE (Apex Legends)

I attempt the “Win with the first two guns I find” CHALLENGE (Apex Legends)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►Highly requested by you guys for me to try this challenge in #ApexLegends. Here's how I do. ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come out with my own line of PCs that I personally specced out! Check them out... read more
Caustic main climbs Predator ranks. Then this happened. (Road to Top 1000 Predators Part 1)

Caustic main climbs Predator ranks. Then this happened. (Road to Top 1000 Predators Part 1)

Thank you to kandyrew for uploading this video ►New series for Apex legends - road to Top 1000. I'd love to get to the top 1000 predators this season, but my start is a rough one... ►I am working with Apex Gaming PCs to come out with my own... read more
Coaching Series Announcement!  - Apex Legends Season 3

Coaching Series Announcement! – Apex Legends – Season 3 – Apex Legends Apex LegendsCoaching

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to leave some feedback below. Everything is appreciated! E-Mail: E-Mail Subject: Current rank/Last - Season rank (if any) Include in the E-Mail: VIDEO LINK for YouTube (unlisted or public!) or google drive (right click your file, "get sharable link" and send... read more
BIG NEWS! | Apex Legends DUOS Season 3 Update! + Apex Legends Mobile! (Apex Duos Season 3)

BIG NEWS! | Apex Legends DUOS – Season 3 Update! + Apex Legends Mobile! (Apex Duos – Season 3)

Apex Legends - Season 3 DUOS! Here are the topics I discuss in today's video! Apex Legends Duos will be coming to - Season 3 next week Tuesday! Plans on bringing Apex Legends to mobile devices. Apex Legends on next gen consoles! Follow us and check out our social media... read more