Tachanka needs help again despite rework

Tachanka Title

To make him more attractive, the operator Tachanka in Rainbow Six: Siege 2020 got a rework – despite the resistance of some fans. The rework was supposed to put him a bit higher up in the victory rates – but it didn’t work out that way. Now buffs are supposed to remedy the situation.

Tachanka is one of the oldest operators in Rainbow Six and has been in the game since release in 2015. He is a defender, belongs to the Russian Spetsnaz, and until now had as a special ability a stand-up MG with a shield that he could up and take down.

This previously made Tachanka particularly suitable for controlling a room and covering enemies with a hail of bullets. However, in late 2020, with the release of – Season 4 of Year 5, he received a rework that changed his entire kit.

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Instead of a machine gun, he now carries a grenade launcher with incendiary grenades, which he can use to blanket attackers and make areas inaccessible by fire. The rework doesn’t go down too well, though.

Even before that, Tachanka had a small but loyal fan base. Despite being one of the worst operators – and at times even the worst – some players didn’t want him to be changed (via MeinMMO). Over the years, he earned a reputation as the meme operator “Lord Tachanka” and players didn’t want their “Lord” to lose his unique selling point.

By the way: The name Tachanka is derived from a machine gun of the same name, which in Russia used to be pulled by horse-drawn carts and set up on them. Since Tachanka now no longer sets up his rifle, but only carries it, the name doesn’t really fit anymore.

This is how Tachanka looks after the rework

In new dev notes at the end of – Season 4 in Year 5, the developers reveal that Tachanka is still weak. He is the least played operator, who also loses more often than he wins.

Compared to the past, he has only improved to a certain extent. At the beginning of year 5, his win rate was so bad that it didn’t even fit on the graph anymore. Just before his rework, however, he was the strongest defender who was hardly played.

The history of Tachanka’s “Win Deltas” over past – Season s can be seen in the gallery:

View Rainbow Six Siege Win Deltas Tachanka

So, apparently, his new ability has yet to make a stand in the game. Still, the developers don’t seem to be satisfied with what Tachanka has become. He should apparently become better.

Buffs for the “Lord

With the upcoming update Y6S1.3 Tachanka should receive some improvements. His grenade launcher will hold seven grenades instead of five, and the duration of the generated fire is also increased from five to seven seconds.

In addition, the explosives detonate faster, the radius increases, and the projectiles can fly farther and faster. This is a basic buff to his new ability that should make him stronger for all situations.

After initial feedback from players, they were worried that the new Tachanka would be too strong. Apparently, however, he was adjusted down too much before his release, which the developers now want to fix. The changes are aimed at everything from casual games to pro matches. You might even see him in the GSA soon:

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Disclaimer: GameStar and MeinMMO are media partners of this year’s league for Rainbow Six: Siege in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. We will report regularly on the league, the games and teams on our websites and channels in the coming weeks and months.


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