League of Legends Support Role Guide – How to Carry Your Team as a Support

your team to victory by mastering the role in . As a support player, your contributions are vital in shaping the outcome of every match. This will equip you with the crucial strategies, champion picks, and techniques to maximize your impact and help your team thrive. From warding and vision control to effective communication and team fighting, you’ll learn how to elevate your gameplay and ensure your teammates reach their full potential.

Understanding the Support Role

For many players, the support role in of Legends can be misunderstood or overlooked. However, it plays a vital part in the team’s success and can significantly impact the game’s outcome.

Definition and Importance

Definition: The support role is primarily focused on aiding allies during the laning phase and throughout the game. Your importance lies in enabling your team to perform better through vision control, protecting carries, and providing crucial utility.

Key Responsibilities of a Support

There’s a range of responsibilities you must uphold as a support. From warding to peeling for your carries, every action you take contributes to the overall success of your team.

Responsibilities can be broken down as follows:

WardingPlacing wards to gain vision and control objectives.
PeelingProtecting your carries from enemy threats during team fights.
EngagingInitiating fights or skirmishes when appropriate.
Healing/BuffingUsing abilities to enhance your teammates’ survivability and damage.
Objective ControlHelping your team secure dragons, barons, and turrets.

Different Types of Supports

While there are several types of support champions, each serves a unique purpose within the team composition. Understanding these differences will help you choose the right champion for any given match.

You can categorize supports into the following types:

Tank SupportsDurable champions that absorb damage and engage fights.
EnchantersSupport champions focused on healing and buffs.
CC (Crowd Control) TrainersSupports that excel in controlling enemy movements.
AP (Ability Power) SupportsMages that deal damage while offering utility.
Utility BotsChampions that provide unique abilities to aid teammates.

The choice of support can significantly alter your team’s dynamics and strategy, and you’ll want to pick based on your team’s needs and composition. This understanding ensures you can optimize your impact on each game.

Choosing the Right Champion

Some players may overlook the importance of selecting the right support champion to carry their team to victory. In this role, your choice can significantly impact your team’s performance throughout the game. Before making a decision, consider the following factors:

Factors to Consider When Picking a Support

If you want to excel as a support, you should evaluate the following factors when picking your champion:

  • Your personal playstyle and comfort level.
  • The needs of your ADC and their preferred champions.
  • The composition of both your team and the enemy’s team.
  • Your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses.

After taking these factors into account, you’ll have a better understanding of which champion can maximize your effectiveness in the game.

Synergy with ADC Champions

Synergy between you and your ADC is vital for dominating the laning phase. The support champion you pick has to complement the strengths and weaknesses of your ADC to create a harmonious partnership.

Picking a champion that synergizes well with your ADC can lead to stronger trades and successful kills in the laning phase. For example, if your ADC is hyper-scaling, consider a support that offers crowd control and peel to keep them alive. Alternatively, if your ADC is aggressive, you may want to pick a support that can engage and quickly set up kills, ensuring you maximize your effectiveness together throughout the game.

Understanding the Metagame

Champion selection is also heavily influenced by the current metagame, which refers to the most effective strategies and champion picks at any given time.

Consider exploring recently buffed or popular champions in the support role to ensure you are adapting to the ongoing changes in the game. Familiarize yourself with patch notes and community insights for optimal picks. By staying updated, you can enhance your effectiveness and provide your team with the best chance to succeed. The metagame evolves constantly, so be sure to assess how these changes might affect your champion choices and your team’s overall strategy.

Vision Control Strategies

Many players underestimate the importance of vision control in securing victories in League of Legends. As a support, it’s your responsibility to ensure your team is informed and safe throughout the match. This chapter discusses vital warding techniques and map awareness to enhance your team’s chances of success.

Warding Basics

On the battlefield, placing wards in strategic locations can reveal enemy movements and objectives. You should prioritize key locations such as river entrances and jungle paths to provide maximum visibility for your team. This early investment in vision can prevent ganks and lead to favorable engagements.

Advanced Warding Techniques

Techniques for advanced warding can elevate your game and your teammates’ performance significantly. Here are some methods to improve your placement:


  1. Control Wards
  2. Vision Score
  3. Lane Wards
  1. Utilize control wards to deny enemy vision.
  2. Track your vision score for improvement.
  3. Place lane wards to protect teammates.

By mastering these techniques, you will not only provide valuable information to your team but also create opportunities for successful skirmishes or objectives. Make it a point to consistently adapt your warding strategy based on the evolving match situation.

Advanced Techniques

  1. Vision Traps
  2. Backdoor Wards
  3. Enemy Jungle Invasion
  1. Use wards to bait enemies into ambushes.
  2. Place wards near enemy base for surprise plays.
  3. Ward deep into enemy jungle for early insights.

Map Awareness and Control

Assuming you keep vision control in check, map awareness will follow naturally. Knowing the location of allies and enemies means you can make informed decisions and capitalize on opportunities. Utilize the information gained from your wards to ping for assistance or avoid danger.

Awareness carries beyond simply placing wards. You need to constantly assess the map, tracking cooldowns and enemy movement patterns. This vigilance allows you to lead your team effectively, making it easier to respond to threats or to initiate plays when favorable conditions arise.

Communicating with Your Team

After understanding your champion’s strengths and weaknesses, effective communication with your team is paramount for success in League of Legends. A support player can significantly influence the game through teamwork and strategy, ensuring that your teammates are on the same page.

Importance of Pings and Calls

On the battlefield, pings and calls serve as your voice, providing vital information to your team quickly. Whether signaling the location of enemy champions or notifying them about incoming threats, using these tools effectively can turn the tide in skirmishes and team fights.

How to Effectively Communicate in Game

There’s a distinct advantage in being the go-to communicator on your team. You can relay important information about objectives, enemy positions, and cooldowns, enabling your teammates to make informed decisions. Using pings in conjunction with short, clear text messages can enhance your communication further.

With effective communication, you can create a strong synergy with your team. By consistently sharing information and discussing strategies, you boost your team’s confidence and help everyone be more aware of what’s happening in the game. Moreover, don’t hesitate to call for assistance when needed—your proactive approach can inspire teammates to act swiftly.

Building Team Morale and Cohesion

One of your imperative roles as a support is to foster morale among your teammates. Encouragement, positive reinforcement, and acknowledging good plays can elevate the team’s spirit, leading to better performance and cooperation during the game.

For instance, after a successful gank or skirmish, take a moment to commend your teammates for their efforts. When a teammate makes a mistake, provide constructive feedback instead of criticizing them. This approach not only builds a healthier team atmosphere but also promotes cohesion, enhancing your overall chances of securing victory together.

Laning Phase

Unlike other roles, your effectiveness as a support during the laning phase hinges significantly on your positioning. Being aware of your surroundings allows you to protect your ADC while also setting up opportunities for aggression. Stand in a way that not only aids your ADC in last-hitting minions but also makes it difficult for the enemy to engage without taking damage themselves. Use the terrain to your advantage and maintain vision in critical spots to ensure you don’t get caught out of position.

Positioning in Lane

For optimal positioning, you should frequently adjust your placement based on enemy behavior and lane dynamics. Stay close enough to assist your ADC but far enough to avoid being an easy target. Be ready to retreat or engage as needed, ensuring you maintain vision control and keep track of the enemy jungler’s location.

Harassment Techniques

The art of harassment is key to gaining an advantage in lane. You should use your abilities and basic attacks to poke the enemy without risking your safety. Your goal is to chip away at their health while ensuring your ADC can farm. Pay attention to the cooldowns of your spells and your ADC’s positions to maximize the effectiveness of your harassment.

Plus, effective harassment involves understanding your range and timing. The moment the enemy overextends, know when to capitalize on their mistake with your crowd control or damage abilities. Use the minions to shield yourself from enemy retaliation and position yourself in a way that allows your ADC to follow up with attacks. This can demoralize the enemy and create opportunities for your team.

Managing Resources (Health, Mana, etc.)

Managing your health and mana is vital during the laning phase. You need to strike a balance between using your spells aggressively and conserving your resources to provide sustain for your ADC. Pay attention to your mana bar and avoid spamming abilities unless necessary. Be strategic in your engagements to ensure you maintain enough resources to react when your ADC is in danger.

A good strategy for managing resources involves using your abilities wisely, ensuring they contribute effectively to trades or zoning. Utilize items such as health potions to restore health when you take damage, and always be mindful of your mana consumption in order to have enough for crucial moments like ganks or disengagements. This allows you to remain a reliable presence in the lane throughout the early game.

Understanding Itemization

Despite the fact that support champions often have the least gold in the game, effective itemization can have a significant impact on your team’s success. Knowing what to buy and when can empower you to shield allies, control the battlefield, and amplify your team’s damage output. Understanding itemization ensures that you are equipped to face any situation in-game, allowing you to adapt your strategies based on your team composition and the enemy team.

Key Items for Different Support Champions

One of the first steps in mastering itemization is to familiarize yourself with the crucial items for your chosen support champion. Each support has their own unique playstyle that can benefit from specific items. For instance, if you are playing as Lulu, items like Shurelya’s Battlesong and Ardent Censer may enhance your ability to protect and buff allies, while engaging in fights as Leona might require you to prioritize items like Knights Vow and Zeke’s Convergence for tankiness and crowd control.

Situational Itemization

If you want to adapt to the flow of the game, examining your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses is vital. Consider the following tips for maximizing your itemization:

  • Choose items that counter the enemy’s primary threats.
  • Favor defensive items against heavy AP or AD compositions.
  • Purchase vision items if your team lacks adequate ward coverage.
  • Thou should always balance between team needs and personal survivability.

Situational itemization emphasizes the importance of flexibility in your builds. You should assess the changing dynamics of each match and be willing to adapt your item choices accordingly. For instance, if you find yourself facing a heavy crowd-control enemy team, items like Mikael’s Crucible can be a lifesaver. Similarly, if your DPS is falling behind, opting for items like Redemption can provide significant healing in team fights.

  • Consider items like Zeke’s Convergence when teamed up with damage dealers.
  • Build more healing or shielding if your carry needs protection.
  • Adjust for mobility items if your team is often on the move.
  • Thou should embrace the versatility inherent in the support role.

Maximizing Item Efficiency

Situational awareness is key to maximizing the efficiency of your items. Pay close attention to your team’s composition and the prevailing conditions on the battlefield. If you can anticipate the needs of your teammates while also taking note of your opponents’ itemization, you can optimize your purchases and ensure that you are being as effective as possible.

With the right mindset, you can go beyond simply buying items. Effective support players always scout for opportunities to raise the utility of their item choices. Think of the synergies between your items and those of your teammates. For example, combining your healing with an ally’s damage output can create devastating results, boosting your team’s overall performance while reinforcing your capability as a support champion.

Engaging in Team Fights

Your success as a support player in team fights can often dictate the outcome of the game. Engaging effectively requires good positioning, knowing when to initiate, and timing your abilities to maximize their impact. In this section, we’ll explore how to make the most out of team fights, ensuring you carry your team to victory.

Positioning During Fights

Some supports excel at staying near the backline to shield carries or provide crowd control, while others benefit from frontline presence. Find the right balance depending on your champion and the state of the fight. Your positioning should allow you to protect your team while remaining safe from high-threat enemies.

Initiating vs. Following Up

If your champion has strong initiation tools, you may find yourself in a position to lead the charge. Alternatively, being a follow-up support means waiting for the enemy to engage or your frontline to dive in before you commit your abilities. Understanding your role in either scenario is vital for maximizing your team’s impact in crucial moments.

This decision often depends on your team composition and the enemy’s crowd control. If your team has a strong engage champion, focus more on following up with your abilities to capitalize on the initial dive. Alternatively, if you have an ability to initiate, time it well with your team’s damage output to catch the enemy off guard, ensuring they cannot escape or retaliate effectively.

Timing Your Abilities

Now, effective timing of your abilities in fights can make or break your team’s success. Wait for the right moment to deploy your crowd control or damage mitigation skills to gain the upper hand. Being proactive, yet patient, is key to ensuring your abilities hit their targets when they matter most.

With practice, you’ll develop a sense for when to unleash your abilities for maximum effect. Watch the flow of the fight and anticipate enemy movements, allowing you to land abilities on immobilized or retreating enemies. Proper timing can disrupt enemy plans and turn the tides in your favor, showcasing your impact as a support player.

Roaming Strategies

To enhance your effectiveness as a support, mastering the art of roaming is important. Roaming allows you to leave your ADC to farm and secure kills or objectives in other lanes, elevating your team’s overall performance. However, knowing when and how to execute a successful roam can significantly impact the game’s outcome.

When to Roam

One of the best times to roam is when your ADC is safe and has established lane control. Look for opportunities when enemy champions are low on health, or when your jungler is nearby and can provide additional support. Additionally, utilizing vision and keeping an eye on the enemy’s position can give you the perfect window to move without being spotted.

How to Effectively Roam

Clearly, effective roaming requires planning and awareness. Before you leave your lane, ensure your ADC is protected, and set wards strategically to maintain vision in the river and surrounding jungle areas. Communicate with your team about your intentions, and time your roams with your jungler’s ganks to maximize the potential for securing kills or objectives.

Strategies for roaming effectively include taking advantage of lane recalls and coordinating with your jungler. You should also consider the Summoner Spells and ultimate abilities of both your teammates and the enemies before venturing into another lane. Being aware of your allies’ cooldowns can mean the difference between a successful kill and a potential disaster.

Impacting Other Lanes

One of your primary goals while roaming is to create opportunities in other lanes. This can involve setting up ambushes, applying pressure, or even helping secure objectives. By effectively impacting other lanes, you’ll not only shift the momentum but also relieve some pressure from your ADC, allowing them to farm safely.

Lanes that are struggling can benefit immensely from your timely assistance. Pay attention to matchups and prioritize helping lanes that are behind or are at risk of being ganked yourself. Utilize your crowd control abilities to initiate fights when you roam, ensuring that you have a significant impact on your teammates’ success.

Countering Enemy Support Strategies

Keep an eye on your enemy support and their strategies; understanding how they operate is key to your success. Different supports exhibit unique strengths and weaknesses, so being able to identify which champion you’re up against can provide you with valuable information. Knowing if you’re facing an engage-heavy support like Leona or a poke-oriented support like Janna allows you to tailor your response accordingly, giving you a better chance to outplay them and secure an advantage for your team.

Identifying Common Enemy Supports

Little adjustments in your gameplay can significantly impact how you approach enemy supports. Familiarize yourself with common champions in the support role, as each one has specific methods of controlling laning and roaming phases. For instance, champions like Blitzcrank rely on catching you off-guard with hooks, while others like Lulu may focus on shielding and buffing their ADC. Being aware of these patterns prepares you for the challenges ahead.

Counter Play Techniques

Strategies to counter enemy supports revolve around understanding their abilities and cooldowns. Positioning is imperative; maintain distance from threat ranges to minimize risk when facing engage supports. Meanwhile, if you’re against poke supports, look for openings to engage when their key abilities are on cooldown. Communication with your ADC about when to be aggressive or defensive can also turn the tide in your favor.

Adjusting Your Playstyle

While your core responsibilities as a support remain, adjusting your playstyle can enhance your effectiveness against various enemies. Adapt your item builds based on the threats you face; for instance, consider building Quicksilver against heavy CC initiators or stacking health against poke champions. Your positioning during fights also matters greatly; positioning yourself in a way that protects your carry while being safe from the enemy’s support can increase your chances of success.

Support champions thrive on flexibility; constantly assess your surroundings and the flow of the game. If you notice the enemy support consistently roaming, consider warding aggressively, which not only keeps you informed but can set up your team for picks. Adaptability to your opponent’s strategy as the match progresses will often make the difference between victory and defeat. Keep re-evaluating your approach as needed to stay one step ahead of your opponents.

Maximizing Your Impact

Despite the perception that support players have a passive role, you possess the power to significantly influence the outcome of a match. By strategically leveraging your abilities and positioning, you can create opportunities for your team and turn fights in their favor. Understanding how to maximize your impact is necessary for becoming a game-changing support player.

Creating Opportunities for Your Team

On the rift, your primary goal is to create openings for your carries to thrive. Whether it’s through effective roaming, starting skirmishes in the jungle, or landing pivotal crowd control abilities, your actions can set the stage for favorable trades and objectives.

Knowing When to Step Up

If you want to elevate your gameplay, it’s necessary to recognize when it’s time to take charge. The support role often involves aggression and caution—knowing when to go in and when to peel back can make all the difference in fights.

Team dynamics play a significant role in understanding when to step up. Pay close attention to the positioning and cooldowns of your teammates, as well as your enemies’. If your ADC is in a strong position, it might be the perfect moment to engage, especially if you have your ultimate available. Conversely, know when your teammates are vulnerable, and be ready to protect them instead.

Understanding Your Champion’s Power Spikes

An necessary aspect of maximizing your impact is understanding your champion’s power spikes throughout the game. Certain champions excel at specific points, whether due to item completion or leveling up important abilities.

To effectively leverage these power spikes, you should keep track of your item builds and the progress of both yours and your allies’ champions. For instance, if you’re playing a support like Leona, you become especially potent after reaching level 6 when you can use your ultimate to initiate fights. Being aware of these timings allows you to make informed decisions on when to engage or assist your teammates strategically.

Post-Laning Phase

Once again, the post-laning phase is where a Support’s impact can shift the game’s momentum, and your role adapts to meet the evolving needs of your team. It’s not just about setting up kills anymore; you need to become a key player in team strategy, objectives, and map control.

Transitioning Role in the Mid Game

An effective Support understands that their responsibilities change in the mid-game. You need to prioritize protecting your carries while enabling plays that can lead to advantages in team fights and objectives.

Focusing on Objectives

Assuming your team is on the same page, coordinating around objectives like towers, dragons, and Baron becomes paramount. As a Support, your job is to facilitate these plays by providing vision and peeling for your carries during engagements.

Game objectives can often define the outcome of a match. As the Support, you hold the key to controlling vision around these vital areas. Use your wards wisely to ensure your team can safely approach these objectives and deny information to the enemy. By tracking enemy movements and establishing control, you pave the way for your carries to shine during key moments.

Maintaining Map Control

PostLaning, map control becomes imperative to maintaining your team’s advantage. You should fill your inventory with vision wards and utilize trinkets effectively to provide information that can thwart enemy ambushes or prepare for strategic engagements.

Focusing on map control means constantly assessing the positioning of enemies and ensuring that you have eyes on important areas. When you and your team dominate vision, it opens opportunities for picks, secure objectives, and ensures you have the upper hand in skirmishes. Your proactive warding and de-warding will not only provide information but also help shape the pace and flow of the game as a whole.

Developing Your Skillset

All great support players have a well-rounded skill set that allows them to contribute significantly to their team’s success. To carry your team as a support, you need to focus on enhancing your abilities in several key areas, including game analysis, learning from professionals, and consistently practicing your mechanics.

Analyzing Your Games

While reviewing your gameplay is imperative for improvement. Look for mistakes or missed opportunities that could have changed the outcome of the match. By pinpointing areas where you struggled, you can develop strategies to avoid making the same errors in future games.

Watching Professional Supports

Skillset expansion comes from observing how professional support players perform in various situations. Watching their decision-making, positioning, and use of abilities can provide you with insights into effective playstyles. This knowledge can enhance your understanding of the role and inspire you to adopt new strategies.

Games played by top-tier supports are filled with lessons. Pay close attention to their communication with the team, their vision control, and even their itemization. This can help you grasp the nuances of high-level play and apply those concepts to your own games. Over time, this will lead to a stronger overall skill set and a more significant impact on your team’s performance.

Frequently Practicing Mechanics

Practicing your in-game mechanics is vital for your growth as a support player. Spend time in the practice tool to refine your last-hitting, skill shot accuracy, and crowd control timing. The more comfortable you become with your champion’s abilities, the more effectively you can contribute to team fights and objective control.

Watching your mechanics improve through regular practice translates to better overall gameplay. Incorporate drills that focus on your champion’s unique abilities and positioning. This consistent reinforcement will help you respond quickly to dynamic situations in matches, ultimately empowering you to make game-changing plays that can lead your team to victory.

Playing the Long Game

Not every game will go as planned, and your success as a support often hinges on your ability to play the long game. It’s about making decisions that pay off over time, rather than seeking immediate, short-term victories. This mindset not only helps you maintain focus but also increases your chances of turning the tide in a challenging match.

Adaptation and Flexibility

Flexibility is vital in adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of League of Legends. As a support, your primary role is to respond to your team’s needs, the enemy’s composition, and the ebb and flow of the match. Whether you need to switch tactics mid-game or change your positioning during skirmishes, being adaptable is key to creating opportunities for your team.

Managing Tilt and Frustrations

With every game, you may encounter situations that lead to frustration or tilt. It’s crucial to recognize when these feelings arise and develop strategies to counteract them. A clear mind allows you to focus on contributing positively to your team’s performance rather than letting negativity affect your gameplay.

Another effective strategy is to find a personal outlet for your frustrations, whether it’s taking a short break after a tough loss or engaging in a fun activity outside the game. Ultimately, keeping your emotions in check allows you to keep contributing positively and helps maintain a healthy team environment, where everyone can thrive together.

Importance of Consistency

Playing consistently is vital for a support player. Your contribution to the game often manifests in your ability to make reliable plays, communicate effectively, and provide vision control. Consistency in these areas not only builds trust with your teammates but also fosters a more stable environment in which your team can succeed.

The more consistent you are, the better your overall impact will be on the game. Falling into patterns of erratic play can lead to disastrous results, so strive to maintain a steady approach to each match. By focusing on reliable decision-making and ongoing communication, you lay the groundwork for your team’s success, regardless of varying in-game circumstances.

Final Words

From above, you have learned the necessary strategies and tips to elevate your impact as a Support in League of Legends. By focusing on vision control, effective communication, and timely engagement, you can significantly enhance your team’s performance. Your role is not just about protecting your carry but also about enabling opportunities for victory. With dedication and practice, you will develop the skills needed to be an indispensable asset to your team, proving that a well-played Support can turn the tide of any match.


Q: What is the primary responsibility of a Support in League of Legends?

A: The main duty of a Support player is to assist their team, particularly the AD Carry (ADC) in the bot lane, by providing vision control, crowd control, and healing or shielding. Supports aim to keep their teammates alive during skirmishes and team fights while creating opportunities for them to secure kills and objectives.

Q: How can I effectively ward as a Support?

A: Effective warding involves placing wards in strategic locations to monitor enemy movements and objectives. Always carry Control Wards and use your trinket wisely. Prioritize vision in key areas such as the river, jungle entrances, and around objectives like Dragon and Baron. Coordination with your team is key; communicate your vision plans and ensure they are aware of the locations of enemy wards as well.

Q: What types of items should a Support player focus on?

A: Support players should primarily focus on items that enhance their abilities to protect their team or disrupt enemies. Items like Redemption, Zeke’s Convergence, and Mikael’s Crucible provide utility and healing, while items like Locket of the Iron Solari can offer shields during team fights. Consider your champion’s strengths and the team composition when building your item set.

Q: How can I influence the early game as a Support?

A: In the early game, focus on harassing the enemy ADC and zoning them during trades without overextending. Prioritize vision control in the bot lane and river to prevent ganks. Engage in early skirmishes with your ADC when you have an advantage, and make rotations to help secure key objectives or assist other lanes when required.

Q: What champions are best for carrying the team as a Support?

A: Champions that can initiate fights or provide substantial utility often greatly impact the game. For initiating, champions like Leona or Alistar excel. For poke and zoning, consider Janna or Lulu. The choice of champion greatly depends on your team composition and the enemy’s picks; adapt your play style to what best supports your team’s strengths.

Q: How should I position myself during team fights?

A: Proper positioning in team fights as a Support is integral for success. Position yourself close enough to provide assistance through shields, heals, or crowd control, but not so close that you become an easy target. Be mindful of your surroundings to avoid being caught out, and prioritize protecting key damage dealers like your ADC or mid-laner while also looking for opportunities to engage or peel when necessary.

Q: How can I communicate effectively with my team as a Support?

A: Effective communication involves using pings and chat to inform your team about your plans, ward placements, and missing enemies. Regularly update your team on cooldowns of your spells and when your ultimate is available, as well as notifying them of opportunities for objectives or team fights. Encourage teamwork and coordinate plays whenever possible to enhance your team’s synergy.