Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video
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##StarCraft ##StarCraftRemastered #broodwar
0:00 Falcon Wakes Up!
5:11 Falcon Says Hello!
7:30 4v4 FME semizeu007
52:51 3v3 FME Nibbler
1:09:22 Admiral_Pride vs VaraRaRa TvP on Fighting #Spirit
1:59:59 herO vs piano ZvP on Polypoid
2:23:22 Blood Bath 2v2 TTvZZ
2:34:18 EgoDominus vs Ord TvZ on Fighting #Spirit
3:11:42 Phantom #1 CanIplayplz Striker DeadInfested verszivo Toma bigwan ToyCop kokomi
3:51:59 Phantom #2 JohnDoe Yimmy hamster Psychonuts Detroit sodiumghost Underwhelming Xtv
4:54:30 Phantom #3 gustav Toma 32A BabyTRex CanIplayplz Realultra LittleGuy RJB
5:42:21 Phantom #4 ToyCop SaviorSword hamster Realultra RJB BabyTRex Yimmy Striker
5:50:16 4v4 FME CanIplayplz/ChoboAvenger/hamster/BabyTRex vs PJ/bigwan/RJB/Striker
6:06:47 1v7 Hero FME bigwan zerg hero
6:21:38 1v7 Hero FME hamster terran hero
6:34:08 1v7 Hero FME RJB terran hero
#Starcraft Heroes – Jim Raynor.
Jim Raynor was born on Mar Sara and raised by his grandfather, who taught him much about hunting and shooting. As he grew older he fought in the unit ‘Heaven’s Devils’ against the Kel-Moria Combine, but was withdrawn for insubordination and met Tychus Findlay at Camp McIntyre, who would later serve him faithfully.
Planets #Starcraft – New Folsom.
Due to its rich mineral resources, attempts were made to set up mining colonies, but the first three attempts failed. New Folsom had the greatest concentration of catalytic elements in Confederacy territory. These are required to forge Neosteel.
#Starcraft Units – Infestor.
The Infestor is an offensive spellcaster, meaning that its abilities are used to harm enemy units rather than support the player’s units. It can be built after the #Zerg player has an Infestation Pit. The Infestor has three abilities: Neural Parasite, Fungal Growth, and Infested #Terran. Infestors can move while burrowed as long as Burrow has been researched.
#Starcraft Missions – Evolution of the swarm hosts.
Nine of the thirteen #Terran colonial worlds now lie in ruins. The #Protoss expeditionary force has largely retreated, and Emperor Mengsk is attempting to resurrect a new empire in the ruins of the #Terran Confederacy.
#Starcraft Buildings – Starport.
Initially, the Starport can only produce Vikings, Medivacs, or Liberators, one at a time — however, like Barracks and Factories, attaching add-ons increase this capability. Attaching a Reactor allows the Starport to produce two of these units at a time while attaching a Tech Lab allows a Starport to produce Banshees, Ravens and Battlecruisers (the latter also requiring a Fusion Core).
#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only official expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.
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